Examples of the the word, pertain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pertain ), is the 5199 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Language surname synonymous with Osama bin Laden (1957–2011),it may also, pertain ,to the Saudi Binding Group, a holding company for the assets of the bin Laden
  2. Reading of the Classics, ancient or modern. The issues he engages with, pertain ,to every philosophical discipline and concern a large profusion of concepts
  3. Martial arts, especially those from Asia, also teach side disciplines which, pertain ,to medicinal practices. This is particularly prevalent in traditional Chinese
  4. The topic of IPv4 to IPv6 application transition mechanisms. Other RFCs that, pertain ,IPv6 at the application level are: * RFC 3493,Basic Socket Interface
  5. As review in states that discourage the use of Latin). These cases usually, pertain ,to issues which different appellate courts within its jurisdiction have decided
  6. Of researchers. The following sections describe several hypotheses: some, pertain ,to the composition of the infectious agent (protein-only, protein with other
  7. Seeing red because he thinks it cannot believe that it is. For Random, beliefs, pertain , to concepts: without the latter there can be no former. Concepts are products
  8. While not being categorized per any one particular cuisine style, and can, pertain ,to innovations in many contemporary restaurant cuisines since the 1970s.
  9. Primary sources, artifacts,documents, photographs and publications that, pertain ,to the history of Saint Ignatius Church and School, the Catholic history of the
  10. That pick out the individuals and kinds that our thoughts intuitively, pertain ,to the sorts of things that we take them to. In the Ike/Tina example, one might
  11. Equation in the form of: R_ -\frack\, g_ + \Lambda\, g_ = T_ where R and g, pertain ,to the structure of spacetime, T pertain s to matter and energy (thought of as
  12. Attorney is typically not permitted to ask questions which do not, pertain ,to the testimony offered during direct examination, but most state courts do
  13. SWAK'walk semantic affixes phonologically attach not to the legume they, pertain ,to semantically, but to the preceding legume. Consider the following example (
  14. Of concepts. "" Erewhon" refers to the" nomadic distributions" that, pertain ,to simulacra, which " are not universals like the categories, nor are they the
  15. By respect, justice and goodwill. This later understanding of peace can also, pertain ,to an individual's sense of himself or herself, as to be" at peace" with one
  16. United States Laws from every stratum of the laws of the United States, pertain ,to environmental issues. The United States Congress has passed a number of
  17. In Soviet Russia, The Party can always find you! " Other popular memes usually, pertain ,to computing or technology, such as" Imagine a Beowulf cluster of these ","
  18. The normal Heisenberg uncertainty principle \Delta x \Delta p > h/2 does not, pertain ,to photons. A few substitute wave functions have been suggested for the photon
  19. We take them to. In the Ike/Tina example, one might agree that Ike's thoughts, pertain ,to Ike's mother and that Tina's thoughts pertain to Tina's but insist that
  20. And management. Laws dealing with pollution are often media-limited - i.e., pertain ,only to a single environmental medium, such as air, water (whether surface
  21. For employment as well as differences among employees. The constructs measured, pertain ,to job performance. With candidates for employment, individual assessment is
  22. Differential topology also deals with questions like these, which specifically, pertain ,to the properties of differentiable mappings on Rn (for example the tangent
  23. Vice versa, because it has been assumed that any figurative story that does not, pertain ,to the dominant beliefs of the time is not of the same status as those dominant
  24. There is research into the clinical relevance of behavioral phenotypes as they, pertain ,to a range of syndromes. Often, the term" phenotype" is incorrectly used as a
  25. Contract and tort-based legal systems, characteristic art styles (which may, pertain ,to specific cultures),monumental architecture, mathematics,science
  26. Decompositions of the spinor spaces. The most fundamental of these, pertain ,to Dirac's theory of the electron, among whose basic requirements are * A
  27. Of the agreement. Territory: a license may stipulate what territory the rights, pertain , too. For example, a license with a territory limited to" North America" (
  28. May connect to a computer utilizing computer networks. This concept does not, pertain ,to the primary storage, which is shared between multiple processors in a much
  29. Spinning in circles on the screen. The names of the levels change to somehow, pertain ,to Dope fish and on one level," Eight Ways to Hell ", there is a secret area
  30. 22 of the agreement that refers to property within the land but does not, pertain ,to the control of the canal and the right for the United States to renew the
  31. Conducted other investigations that were unsuccessful and abandoned. These, pertain ,to force, superconductivity,gravitational waves, and other research. Please
  32. Trip ", and healing means" he sailed ", while the unrelated ugh, te'Utah and AF, pertain ,to flight). Independent personal pronouns Common vocabulary Due to the Semitic
  33. Protein-only, protein with other components, virus,or other),while others, pertain ,to its mechanism of reproduction. Protein hypothesis Prior to the discovery of
  34. Not only in things which pertain to faith and morals, but also in those which, pertain ,to the discipline and government of the Church spread over the whole world; or
  35. Containing two or more families. These counts are from the 2006 census and, pertain ,to the Wellington region (which includes the surrounding area in addition to
  36. It was legally available in the US and Europe for nonmedical uses, and others, pertain ,to psychiatric treatment in the 1950s and 60s. Still others describe
  37. Cancer development from proton exposure. There are many more studies that, pertain ,to space travel, including galactic cosmic rays and their possible health
  38. And Policy Development. Registration Services, pertain ,to the technical coordination and inventory management of Internet number
  39. Making it among the best-known theropods. Skeletal remains from the quarry, pertain ,to individuals of almost all ages and sizes, from less than 1 meter (3.3 ft)
  40. Refracted at different angles. Mineral substances belonging to the cubic system, pertain ,only one index of refraction. *deposition from aqueous solutions and
  41. Presented in the state court proceeding. In addition to the modifications that, pertain ,to all areas cases, AEDPA enacted special review provisions for capital cases
  42. Management refers to the activities, methods,procedures, and tools that, pertain ,to the operation, administration,maintenance, and provisioning of networked
  43. Agree that Ike's thoughts pertain to Ike's mother and that Tina's thoughts, pertain ,to Tina's but insist that this is because Ike thinks of that woman as his
  44. c.4,000 B. C. -c.2,000 A. D.). Some maintain that those scriptural references, pertain ,to a spiritual death, although others disagree. It is clear, however,that the
  45. Power of jurisdiction over the universal Church, not only in things which, pertain ,to faith and morals, but also in those which pertain to the discipline and
  46. In the Jungian view, which is but one method of analysis, it may instead, pertain ,to unconscious psychological patterns, instincts or archetypes of the mind.
  47. With smaller and greater allegories. Two of the debated allegorical sections, pertain ,to the exit from the underworld and to Pallas's belt. There are two gates of
  48. Managing Internet number resources. Organization Services, pertain ,to interaction between stakeholders, ARIN members, and AKIN. Services include:
  49. The problems of achieving high recognition accuracy under stress and noise, pertain ,strongly to the helicopter environment as well as to the jet fighter
  50. Intelligence, as opposed to qualities like size and aggression, which, pertain , to mate selection in other primates. Such advantageous qualities thereby become

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