Examples of the the word, depart , in a Sentence Context

The word ( depart ), is the 5202 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To fail. If dynamic re-routing is established, even if one or more nodes, depart ,and abandon a downloading file, for example, the remaining nodes should still
  2. Was attacked by assailants believed to be of the Issac which prompted him to, depart ,for France. However, his hasty return on August 18 sparked off fierce
  3. With the truth revealed Wolverine and Taken decide to kill Romulus. As the two, depart ,Wolverine tells Xavier that he forgives him for all the dark moments in
  4. Partner to choose one of them. Variations on the basic themes Bidding systems, depart ,from these basic ideas in varying degrees. Standard American, for instance, is
  5. Be reached by daily international trains. Trains to southern and western Sweden, depart ,every 20 minutes. (A special ticket fare system exists between the Copenhagen
  6. They will usually take the more scenic routes to destinations. They generally, depart ,from the capital Bridgetown or from Hightstown in the northern part of the
  7. Were accommodated on board. As a result, when the aircraft attempted to, depart , it was over its maximum takeoff weight by and was carrying one more passenger
  8. If it pleases our Lord, I will take six of them to Your Highnesses when I, depart , in order that they may learn our language. " He remarked that their lack of
  9. Agencies. The extent to which state environmental laws are based on or, depart ,from federal law varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Thus, while a permit
  10. Leave from the Boyle Street Bus Station in the city center. Long distance buses, depart ,from Boyle Street Bus Station to destinations throughout Ireland. Buses are
  11. To the 1789 Book of Common Prayer says" this Church is far from intending to, depart ,from the Church of England in any essential point of doctrine, discipline,or
  12. Out," he both compelled them to stand when he pleased, and permitted them to, depart ,when he thought good. " Romanticism and modern revivals From the 18th century
  13. Ends a brief war between France and England. *1498 – Vasco da Gama decides to, depart ,Cali cut and return to Portugal. *1521 – The Ottoman Turks capture
  14. Purposes. After a brief adventure in the" Vanishing Tower ", the other heroes, depart ,and Forum and Chary arrive at their version of Taylor. Forum discovers one of
  15. Midnight, arriving in outlying islands at breakfast time. Return trips often, depart ,around midday. But service schedules are approximate only and delays or
  16. The path of the faithful shall never be blocked. The faithful shall, depart ,with honor and fame. The faithful do not follow empty religious rituals. The
  17. Of her husband; for this God punishes him, saying that the sword shall never, depart ,from his house. For the remainder of his reign there are problems: one of his
  18. Private companies connect all major cities. Although intercity buses rarely, depart ,on schedule but rather wait until all the tickets are sold. They are the most
  19. Scholz, and as recent as Eichmann — whereby his researches were emboldened to, depart ,from the received text as used in churches. These early textual studies
  20. Is notoriously difficult, as many factors may cause a comet's brightness to, depart ,drastically from predictions. Broadly speaking, if a comet has a large and
  21. Do not have to declare security, and so that passengers whose flights, depart ,from Concourse C can use the Admiral's Club, located in Concourse D. Concourse
  22. Agamemnon gathered the reluctant Greek forces to sail for Troy. Preparing to, depart ,from Rules, which was a port in Boeotia,Agamemnon's army incurred the wrath
  23. Then an end, and invite all believing Christians to participate. Some groups, depart ,from this traditional liturgical structure. A division is often made between "
  24. Of connivance by Silicon, who supposedly had again received orders to, depart , Alaric then crossed the Gulf of Corinth and marched with the plunder of Greece
  25. Of life, compelled them to read the Holy Scriptures, and ordered them not to, depart ,from the ceremonies of their worship. They also provided that their children
  26. The whole church throughout the world confesses; antiquity, if we in no wise, depart ,from those interpretations which it is manifest were notoriously held by our
  27. Farewell" ( added for Nancy Walker playing the role of Domino as she and Senex, depart ,for the country). The production ran 156 performances, but had to close soon
  28. Kill Laos in revenge for the death of his sister, Schala. As Crono's friends, depart , the Ocean Palace rises into the air as the Black Omen. The group turns to
  29. And their condition and seaworthiness varies considerably. Many services, depart ,from Praia at about midnight, arriving in outlying islands at breakfast time.
  30. Depending on the distance and can be flagged down at the side of the road. They, depart ,once enough passengers have been secured and have no timetable. Generally they
  31. Conserved, that C-symmetry and CP-symmetry are violated and that the Universe, depart ,from thermodynamic equilibrium. All these conditions occur in the Standard
  32. Minute/790 MiB and 99 minute/870 MiB discs, although they are less common (and, depart ,from the Orange Book standard outright. ) Also, due to the limitations of the
  33. And leave. The V&A also hosts the Nelson Mandela Gateway, through which ferries, depart ,for Robbed Island. It is possible to take a ferry from the V&A to Out Bay
  34. Had made it through the airport security checkpoint. Flight 77 was scheduled to, depart ,for Los Angeles at 08:10; 58 passengers boarded through Gate D26,including the
  35. Prayer, Versicles. The phrase" till death us do part" (" till death us, depart ," before 1662) has been changed to" till death do us part" in some more
  36. Three punishments from God for this sin. First, that the" sword shall never, depart ,from your house" ( 2 Samuel 12:10) second, that " Before your very eyes I
  37. In the country. The aforementioned highways are DR-1,DR-2,and DR-3,which, depart ,from Santo Domingo towards the northern (Ciao),southwestern (SUR),and
  38. Emperor by proxy. *1606 – The Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery, depart ,England carrying settlers who found, at Jamestown, Virginia,the first of the
  39. Hop off before a ride even begins. In the final strip, Calvin and Hobbes, depart ,on their toboggan to go exploring. Books There are 18 Calvin and Hobbes books
  40. Moving into another plane of existence, becoming invisible to the Maiden. They, depart ,and Forum is found by a member of the Pharaoh, an old enemy of the Vantage.
  41. Better hunter than the goddess. When the Greek fleet was preparing at Rules to, depart ,for Troy to begin the Trojan War, Artemis becalmed the winds. The seer Catches
  42. The man who had exacted so many casualties from him, Abimelech allows David to, depart , exclaiming,“ Am I so short of madmen that you have to bring this fellow here
  43. God. Yahweh causes Pharaoh to change his mind about allowing the Israelites to, depart ,; he pursues them, but God destroys the Egyptian army at the crossing of the Red
  44. CSN received the advice from his pilots to take the midnight high tide to, depart ,back over the bar toward the CS Navy base at Norfolk until noon of the next day
  45. Le Cor busier. In his analysis of Alto, Giedion gave primacy to qualities that, depart ,from direct functionality, such as mood, atmosphere,intensity of life and even
  46. You run away, Phyllis?) Anonymous madrigal # Non part, ritrosetta (Do not, depart , maiden averse to love) Anonymous Antonietta # SU, Su, Su, pastorelli mezzos
  47. Punishment, but the righteous into life eternal. (KJV) And these will, depart ,into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life. (
  48. 1986 book, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, John Barrow and Frank Tiller, depart ,from Carter and define the WAP and SAP as follows: Weak anthropic principle (
  49. Fly direct from London Gatwick every Thursday to Sal and Praia. Outbound times, depart ,LGW 12.45pm and arrive in SID 17.05pm with return flights to the UK depart ing SID
  50. President Macias in 1969 led to a request that all Spanish troops immediately, depart , and many civilians left at the same time. Diplomatic relations

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