Examples of the the word, epidemic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( epidemic ), is the 5214 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Two government employees approach him, and he flees. Despite the ending of the, epidemic , Narrow contracts the plague and dies after a heroic struggle. Rieux's wife
  2. Projects and has assisted many organizations in the fight against the HIV/AIDS, epidemic ,in Botswana. Botswana is one of the 15 focus countries for PEPPER, the
  3. Not escape death from the disease. Cottar is distressed by the ending of the, epidemic , from which he has profited by shady dealings. Two government employees
  4. Arts, and the Tsimshian people, whose population were decimated by a smallpox, epidemic ,in the 1860s. The Aleutian Islands are still home to the Aleut people's
  5. Rate and are thought by many epidemiologists to mark the outbreak of the, epidemic , from which they could easily have spread to China and India. In October 2010
  6. Side of the Spanish Civil War have left him disillusioned. When the plague, epidemic ,is virtually over, Tarrou becomes one of its last victims, but puts up a heroic
  7. Americans. De Allow and many of the colonists died shortly afterwards of an, epidemic ,and the colony was abandoned, leaving the escaped slaves behind on North
  8. At stake and warns the authorities that unless steps are taken immediately,the, epidemic ,could kill off half the town's population of two hundred thousand within a
  9. That Washington's decision to have his troops inoculated against the smallpox, epidemic ,was one of his most important decisions. More than 25,000 American
  10. Is arrested. Grand begins working on his sentence again. Room reflects on the, epidemic ,and reaches the conclusion that there is more to admire than to despise in
  11. So that the site became like a village. The onset of famine and a dysentery, epidemic ,created fresh problems. Much of the building work was carried out with the help
  12. Infects and mortality may go as high as 90 % of the infected horses during an, epidemic , Bruce Parts is a computer programmer and advocate in the open source
  13. Era, disease claimed more lives than battle. Between 1775 and 1782,a smallpox, epidemic ,raged across much of North America, killing more than 130,000 people. Historian
  14. And veterinarians may identify a bioweapons attack early in the course of an, epidemic , permitting the prophylaxis of disease in the vast majority of people (and/or
  15. Had been led to seediness to pay their taxes. The most significant plague, epidemic ,though began in Attica in 1688,an occasion that caused the massive migration
  16. His mind. He then decides to join Narrow and Dr. Room to help fight the, epidemic , Part three In mid-August, the situation continues to worsen. People try to
  17. Water Widespread arsenic contamination of groundwater has led to a massive, epidemic ,of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh and neighboring countries. As of this
  18. To make money by selling contraband cigarettes and inferior liquor. When the, epidemic ,ends,Cottard's moods fluctuate. Sometimes he is sociable, but at other times
  19. Was reported in 2003. CA-MRSA (Community-acquired MRSA) has now emerged as an, epidemic ,that is responsible for rapidly progressive, fatal diseases including
  20. But also hierarchy deference to the privileged class. “ Puritanism ... and the, epidemic ,evangelism of the mid-eighteenth century, had created challenges to the
  21. Recognizes that AIDS will affect the economy and is trying to combat the, epidemic , including free antiretroviral drug treatment and a nation-wide Prevention of
  22. John Lambert argued that“ strong circumstantial evidence suggests the smallpox, epidemic ,which ravaged Aborigines in 1789,may have resulted from deliberate infection ”
  23. The disease. He urges the authorities to take action to stop the spread of the, epidemic , However, at first, along with everyone else, the danger the town faces seems
  24. To biofuel production and trade restrictions imposed by several countries. An, epidemic ,of stem rust on wheat caused by race Ug99 is currently spreading across Africa
  25. 1931 (76 cases),and 1944 (95 cases),were very far from the scale of the, epidemic ,described in the novel. The Plague is considered an existentialist classic
  26. Of the San Francisco Bay. Local histories document that the California plague, epidemic ,began at the Russian fort soon after they left. It is possible that the
  27. Was wiped out before the plague disappeared in the 700s. After 750,major, epidemic ,diseases did not appear again in Europe until the Black Death of the 14th
  28. Became increasingly dependent on goods imported by Japanese, and suffered from, epidemic ,diseases such as smallpox. Although trade contributed to better understandings
  29. Sermon, given during the first month of the plague, Paneloux describes the, epidemic ,as the" flail of God," through which God separates the wheat from the chaff
  30. Of the situation. He labors hard to make an anti-plague serum, but as the, epidemic ,continues, he shows increasing signs of wear and tear. *Cottar: Cottar lives
  31. Be superficial. Room returns to the theme at the end of the novel, after the, epidemic ,is over, when the depth of the feelings of exile and deprivation is clear from
  32. The plague has on a populace. The novel is believed to be based on the cholera, epidemic ,that killed a large percentage of Oran's population in 1849 following French
  33. As when he refers to the plague in terms that describe an enemy in war:" the, epidemic ,was in retreat all along the line; victory was won and the enemy was abandoning
  34. In March 1943,40,000 Germans were buried in a mass grave, victims of a typhus, epidemic , In and around the city and an additional nine armies in the encirclement
  35. S population of two hundred thousand within a couple of months. During the, epidemic , Room heads an auxiliary hospital and works long hours treating the victims.
  36. The rubbish she wrote would have been totally forgotten. In 1831,a cholera, epidemic ,broke out in Berlin and Schopenhauer left the city. Schopenhauer settled
  37. Protection from eavesdropping using a scanner. In the 1990s," cloning" was an, epidemic ,that cost the industry millions of dollars. An eavesdropper with specialized
  38. Gathers information from what he has personally seen and heard regarding the, epidemic , as well as from the diary of another character, Tarrou, who makes observations
  39. Have also revealed significant reductions of MRSA as well as two strains of, epidemic ,MRSA (EMRSA-1 and EMRSA-16) on brass (C24000 with 80 % Cu) at room
  40. Fast food advertising that targets children was an important factor in the, epidemic ,of childhood obesity in the United States. In New Zealand, South Africa, Canada
  41. To Kendal to become headmaster of Stramongate School. He died in the typhoid, epidemic ,which swept England in 1884. When his father died, his mother was left to bring
  42. 731 air-dropped plague-contaminated fleas on Change. These operations caused, epidemic ,plague outbreaks. Many operations were ineffective due to inefficient delivery
  43. That a great famine occurred on average every seventy years; accompanied by, epidemic ,disease, it might kill one-third or one-half of the population, destroying the
  44. By 179 United Nations Member States in 2000. Economists and activists consider, epidemic ,diseases (AIDS, malaria,tuberculosis) as crucial factors in and consequences
  45. As more and more deaths quickly ensue, it becomes apparent that there is an, epidemic , Authorities, including the Prefect’M. Othón, are slow to accept that the
  46. Smallpox killed at least 30 % of the Pacific Northwest First Nations. This, epidemic ,was the first and the most devastating of a number that were to follow, other
  47. S All the Myriad Ways, where the reality of all possible universes leads to an, epidemic ,of suicide and crime because people conclude their choices have no moral import
  48. Of Strasbourg in the Alsace region of Occupied France. Due to a typhus, epidemic , the candidates chosen for the skeleton collection were quarantined in order to
  49. Recognizing the paradox of hunger in the developing world amidst an obesity, epidemic ,in the United States, the curriculum is followed by an opportunity for students
  50. And ordered his commanders to expel the invaders from his kingdom. A serious, epidemic ,broke out in the Mughal camp at Mathurapur, which took away the lives of

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