Examples of the the word, blanket , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blanket ), is the 5211 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Swagger#p2830,who were known to dance the Flea Hop. Later" shag" became a, blanket ,term that signified a broad range of jitterbugging (swing dancing). In the
  2. Audiences. In the past, the most efficient way to deliver a message was to, blanket ,the largest mass market audience possible. However, usage tracking, customer
  3. Restriction upon freedom of expression. It does not have a policy of, blanket ,opposition to all laws on campaign finance. While the ACLU does oppose the use
  4. Should not, of course, lead one to conclude that there are grounds for a, blanket ,exculpation of homosexuality as mental illness .... people do not ordinarily
  5. Were true. Clarence Thomas refused to take a polygraph test. Thomas made a, blanket ,denial of the accusations, claiming this was a" high-tech lynching ". After
  6. By forests of oak, ash,elm, hazel,yew, and other native trees. The growth of, blanket ,bog and the extensive clearing of woodland to facilitate farming are believed
  7. When in fact she should have been floppy, and that nobody opened the baby's, blanket ,to check. The BBC say a great deal of research was undertaken such as talking
  8. Pressure much of the time. Many areas of the province are often covered by a, blanket ,of heavy cloud and low fog during winter, despite sunny summers. Annual
  9. Free blanket s in coach and sell an $8 packet that includes a pillow and, blanket ,starting May 1. Advantage Founded in 1981,Advantage is the frequent flyer
  10. For two additional years. He produced a series of interlinked titles under the, blanket ,sobriquet" The Fourth World ", which included a trilogy of new titles — New
  11. Weave, developed a defensive strategy against kamikazes called the" big blue, blanket ,". This recommended larger combat air patrols (CAP),further from the
  12. Of Health and Medicine in Maryland. Aftermath Booth's body was shrouded in a, blanket ,and tied to the side of an old farm wagon for the trip back to Belle Plain.
  13. His incompetence and excess weight, making him the platoon scapegoat. After a, blanket ,party from the rest of the platoon for failing almost everything and earning
  14. Increase this number through the foundation of Roman colonies that were granted, blanket ,citizenship. These colonies were often made out of existing communities
  15. Eat the doughnut. As a result, during one night the platoon hazes Pyle with a, blanket ,party, pinning him to his bunk with a blanket and beating him with bars of soap
  16. Later. Harris and the other officers wrapped General Johnston's body in a, blanket ,so as not to damage the troops' morale with the sight of the dead general.
  17. In literature written by visually able authors It is impossible to make a, blanket ,generalization about how the blind were treated in literature beyond that point
  18. He and many other immigrants slept on bunk beds in a huge hall. Lacking a warm, blanket , the young man" shivered, sleepless,all night, listening to snores" and
  19. People. Extensive pre-bog field systems have been discovered under the, blanket ,bog, particularly along the North Mayo coastline in Ferris and north Trawler at
  20. The adoption of a comprehensive insurance law in late 1994,which provides a, blanket ,of confidentiality with regulated statutory gateways for investigation of
  21. To presumed methods of dice control, of which the best was known as the" army, blanket ,roll ". In the modern African American community, the game of street craps is
  22. Pindar and the tragedians, Agamemnon was slain in a bath by his wife alone,a, blanket ,of cloth or a net having first been thrown over him to prevent resistance.
  23. And inflated to create a large cushion. The resulting cushion acts as a thermal, blanket ,to the structure. The PTFE material is resistant to most stains, which simply
  24. HES and Patti are also manufactured with wool or cotton. HES is a form of, blanket ,with a field of black white and Patti has a white ground base. Cholistanis now
  25. The platoon hazes Pyle with a blanket party, pinning him to his bunk with a, blanket ,and beating him with bars of soap wrapped in towels. Following this, Pyle
  26. Of a digital signal, where an analog" carrier" ( smoke) is modulated with a, blanket ,to generate a digital signal (puffs) that conveys information. * Morse code
  27. Or buff, windblown (eolian) sediment. It generally occurs as a widespread, blanket ,deposit that covers areas of hundreds of square kilometers and tens of meters
  28. One of the most dense road systems of the world. German motorways have no, blanket ,speed limit. However, posted limits are in place on many dangerous or congested
  29. Bidding nations to agree to implement special laws for the World Cup, including, blanket , tax exemption for FIFA and sponsors, and limitation of workers' rights. It
  30. Compnies. Controversies Insurance insulates too much By creating a" security, blanket ," for its insureds, an insurance company may inadvertently find that its
  31. Their cabins are seldom a protection against the weather ... a bed or a, blanket ,is a rare luxury... and nearly in all their pig and a manure heap constitute
  32. Motor, remove a small part of the target spacecraft’s thermal protection, blanket , connect to a fuel-pressure line and deliver the propellant. " MDA officials
  33. World Bank, have begun to develop programs aimed at curbing deforestation. The, blanket ,term Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (RED)
  34. Modified products. In 2007 the New South Wales government extended a, blanket ,moratorium on GM food crops until 2011,but approved GM Canola for commercial
  35. Dr. Gero's artificial creations) are referred to as jinzouningen, which is a, blanket ,term in Japanese science fiction applying to robots and androids, as well as
  36. Rock, or when as volcanic material such as volcanic ash or lava flows, blanket ,the surface. Igneous intrusions such as batholiths, laccoliths, dikes,and
  37. Governors can exercise complete executive authority if they wish through, blanket ,powers reserved to them in the constitution. They must give Royal Assent to all
  38. Basic techniques or stitches of the earliest work—chain stitch, buttonhole or, blanket ,stitch, running stitch, satin stitch, cross stitch—remain the fundamental
  39. Before Maryland's ratification on March 1,1781. The Articles provided for a, blanket ,acceptance of Canada into the United States if it chose to do so. It did not
  40. Anxiety or fear may itself be a medical condition falling under the, blanket ,term" anxiety disorder ". Such conditions came under the aegis of psychiatry
  41. And to avoid confusion with the concept of the" Caucasian race" ) is a, blanket ,term for two language phyla spoken chiefly in the north Caucasus and). Many
  42. Craps became popular among soldiers, who often played it using an Army, blanket ,as a shooting surface. With no backboard or sidewalk curb to hit against, this
  43. In North Mayo, where the ground cover was fragile, thin soils washed away and, blanket ,bog covered the land farmed by the Neolithic people. Extensive pre-bog field
  44. Cults and practices of the neighboring Canaanite nations rather than a, blanket ,condemnation of same-sex intercourse or homosexuality. Reform authorities
  45. Leading public congregational prayers. Conservative Judaism has developed a, blanket ,justification for women leading all or virtually all such prayers, holding that
  46. Parts of the plate which are to print. The ink is then offset onto a rubbery, blanket ,(to prevent water from soaking the paper) and then finally to the paper. When
  47. Variety of different training and experience levels, it is not possible to make, blanket ,statements about the regulation or safety record of general aviation. At one
  48. States the most common terms used are ALS (both specifically for ALS and as a, blanket ,term) or" Lou Gehrig's disease ". Amyotrophic comes from the Greek language:
  49. Have mixed seating. Hard and much of Modern Orthodox Judaism has a, blanket ,prohibition on women leading public congregational prayers. Conservative
  50. ICC). Climate change The Greenland ice sheet is thick and broad enough to, blanket ,an area the size of Mexico. The ice is so massive that its weight presses the

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