Examples of the the word, numerical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( numerical ), is the 5195 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Simply: it is concerned with defining and representing geometrical shapes in a, numerical ,way and extracting numerical information from shapes' numerical definitions
  2. Are often interpreted as binary digits and are usually denoted by the Arabic, numerical ,digits 0 and 1. The two values can also be interpreted as logical values (
  3. Started as a minor German offensive to relieve the pressure of the Russian, numerical ,superiority on the Austro-Hungarians, but the cooperation of the Central Powers
  4. Almost faultless. That he sustained defeat in 1809 was due in part to the great, numerical ,superiority of the French and their allies, and in part to the condition of his
  5. Up the RA and Dec coordinates in a book, and then move the telescope to those, numerical ,readings. Rather, the object is chosen from the database and arrow markers
  6. Capacities of, say,100 GB, when it contains 93 GiB of storage space. While the, numerical ,difference between the decimal and binary interpretations is small for the
  7. Bud Perth,1843; Aka. Sitter., Wien,1857,vols. xxiv. xxvi. ) the, numerical ,orders of the image, are consequently only odd powers; the condition for the
  8. Manholes to do so. He was also an expert in the history and calculation of the, numerical ,tables of mathematical functions, particularly logarithms. He devised new
  9. Types of punch cards were used: one for arithmetical operations, one for, numerical ,constants, and one for load and store operations, transferring numbers from the
  10. That it came originally from a foreign mythology, and that the accident of its, numerical ,value in Greek merely caused it to be singled out at Alexandria for religious
  11. Problems in electric power transmission that were too large to solve with, numerical ,methods at the time. * The tide-predicting machine conceived by Sir William
  12. ASCII was developed, the encoding in use included 26 alphabetic characters,10, numerical , digits,and from 11 to 25 special graphic symbols. To include all these, and
  13. Prefix with elision of any terminal vowel (-a or -o) from the basic, numerical ,term. Hence, pentane,C5H12; humane,C6H14; heptane,C7H16; octane,C8H18; etc.
  14. Shapes in a numerical way and extracting numerical information from shapes ', numerical ,definitions and representations. The numerical output, however,might also be a
  15. Animals * Ai (chimpanzee),a female chimp famous for showing surprising, numerical ,capability People, non-fictional * Ai (singer) (born 1981),Japanese
  16. About 190,000 volunteered, name "/NP"> Preschool"/> further enhancing the, numerical ,advantage the Union armies enjoyed over the Confederates, who did not dare
  17. That formulas for the variance may involve sums of squares, which can lead to, numerical ,instability as well as to arithmetic overflow when dealing with large values.
  18. Degree of precision. With a three or four digit precision, highly-accurate, numerical , seed,the total computation time necessary to reach the desired precision is
  19. Taft of Intermetrics between 1992 and 1995,improved support for systems, numerical , financial, and object-oriented programming (OOP). Notable features of Ada
  20. Intervals seemed more beautiful than others, and he found answers in terms of, numerical ,ratios representing the harmonic overtone series on a string. He is reputed to
  21. Or more carbon atoms are named by adding the suffix -ANE to the appropriate, numerical ,multiplier prefix with elision of any terminal vowel (-a or -o) from the
  22. Are taken to have the same form. For more rigorous and precise analysis,the, numerical ,approximations must be used. A given (hydrogen-like) atomic orbital is
  23. At all is contingent on one or more fundamental physical constants having, numerical ,values falling within quite a narrow range, and this is not a tautology; nor is
  24. Will lead to the average value artificially moving towards the middle of the, numerical ,range. A solution to this problem is to use the optimization formulation (viz
  25. Digital computers represent varying quantities incrementally, as their, numerical ,values change. Mechanical analog computers were very important in gun fire
  26. Can number them (, four ) but his causes for complaint are so many they beggar, numerical ,description, and he must invent his own word for them (, literally
  27. In a stream of input. Supervised learning includes both classification and, numerical ,regression. Classification is used to determine what category something belongs
  28. In general research on image formation, especially for systems with a high, numerical ,aperture, and in characterizing optical systems with respect to their
  29. The 13th fastest growing city in the nation, in terms of both percentage and, numerical ,increase. Since the 1990s,the number of immigrants from Latin America to
  30. By Karl Weierstrass in 1841. Other names for absolute value include" the, numerical ,value" The absolute value has the following four fundamental properties::
  31. Attacks on the Austro-Hungarian army in the Brasilia Offensive, recognizing the, numerical ,inferiority of the Austro-Hungarian army. By the end of September 1916
  32. Number of examples of things from several categories. Regression takes a set of, numerical ,input/output examples and attempts to discover a continuous function that would
  33. Data is represented by discrete approximations—such algorithms are studied in, numerical ,analysis; or # An algorithm in the form of a differential equation that
  34. Wendell discovers a compound of the initial letters, amounting to 365 in, numerical ,value, of four Hebrew and three Greek words, all written with Greek characters:
  35. Defining and representing geometrical shapes in a numerical way and extracting, numerical ,information from shapes' numerical definitions and representations. The
  36. Example classes are search algorithms, sorting algorithms, merge algorithms, numerical ,algorithms, graph algorithms, string algorithms, computational geometric
  37. For instance, exp (-x2) ), its definite integral can be approximated using, numerical ,integration * to calculate the (n times) repeated antiderivative of a
  38. That of piece today. Dates are usually written differently in the short (, numerical ,) form. Christmas Day 2000,for example, is 25/12/00 or 25.12.00 in the UK and
  39. It, and that intervals between harmonious sound frequencies form simple, numerical ,ratios. In a theory known as the Harmony of the Spheres, Pythagoras proposed
  40. And was moving in the right direction when he helped to close the gap between, numerical ,and geometric algebra, but the decisive step came later with Descartes. Analytic
  41. i.e. range violations, buffer overruns, type consistency, etc.). Ada supports, numerical ,types defined by a range, modulo types, aggregate types (records and arrays)
  42. Information from shapes' numerical definitions and representations. The, numerical ,output, however,might also be a vector or a shape. That the algebra of the
  43. Unrealistic, as these events are intrinsically unique and not capable of, numerical ,probabilistic modeling. Miles and others argued that the application of
  44. Unbranched, saturated hydrocarbon chains are named systematically with a Greek, numerical ,prefix denoting the number of carbons and the suffix" -ANE ". August Wilhelm
  45. Is numerical ly unstable when n_A \approx n_B and both are large, because the, numerical ,error in \bar x_B - \bar x_A is not scaled down in the way that it is in the
  46. Mayans. The quip of the Incas was a system of knotted cords used to record, numerical ,data, like advanced tally sticks – but not used to perform calculations.
  47. Linearly arranged board games have been shown to improve children's spatial, numerical ,understanding. This is because the game is similar to a number line in that
  48. Are usually identified by their n- and \ell-values. N is represented by its, numerical ,value, but \ell is represented by a letter as follows: 0 is represented by's '
  49. Mathematics, the absolute value (or modulus) | a | of a real number an is the, numerical ,value of a without regard to its sign. So, for example, the absolute value of 3
  50. Configuration itself and for its angular magnitude (which is simply a, numerical ,quantity). The word angle comes from the Latin word annulus, meaning " a

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