Examples of the the word, bargain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bargain ), is the 5196 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And denounce themselves in exchange for easy punishment. As part of this, bargain ,they would need to inform on other heretics. In addition, the inquisitors could
  2. The finite right to print and reprint those works. It established a pragmatic, bargain ,involving authors, the booksellers and the public. The Statute of Anne ended
  3. The stable, clearing out the dung rapidly. When Areas learned of Heracles ', bargain ,for the task, he refused payment. Heracles brought the case to court, and
  4. That he aid them against Mabel ode. Kill accepts the terms, but reneges on the, bargain ,until persuaded to assist. Forum is also stripped of his artificial eye, which
  5. Is sometimes required of a defendant who pleads guilty to a crime in a plea, bargain ,in exchange for a reduced sentence. In this instance, allocution can serve to
  6. In the Name of the Lord. Be silent as a stone! " But, Lilith was able to make a, bargain ,with Elijah. She promises to" forsake my evil ways" if Elijah will remove his
  7. That wins the bidding must then strive in the play of the hand to fulfil that, bargain ,by winning at least the contracted number of tricks if it is to obtain a score.
  8. Which chose Adams. Jackson's supporters denounced this result as a" corrupt, bargain ," because Clay gave his state's support to Adams, who subsequently appointed
  9. Normally spoken with conscious levity. **" I brought some cash in case I saw a, bargain , and my credit card to be sure to be sure. " Yes and no Irish lacks words that
  10. To" forsake my evil ways" if Elijah will remove his curse. To seal the, bargain ,she gives Elijah her names so that they can be posted in the houses of pregnant
  11. To be aware of what gives the best outcome. If the transaction was a" good, bargain ," contract generally gives a better result for the claimant. As an example
  12. His history of dishonesty, and because he was delivering it as part of a plea, bargain ,agreement after being convicted of conspiring to attack U. S. military
  13. Interest in resolving the criminal case by negotiation resulting in a plea, bargain , If the defendant waives a jury trial, a bench trial is held. In United States
  14. Glass after glass of gin and water. He denied that there had been a corrupt, bargain , and stated that such contributions were common to both political parties.
  15. Traditional fabrics, hand-woven carpets and leather products can be found at, bargain ,prices. Bakırcılar Cars (Bazaar of Copper smiths) is particularly popular
  16. By the followers of Jackson, who accused him of being a partner to a" corrupt, bargain ," to obtain Clay's support in the election and then appoint him Secretary of
  17. Secretary of State, convicted of withholding evidence, but after a plea, bargain ,was given only 2 years probation. Later pardoned by President George H. W. Bush
  18. Traffic). Nevertheless, the vast majority of cases are in fact settled by plea, bargain , which removes the need for a jury trial. Some commentators contend that the
  19. Confined in Carisbrooke Castle. From Carisbrooke, Charles continued to try to, bargain ,with the various parties. In direct contrast to his previous conflict with the
  20. A final duel with Tapping in his jail cell, defeating him. Syn then struck a, bargain ,with Tapping: If Tapping confessed to being the notorious pirate Cl egg, then
  21. Point out that most cases in adversarial systems are actually resolved by plea, bargain ,and settlement. Plea bargain as a system does not exist in an inquisitorial
  22. Adversarial systems are actually resolved by plea bargain and settlement. Plea, bargain ,as a system does not exist in an inquisitorial system. Most legal cases in
  23. Which is what Jefferson did. Recognizing the Louisiana Purchase as the land, bargain ,of the century, the Senate quickly ratified the treaty. The House, with equal
  24. Is poor. In addition, proponents of inquisitorial systems argue that the plea, bargain ,system causes the participants within the system to act in perverse ways, in
  25. Agreed at first though some became unwilling to fulfill their end of the, bargain ,after the end of the Scourge, wanting to have nothing to do with the
  26. Of harsh legal penalties. The usual incentive to cooperate is some form of plea, bargain ,i.e. an offer to drop or reduce criminal charges against a suspect in return
  27. Told reporters that she was innocent and that she had decided to take a plea, bargain ,due to the climate after the September 11 attacks, in which she felt an accused
  28. 1959. There is scant evidence that Alfred intended to fulfill his side of the, bargain , and he continued to receive royalties from the sequestered industries. Despite
  29. Owned and preserved. Even so, many into were sold to American soldiers at a, bargain ,price; in 1958 there were more Japanese swords in America than in Japan. The
  30. Its curse, but he laughs at them and says he prefers to die rather than to, bargain ,for his life. They swim away, predicting that Siegfried will die and that his
  31. S confirmation as Secretary of State, notwithstanding Jackson's" corrupt, bargain ," charge. At the same time, he opposed the Adams-Clay plans for internal
  32. National Security Adviser, convicted of withholding evidence, but after a plea, bargain ,was given only 2 years probation. Later pardoned by President George H. W. Bush
  33. To two counts of possessing explosives with intent to murder. As part of a plea, bargain , the other charges were dropped. Plea controversy Immediately after entering
  34. Of US criminal cases are not concluded with a jury verdict, but rather by plea, bargain , Both prosecutors and defendants often have a strong interest in resolving the
  35. Democrats were outraged, and claimed that Adams and Clay had struck a" corrupt, bargain , " This contention overshadowed Adams' term and greatly contributed to Adams '
  36. Renders Hat open to implanted commands. Bias programs Hat to offer Paul a, bargain ,when Chain dies: Chani's rebirth as a folk, and the hope that Duncan Idaho's
  37. That if he could get the patent for $25 million he would consider it a, bargain , By then, the Bell company no longer wanted to sell the patent. Bell's
  38. To remove his head, they would have to injure his neck, which was not in the, bargain ,) and Broker punished him by sealing his lips shut with wire. The ring was
  39. Him as" a nobody ". Francis, however,viewed Henry as a valuable tool to, bargain ,for England's aid and kept the Tudors under his protection. Edward IV died
  40. Of marriage. The term is originally from Old Norse handiest" to strike a, bargain ,by joining hands. ". Where the Gaelic scholar, Martin Martin, notes " It was an
  41. The fall),but others may buy because stocks become more and more of a, bargain ,(negative feedback - stabilizing the fall). George Soros used the word
  42. He pleaded not guilty to all 10 charges. As another result of Lindh's plea, bargain , a Son of Sam law was invoked. Any and all profits made from book deals or any
  43. Benefit consumers it can also make the ability of multinational companies to, bargain ,down wage costs even greater, in wealthier Western countries and developing
  44. Extradited from Toronto, arrested and charged with first-degree murder. A plea, bargain ,reduced the charge to involuntary manslaughter, and she served 15 months in
  45. The watch, or else her damages would be £50. ) If the transaction were a" bad, bargain ,", tort gives a better result for the claimant. If in the above example Mary
  46. Time: America's Most Wanted Recipes. On October 31, 2001,she accepted a plea, bargain ,and pled guilty to two counts of possessing explosives with intent to murder.
  47. And 1728,there were seven occasions when British ministers was prepared to, bargain ,Gibraltar away as part of his foreign policy. However, the Parliament
  48. Of power from his mother in front of witnesses. Jessica and Farad'n make a, bargain , Jessica will announce that she has come to Salsa of her own free will.
  49. To thirty years in prison, after the trial judge in the case accepted the plea, bargain ,and ruled that the defendant had been adequately apprised by his lawyer, Doris
  50. With friends and were finally discovered, drunk. Teach kept to his side of the, bargain ,and released the captured ships and his prisoners—albeit relieved of their

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