Examples of the the word, realization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( realization ), is the 5567 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was never a direct result of providing food to passengers. Rather, it was the, realization ,that those who could afford to travel great distances expected such facilities
  2. That there are major gaps in our knowledge of Chinese history is the equal, realization ,that there are tremendous quantities of primary source material that have not
  3. Before the vowels and. This is not the case in Standard Bulgarian. The, realization ,of the phoneme л varies along the same principles: one of its allophones
  4. According to this thesis, major motivational factor for Gorbachev was his, realization ,that the Soviet Union could not compete economically with the USA. However, if
  5. And one form of administration; and he did his utmost to prepare for the, realization ,of this ideal by imposing the Russian language and Russian schools on his
  6. In the 1960s. Beck describes his therapeutic approach as originating in a, realization ,he made while conducting free association with patients in the context of
  7. To treat them safely. It is hoped that the CLI will contribute to the, realization ,of the objectives of the Ban Amendment. The Basel Convention's website informs
  8. Or a real number for a continuous-time process. ) Then Xi is the value (or, realization ,) produced by a given run of the process at time i. Suppose that the process is
  9. Such as the March (tennis)l Circus C (AG)celebrating Duchamp (1987),a, realization ,of the Marcel Duchamp process piece Erratum Musical using an electric model
  10. Consciousness, thoughts which often preceded intense emotional reactions; this, realization ,led Beck to begin viewing emotional reactions as resulting from cognitions
  11. Peasant in 1900 was seeing his life improve or decline. In addition to the, realization ,that there are major gaps in our knowledge of Chinese history is the equal
  12. On the freedom of the will, the autexousion (αὐτεξούσιον),and his imperfect, realization ,of the factor so much more strongly brought out in the West: sin. To him sin is
  13. Peasant in 1900 was seeing his life improve or decline. In addition to the, realization ,that there are major gaps in our knowledge of Chinese history is the equal
  14. He naturally enough finds heartbreaking, but he is utterly distraught with the, realization ,that Asia is suffering from possession. He comes to realize that Asia is
  15. The increased knowledge on anatomy, morphology and life cycles, lead to the, realization ,that there were more natural affinities between plants, than the sexual system
  16. As the head of a rationalized state government, was accomplished, bringing to, realization ,what Hughes himself had envisioned. In 1909,he led an effort to incorporate
  17. 1940s,along with the development of mathematical information theory, led to a, realization ,that brains can potentially be understood as information processing systems.
  18. With a priestly doctor who he had specially ordered, the General came to the, realization ,that his niece was being visited by a vampire. He hid in a closet with a sword
  19. Stored in sequential areas of memory) which was reputedly due to Wozniak's, realization ,that doing it that way would save a chip; it was less expensive to have
  20. That there are major gaps in our knowledge of Chinese history is the equal, realization ,that there are tremendous quantities of primary source material that have not
  21. Asked his disciples Tofu, Bhikṣuni Songhai, Dàoyù and Hike to relate their, realization ,of the Dharma. Songhai is also known by her title SOI, and by More, her nun
  22. Still. " However, he said he believed that individuals would come to the, realization ,that" equal liberty" and" occupancy and use" doctrines were" generally
  23. Postscript' now sinks into insignificance; the insurmountable obstacle to the, realization ,of Anarchy is no longer the power of the trusts, but the indisputable fact that
  24. The quantum Hall effect, respectively. At present, techniques to establish the, realization ,of an ampere have a relative uncertainty of approximately a few parts in 107
  25. Wrote that" the real accomplishment of the film lies in the amazing physical, realization ,of an imaginative universe. Where Burton's ideas end and those of his
  26. Communications from satellites, cables,and laser lines. Even the partial, realization ,of the UIs will profoundly affect every person, his leisure activities, and his
  27. A, C,and E as antioxidants that revolutionized the field and led to the, realization ,of the importance of antioxidants in the biochemistry of living organisms. The
  28. Of digital switching using a single electron. However, one major obstacle to, realization ,of nanotubes has been the lack of technology for mass production. In 2001 IBM
  29. To the discovery of further exotic allotropes, including glassy carbon, and the, realization ,that" amorphous carbon" is not strictly amorphous. Production Graphite
  30. With much new scholarship. Much of this new scholarship comes from the, realization ,that there is much about Chinese history that is unknown or controversial. To
  31. This modification, although even there it is becoming increasingly rare. * The, realization ,of intervocalic as a glottal stop (as in for bottle). This change is not
  32. Demand, there is little will to invoke the Federal Marketing Order out of the, realization ,that any pullback in supply by U. S. growers would easily be filled by Canadian
  33. From St. Mary Mead, but these analogies often lead Miss Marple to a deeper, realization ,about the true nature of a crime. Although she looks like a sweet, frail old
  34. In 1798," Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colors ", after the, realization ,of his own color blindness. Because of Dalton's work, the condition was often
  35. Individualism, believing anarcho-communist is the best social system for the, realization ,of individual freedom. Most anarcho-communists view anarcho-communist as a way
  36. Clausewitz acknowledges that friction creates enormous difficulties for the, realization ,of any plan, and the fog of war hinders commanders from knowing what is
  37. 1960s by Gerald Edelman and Joseph Ally of the antibody light chain, and their, realization ,that this protein was the same as the Bence-Jones protein described in 1845 by
  38. Have interpreted the first stanza of" Amazing Grace" as evidence of Newton's, realization ,that his participation in the slave trade was his wretchedness, perhaps
  39. Development at Ford stretched far back into the 19th century, from the gradual, realization ,of the dream of interchangeability, to the concept of reinventing workflow and
  40. He decided to allow the race to fall and that the Fall serves as the means of, realization ,of that prior decision to send some individuals to hell and others to heaven (
  41. Will be unstable. Unobservable poles are not present in the transfer function, realization ,of a state-space representation, which is why sometimes the latter is preferred
  42. Stored in sequential areas of memory) which was reputedly due to Wozniak's, realization ,that doing it that way would save a chip; it was less expensive to have
  43. With much new scholarship. Much of this new scholarship comes from the, realization ,that there is much about Chinese history that is unknown or controversial. To
  44. System would be conveniently sized. The" international ampere" was an early, realization ,of the ampere, defined as the current that would deposit grams of silver per
  45. Interested in Chinese policies and actions in Central Asia and has led to the, realization ,that Central Asia affected Chinese policies toward Europe in a deep way.
  46. Concepts of defensive play aimed at achieving one's own goals by preventing, realization ,of the opponent's plans. Notable in his" system" were concepts such as
  47. Every x in the interval (a, b ), : \franc\int_aux f (t)\, dt = f (x). This, realization , made by both Newton and Leibniz, who based their results on earlier work by
  48. Search for truth, gave way in the latter half of the 20th century to a, realization ,of its attainability. Theodor W. Adorno said in 1970," It is now taken for
  49. Described the early stages of the screenplay: Welles's first step toward the, realization ,of Citizen Kane was to seek the assistance of a screenwriting professional.
  50. And electronic circuit design are SPICE as well as software for physical, realization ,of new (or modified) designs. The latter includes essential design software

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