Examples of the the word, fatal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fatal ), is the 5210 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Body was found there is a very steep rocky embankment - which would have been, fatal ,in the dark. After Alexander's death, his strong realm was plunged into a
  2. As barbiturates and benzodiazepines, withdrawal from alcohol dependence can be, fatal ,if it is not properly managed. Alcohol's primary effect is the increase in
  3. Nutritional deficiencies, and sexual dysfunction, and can eventually be, fatal , Other physical effects include an increased risk of developing cardiovascular
  4. Serotonin, and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). Because there are potentially, fatal ,interactions between this class of medication and certain foods (particularly
  5. Gases like ammonia, methyl chloride and propane, which could result in, fatal ,accidents when they leaked. Thomas Middle, Jr. created the first
  6. In the duel Dickinson shot Jackson in the ribs before Jackson returned the, fatal ,shot; Since Dickinson was considered an expert shot, Jackson and his friend
  7. He fell into a state of settled melancholia. His enemies maintained that the, fatal ,issue of this accident disqualified him for his office, and argued that, though
  8. Has now emerged as an epidemic that is responsible for rapidly progressive, fatal ,diseases including necrotizing pneumonia, severe sepsis and necrotizing
  9. Often thoracic and distal to the left subclavian artery and frequently quickly, fatal ,Abimelech (also spelled Abilene or Avimelech;) was a common name of the
  10. To join the melee, but reprimands Alex for fighting them off. She sustains a, fatal ,blow to the head during the scuffle. Analysis Title Burgess gave three possible
  11. A likely scenario. Without the LM, the accident would certainly have been, fatal , Crew survival and return journey The damage to the Service Module made safe
  12. Early European rally races ended in 1903 when Marcel Renault was involved in a, fatal ,accident near Angulate in the Paris-Madrid race. Nine fatal ities caused the
  13. Daily living such as self-care, feeding,and transportation. MND is typically, fatal ,within 2–5 years. Around 50 % die within 14 months of diagnosis. The remaining
  14. Protect them from the Chile fluid. Cephalothorax is not necessarily, but often, fatal , History Sight hounds are among the oldest recognizable types of dogs, and
  15. Which can be life-threatening. * Antipsychotics increase the likelihood of a, fatal ,heart attack, with the risk of death increasing with dose and the length of
  16. In a later generation, he was trained by the centaur Chiron. He fell to the, fatal ,wrath of Artemis, but the surviving details of his transgression vary:" the
  17. b. 1858) *1944 – Elmer Gideon, one of two Major League Baseball, fatal ,casualties during World War II. *1947 – King Christian X of Denmark (b. 1870)
  18. Large and flamboyant women. Poirot had never been able to rid himself of the, fatal ,fascination that the Countess held for him. " Although letting the Countess
  19. Antarctica and return, although overflights from New Zealand stopped after the, fatal ,crash of Air New Zealand Flight 901 on Mount Erebus in late 1979. Scientific
  20. Poisoning. Inhalation of antimony dust is harmful and in certain cases may be, fatal ,; in small doses, antimony causes headaches, dizziness,and depression. Larger
  21. Mysterious death" of Alexander III (1286). Alexander supposedly suffered a, fatal ,fall from his horse. But there are suspicions of murder. The novel concludes
  22. To work for the FAA in Fort Worth after his flying career. The world's first, fatal ,hijacking occurred on 28 October 1939. Earnest P.“ Larry” Bletch shot Carl
  23. To have the most painful sting of any insect, although it is usually not, fatal ,to humans. This sting is given the highest rating on the Schmidt Sting Pain
  24. These adverse effects were reversed when the regimen stopped, but it was, fatal ,in some patients with protracted vomiting. Milk alkali syndrome declined in men
  25. No Union soldiers were observed to have ever gotten behind Johnston during the, fatal ,charge, while it is known that many Confederates were firing at the Union lines
  26. Blame. North American argued unsuccessfully that it was not responsible for the, fatal ,error in spacecraft atmosphere design. Finally, Webb contacted Atwood, and
  27. Second book, in an ode composed in Altaic stanzas on the subject of an almost, fatal ,accident he had on his farm, he imagines meeting Antaeus and Sappho in Hades::
  28. Will be a tale of truth—he dies without bell, with communion, at evening, in a, fatal ,pass. Áed's son, Constantín mac Ada, became king in 900. The idea that
  29. Symptoms do not conform to those of the plague, but the disease still proves, fatal , Narrow and Lambert visit one of the isolation camps, where they meet Othón.
  30. Indicated at the first suspicion of an abscess. An abscess could potentially be, fatal ,(although this is rare) if it compresses vital structures such as the trachea
  31. Normal dosages; these drugs are often lethal in overdoses, as they may cause a, fatal ,arrhythmia. However, tricyclic antidepressants are still used because of their
  32. Which has always been held by the wiser astrologers) is that there is no, fatal ,necessity in the stars; but that they rather incline than compel ". Bacon
  33. Time after returning from the farewell pilgrimage, Muhammad became ill. In his, fatal ,illness, Muhammad came out with a piece of cloth tied around his head and sat
  34. 1961 and is now" quite common" in hospitals. MRSA was responsible for 37 % of, fatal ,cases of sepsis in the UK in 1999,up from 4 % in 1991. Half of all S. aureus
  35. The" brain-eating amoeba" ) is a fresh-water-native species that can be, fatal ,to humans if introduced through the nose. *Acanthamoeba can cause amoebic
  36. Because of his toughness and aggressive personality; he fought in duels, some, fatal , to his opponents. He was a rich slaveholder, who appealed to the common men of
  37. Of overweening pride, self-confidence or arrogance, often resulting in, fatal ,retribution. In Ancient Greece," hubris" referred to actions which
  38. Or simply" reflux ", may mimic those of a heart attack. Misdiagnosis can be, fatal , A bleeding ulcer can be life-threatening. HERD, and pre-ulcerative conditions
  39. Has succumbed to a spasm of homesickness. " But," nostalgia is not a, fatal ,disease. " The American visitor" once again is an alert spectator of Parisian
  40. In order to achieve the same effect. Overdose An amphetamine overdose is rarely, fatal ,but can lead to a number of different symptoms, including psychosis, chest pain
  41. Antipsychotics, particularly atypical, appear to cause diabetes mellitus and, fatal ,diabetic ketoacidosis, especially (in US studies) in African Americans. * The
  42. Was not tested for cyanide, it is speculated that this was the means by which a, fatal ,dose was delivered. An inquest determined that he had committed suicide, and he
  43. Weston-Hurst syndrome, or Hurst's disease, is a hyperacute and frequently, fatal ,form of ADAM. AHL is relatively rare (less than 100 cases have been reported
  44. And encephalitis in humans. *Balamuthia mandrills is the cause of (often, fatal ,) granulators amoebic meningoencephalitis Image: ASCII Code Chart.
  45. In state for several hours. It is probable that a Confederate soldier fired the, fatal ,round. No Union soldiers were observed to have ever gotten behind Johnston
  46. Filming Coolie in the University Campus in Bangalore, Bachchan suffered a near, fatal ,intestinal injury during the filming of a fight scene with co-actor Punnet
  47. By destruction of the optic nerve and 30 ml (one fluid ounce) is potentially, fatal , Two other alcohols whose uses are relatively widespread (though not so much
  48. Of malaria by means of mosquitoes is common. The tsetse fly, whose bite is, fatal ,to all domestic animals, is common in many districts of South and East Africa.
  49. Rating on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index. The sting of Jack jumper ants can be, fatal , and an antivenom has been developed. Fire ants, Solenopsis SPP., are unique in
  50. Diets, can cause milk-alkali syndrome, which has serious toxicity and can be, fatal , In 1915,Bertram Hippy introduced the" Hippy regimen" of hourly ingestion of

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