Examples of the the word, po , in a Sentence Context

The word ( po ), is the 5207 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The addition of bacon and/or sausage these are known as Breton Beans (Asoka, po , bretońsku). *Pork and beans, which despite the name often contain very little
  2. Rgya Chen PO and the Na RO chose drug are properly referred to as the Drags, po , Bka’ brayed pa because these teachings were all transmitted through SGAM PO pa
  3. Po; Omniscient Great One): * Sunken Chea po Drama Over (run then Chen, po , dri med 'OD her): * Sunken Choke (run then chose FYI Royal PO;
  4. Two horns playing together to represent cuckoldry, in the act 4 aria Sprite UN, po , quelli'CHI. Verdi later used the same device in Ford's aria in Falstaff.
  5. To Chinese traditions, every person has two types of soul called Hun and, po , ( 魂 and 魄),which are respectively yang and yin. Taoism believes in ten souls
  6. Kosmicheskiy-4),Night Vision Device (NUKE, Visir Nochnogo Upravleniya, po , Kursu),Docking light,Pilot's Sight (VP-1,Vizier Pilota-1),Laser Range
  7. Longchenpa) (2000). You Are the Eyes of the World. (trans of run bye Royal, po , by Dennard Lip man & Merrill Peterson and with an introduction by Nathan Nor bu
  8. Of the sects that practice the teachings centering around the Phage RGA Chen, po , and the Na RO chose drug are properly referred to as the Drags PO BKA’ brayed
  9. Was made in the 10th century edited by Kansas, Materialy i Zambezi, po , literaturnoj historic Fiziologa, Sankt Peter burg,1890. Epiphanies used
  10. Powiatowa lady Make,1961) * Landscape After the Battle (Krajobraz, po , bitwie,1970) * Without Anesthesia aka Rough Treatment (Be znieczulenia
  11. But his PO is foolish ". The Hun leaves his body after death but his, po , remains and takes control of the body, so the dead person becomes a Jiangsu.
  12. Figaro alone. Figaro muses on the inconstancy of women (aria: Sprite UN, po ,' quell occur –" Open your eyes" ). Susanna and the Countess arrive, dressed
  13. Is not used (except in email addresses, of course):: mi Denis all ill, po , tri Pomona or Pomona mi Denis all ill PO TRI (I gave them three apples each).
  14. Form of the living rainbow body of the Great Transference (Wylie 'pho BA Chen, po , pronounced Phooey Chea po ) which is completely different and much rarer than a
  15. Ashby, starring Beau Bridges and Lee Grant * Landscape After Battle (Krajobraz, po , bitwie),directed by Andrzej Wanda - (Poland) * Leo the Last - directed by
  16. Pronounced as BUO, puo, muo, and duo are given a separate representation: Beau, po , mo, and for. * The a po strophe (') is used before a syllable starting with a
  17. Journeyed to the afterlife paradise of immortals (Xian),and the body-soul (, po , 魄 ) which remained in its grave or tomb on earth and was only reunited with the
  18. Vocative: o (around, about ), na (on),PRI (into, in,around),v (in),PO, ( after, around ). *Instrumental: ZA (behind),red (in front of),meze (
  19. Джим (Key Kazan Jim, Jim says) (Lowlife) (STS (TV channel) ) *: Pivot, po , Džimu (Fox Life, Radio Television of Serbia) *: According to Jim, Jims Early
  20. Bullied by the Monsters due to his small size, until he retaliates by using ken, po , moves on them. He also appears in Looney Tunes: Back in Action, although in his
  21. Some terms in the text, such as" valley spirit" ( gushed) and" soul" (, po , ),bear a religious context and cannot be easily reconciled with a purely
  22. Always calls for its objects to be in the genitive.: throughout the square =, po , námestí (vocative case): past the square = PO namesake (accusative case) Po
  23. Use:: :a, ba, co,CO, da, e,for, ga, ĝa, ha,HO, i,Jo, ĵa, ko, lo,mo, na, o,PO, Ra, so,so, to,u, ŭo, va, za However, this still requires overt mention of
  24. Glwere: Et pus drama, i n' size nous taker!: On Bede n' est NEN wait, po , esse on slave, : I GN a may you Nola a no computer.: Flamings, Walons, les
  25. Symptomatic urticaria pigmentosa who res po nded to nifedipine at dose of 10 mg, po , tid. However, nifedipine has not been approved by the FDA for treatment of
  26. To kill ". (A particular Gandhi rule is applied here: if the verbs ends in ", po ,", the suffix changes to both; aja po mbota," I'll do it right now" ) * -pa:
  27. TiB. Pea June or Guru Roche, Wylie: Padua 'bung gas, gu ru in, po , che) is considered the source of the Buddhist Douches teachings in Tibet (
  28. Of course):: mi Denis all ill PO TRI Pomona or Pomona mi Denis all ill, po , tri (I gave them three apples each). Note that particle PO forms a phrase
  29. Transforms the path" ABC ... n-op ... XYZ" into the path" ABC ... NYX ..., po ,"; the edge now is removed and replaced by the edge NZ, while the subpath op ...
  30. Mkhyen Chen PO DRI med 'OD her): * Sunken Choke (run then chose FYI Royal, po , ; All-knowing Dharma King): * Gala Lengthen Abram (Royal BA along Chen RAB
  31. Certain pre po sitions with meanings other than location (o Prize/about Prague, po , revoluci/after the revolution). Cases other than the vocative may be used to
  32. Film music * GMOs z Maltego strata (Voice from beyond) (1962) * Try broke, po , ziemi (Three steps on Earth) (1965) * Coleslaw Smiley (King Coleslaw the
  33. Kun then along Chen RAB 'beams): * Sunken Chea po (run then Chen, po , ; Omniscient Great One): * Sunken Chea po Drama Over (run then Chen PO DRI
  34. On Kosovo and Aetolia by settlements 1971. Image: Kim - Udo Albania, po , naseljima 1971. GIF|Distribution of Albanians on Kosovo and Aetolia by
  35. Around the Elbe (Lab in Slavic) river, from which derives its name (", po , Labe" - along the Elbe). It was s po ken approximately until the mid-18th
  36. A person's Hun is good but his PO is evil, his Hun is intelligent but his, po , is foolish ". The Hun leaves his body after death but his PO remains and takes
  37. Come mints cops e note swear, : K' on WAIS lichen nos forest copper, : Make, po , d ’ on, l ' Faye recourse sins gluier: Et pus drama, i n' size nous taker!
  38. The Front Page, by Ben Heart and Charles Mac Arthur) *Nos: opera v 3-kh attach, po , N. V. Gogol,1930 (libretto, with others) - The Nose: Based on a Tale by
  39. Typically small. Graphite at 100 bars has an activity of only 1.01 if we choose, po , = 1 bar as standard state. Only at very high pressures do we need to worry
  40. To Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, his Seat was the monastery bra this shun, po , dgon pa (Tashilhun po ),which he had founded in 1447. He remained the abbot of
  41. Has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is known as you, po , ( 厚朴). In Japan, kōboku, Magnolia boat has been used similarly.
  42. Yuan Mei's book ZI By You mentioned that" A person's Hun is good but his, po , is evil, his Hun is intelligent but his PO is foolish ". The Hun leaves his
  43. 1990)," Mainz przeznaczenia" ( Sword of Destiny) (1992) and" W LEJ, po , bombie" ( In a Bomb Crater) (1993),and two for the novels" Crew elbow" (
  44. Ken Norton, Perry King * Master of the Flying Guillotine (Du bi Juan Wang the, po , xue DI ZI),directed by Jimmy Wang You * Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  45. Throughout the square = PO names (vocative case): past the square =, po , námestie (accusative case) Po has a different meaning depending on the case
  46. And nannies, and may suggest a distance in societal relationship. However,", po ," and" OPO" can be used in any case in order to express an elevation of
  47. Mi Denis all ill PO TRI (I gave them three apples each). Note that particle, po , forms a phrase with the numeral TRI and is not a pre po sition for the noun
  48. Expedition led by Anakin Andrei Viktorovich, published in 1924 in Material, po , shamanstvy u altaitsev. Pre-Islamic Turkic mythology was dominated by Tendrils
  49. One fourth, a quarter): dope (by twos): Defoe (twice) The particle, po , is used to mark distributive numbers, that is, the idea of distributing a
  50. Diary (Путешествия по разным провинциям Русского Государства Puteshestviya, po , raznim provintsiyam Russo Gosudarstva). In 1858’M. A. Castle published

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