Examples of the the word, points , in a Sentence Context

The word ( points ), is the 5205 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The height of the human body part of DER2 is 165 cm. There are 47 mobile, points , DER2 can not only change its expression but also move its hands and feet and
  2. To the treatment of them as though they were inanimate things To reinforce his, points , Schopenhauer referred to anecdotal reports of the look in the eyes of a monkey
  3. Periodic trends, being the heaviest known halogen, with melting and boiling, points ,being higher than those of lighter halogens. Like the lighter halogens, it is
  4. The defenses took the form of a moat and earthen dikes, with gates at transit, points , but otherwise no masonry superstructures. The original plans have been lost
  5. To directing consumers toward the greenest companies, gave Apple a score of 52, points , out of a possible 100,which puts Apple in their top category" Striding ".
  6. Necessary: an informal definition: For a detailed presentation of the various, points ,of view around the definition of" algorithm" see Algorithm characterizations.
  7. Are they demonstrable by mathematical proofs, simply because they are starting, points ,; there is nothing else from which they logically follow (otherwise they would
  8. Or the skill of its players. The maximum possible score in this game is 99,990, points , after which it" rolls over" back to zero. Other common terms for this bug
  9. Disasters to the coming of the French Revolution. The Dutch clearly lost on all, points , The Spanish had a mixed result; they did not achieve their primary war goal (
  10. The concepts of unique identification (using natural numbers called code, points ,) and encoding (to 8-,16- or 32-bit binary formats, called UTF-8,UTF-16 and
  11. Common). However, the chain of carbon atoms may also be branched at one or more, points , The number of possible isomers increases rapidly with the number of carbon
  12. Conversely, the UTF-8 encoding forms are binary-compatible with ASCII for code, points ,below 128,meaning all ASCII is valid UTF-8. The other encoding forms resemble
  13. Of poverty and his narrator’s cool approach towards them create" two opposing, points ,of view" that" alienate the reader, perhaps unconsciously, from a narrator
  14. George W. Bush won Alabama's nine electoral votes by a margin of 25 percentage, points ,with 62.5 % of the vote, mostly white voters. The 11 counties that voted
  15. Minerals, hazards encountered by spaceships traveling between two other, points , and as a threat to life on Earth by potential impact. Generally, to allocate
  16. Added to the chain; this rule applies to other homologous series. The melting, points ,of branched-chain alkanes can be either higher or lower than those of the
  17. ASCII and 256 ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) characters are assigned Unicode/UCS code, points ,that are the same as their codes in the earlier standards. Therefore, ASCII can
  18. Union control of the Mississippi River and is considered one of the turning, points ,of the war. Grant marched to the relief of Rosecrans and defeated Bragg at the
  19. Nose, and so on of a certain person. The robot expresses its face by moving all, points ,to the decided positions, they say. The first version of the robot was first
  20. Characters in common but assign other locally-useful characters to several code, points ,reserved for" national use. " However, the four years that elapsed between the
  21. This was an increase from May 2008,when Climate Counts only gave Apple 11, points , out of a 100,which placed the company last among electronics companies, at
  22. Old Scott Saran of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, set a world record of 41,336,440, points , on the arcade game Asteroids. He beat the 40,101,910 point score set by Leo
  23. Employed during an aikido technique. Some view ate mi as attacks against" vital, points ," meant to cause damage in and of themselves. For instance, Gōzō Soda
  24. Number, cetane being an old name for headcase. However, the higher melting, points ,of these alkanes can cause problems at low temperatures and in polar regions
  25. Move faster and are more difficult to hit. Smaller asteroids also score higher, points , Periodically, a flying saucer appears on one side of the screen and moves
  26. Tennis players. Playing style Early in his career, Agassi would look to end, points ,quickly, typically by inducing a weak return with a deep, hard shot, and then
  27. Is a God. However, earlier thinkers and written works have promoted agnostic, points ,of view. They include Protagoras, a 5th-century BCE Greek philosopher, and the
  28. Character set. It did not make any additional codes available, so the same code, points ,encoded different characters in different countries. Escape codes were defined
  29. Gained its independence. Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau served as stop-over, points ,for Cuban troops on their way to Angola to fight UNITS rebels and South African
  30. With each point possessing three degrees of freedom. This one has 17 facial, points , for a total of 56 degrees of freedom. As for the materials they used, the WD-2
  31. Once other countries did begin to make their own assignments to these code, points , ISO/IEC 646,like ASCII, was a 7-bit character set. It did not make any
  32. Spiritual and philosophical aspects of aikido. As a result, strikes to vital, points ,by age, entering (Irish) and initiation of techniques by age, the
  33. Geometrically a better average value: there is lower dispersion about it (the, points ,are both 1° from it, and 179° from 180°,the putative average). In general
  34. The WD-2 robot can change its facial features by activating specific facial, points ,on a mask, with each point possessing three degrees of freedom. This one has 17
  35. Bracket and brace characters of ASCII were assigned to" national use" code, points ,that were used for accented letters in other national variants of ISO/IEC 646
  36. Space Duel and Tempest. Gameplay The objective of Asteroids is to score as many, points ,as possible by destroying asteroids and flying saucers. The player controls a
  37. Its face. At first, the creators decided the positions of the necessary, points ,to express the outline, eyes,nose, and so on of a certain person. The robot
  38. Lost as rail lines are decreasing; farmers typically truck the grain to central, points , Alberta is the leading beekeeping province of Canada, with some beekeepers
  39. Particularly true for isolates (2-methyl isomers),which often have melting, points ,higher than those of the linear analogues. Conductivity and Solubility Alkanes
  40. Need only a 3D scanner to determine the locations of an individual's 17 facial, points , After that, they are then driven into position using a laptop and 56 motor
  41. In his Sport Quarto S1,and helped place Audi second in the manufacturers ', points , Audi also received rally honors in the Hong Kong to Beijing rally in that
  42. Respect to details about the true quality of Huxley's eyesight at specific, points ,in his life, there are differing accounts. Around 1939,Huxley encountered the
  43. Clean them up into perfect vector representations (with modifiable control, points ,and defined vertices) of what the user was attempting to draw. " Shapes" and
  44. Song and the backgrounds of its authors in depth. ISBN 1-58648-085-5. The book, points ,out that the poem has the same meter as that of" AFLD Lang Sine "; the songs
  45. In law, an abstract is a brief statement that contains the most important, points ,of a long legal document or of several related legal papers. Abstract of title
  46. To explicitly cite Einstein's axioms, the more so since they concern subtle, points ,on the" reality" and" locality" of experiments. In any respect, the role of
  47. Euclid demands of us that we agree that some things can be done,e.g. any two, points ,can be joined by a straight line, etc. Ancient geometer maintained some
  48. Lincoln had learned from General Winfield Scott the need to control strategic, points , such as the Mississippi River; and he also knew well the importance of
  49. Between the works A Modest Proposal and Apology. In structure, Johnson, points , out the same central theme, that of cannibalism and the eating of babies as
  50. The dominant role of Indianian languages in the region. At multiple, points , the land has been incorporated within large regional empires, among them the

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