Examples of the the word, successor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( successor ), is the 5568 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Earlier constitutions said the powers of the governor devolved upon the, successor , rather than them necessarily becoming governor, but the official listing
  2. Were killed to keep the exact location a secret. His sons Ella (his appointed, successor ,), Dengizich, and Erna fought over the division of his legacy, specifically
  3. Comparison and a receptiveness to certain kinds of cultural relativism. In the, successor ,states of continental Europe, on the other hand, anthropologists often joined
  4. Langle\N,0’S\range\, where \N\, is the set of natural numbers’S\, is the, successor ,function and 0\, is naturally interpreted as the number 0. Euclidean geometry
  5. That by late 1943,he was widely regarded among the Nazi elite as a possible, successor ,to Hitler. While Speer had tremendous power, he was of course subordinate to
  6. Plutarch in his Parallel Lives. The manuscripts were left from Aristotle to his, successor ,Theophrastus, who in turn willed them to Needs of Sepsis. Needs supposedly
  7. Or ACH'av or Ahab in Douay-Rheims (;;) was king of Israel and the son and, successor ,of MRI according to the Hebrew Bible. His wife was Jezebel. Ahab became king
  8. Comparatively late handling of Biblical and doctrinal subjects. His spiritual, successor , Augustine, whose conversion was helped by Ambrose's sermons, owes more to him
  9. To the Achaemenid throne. Alexander, now considering himself the legitimate, successor ,to Darius, viewed Bess us as a usurper to the Achaemenid throne, and set out to
  10. 1968,followed by the medievalist Jacques Le Goff. However,Braudel's informal, successor ,as head of the school was Le Roy Laurie, who was unable to maintain a
  11. By English mathematician Charles Babbage. It was first described in 1837 as the, successor ,to Babbage's difference engine, a design for a mechanical calculator. The
  12. In this period, and developed by Shah Ismail and later by his son and, successor , Shah Thomas I. In the span of the 17th century and 18th century,Fizuli's
  13. And early 17th centuries. He was taught by Theodore Beta,Calvin's hand-picked, successor , but after examination of the Scriptures, he rejected his teacher's theology
  14. Crowley, Jones and J. F. C. Fuller decided to found a new magical order as a, successor ,to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which would be known as the AWAY, the
  15. Senate and appointed his daughter, State Representative Lisa Murkowski as his, successor , She won a full six-year term in 2004 and 2010. Cities, towns and boroughs
  16. As both a lingua franca and the official language of the Neo-Assyrian, and its, successor , the Achaemenid Empire. Among the scripts in modern use, the Hebrew alphabet
  17. Meeting with Hitler). Later that day, Hitler appointed Speer as Todt's, successor ,to all of his posts. In Inside the Third Reich, Speer recounts his meeting with
  18. Obedience. In some exceptional cases an abbot was allowed to name his own, successor , Caspian speaks of an abbot in Egypt doing this; and in later times we have
  19. Was the study of the Peasants of Languid by Braudel's star pupil and, successor ,Emmanuel Le Roy Laurie. The regionalist tradition flourished especially in the
  20. In autumn 1894. In 1896,he was elected ordinary member of the academy as the, successor ,of Cherished. In 1905, he was appointed merited professor and got the right to
  21. Regal funeral. Alexander claimed that, while dying, Darius had named him his, successor ,to the Achaemenid throne. Alexander, now considering himself the legitimate
  22. Had his men fatally stab the Great King and then declared himself Darius ', successor ,as Artaxerxes V, before retreating into Central Asia to launch a guerrilla
  23. Of Toulouse, was the death of the king. " Alaric had made no provision for a, successor , and although he had two sons, one was of age but illegitimate and the other
  24. Spacecraft * Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope, the proposed, successor ,for the Hubble Space Telescope Computing * Atlas Computer (Manchester) (
  25. By the time of Plato, his philosophy was almost forgotten, and Aristotle, his, successor , Theophrastus and a few demographers provide us with the little information that
  26. An assembly of the states and declared his son Malik Shah I his heir and, successor , With the hope of capturing Caesar Maraca, the capital of Cappadocia, he
  27. The title in 1990 to write and draw a new series titled simply Spider-Man. His, successor , Erik Larsen, penciled the book from early 1990 to mid-1991. After issue #350
  28. except Actaeon. Successor: Theophrastus Aristotle's, successor ,at the Lyceum, Theophrastus, wrote a series of books on botany—the History of
  29. Compiled a catalog with at least 850 stars and their positions. Hipparchus's, successor , Ptolemy, included a catalog of 1,022 stars in his work the Almost, giving
  30. University of Manchester ** Titan (computer),also known as the Atlas 2,its, successor ,** Atlas Autocode, a programming language developed for the Atlas Computer *
  31. 527 – Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and, successor ,to the throne. *1293 – Robert Winchelsea leaves England for Rome, to be
  32. Began their attack on Egypt. The reigns of both Kushites kings Sahara and his, successor , Tantamount, were filled with constant conflict with the Assyrians, against whom
  33. But she trained as a mission specialist. The Educator Astronaut program is a, successor ,to the Teacher in Space program from the 1980s. Health risks of space travel
  34. Match his strength. He was a contemporary of both Antioch us I Voter and his, successor ,Antioch us II Thees of the Seleucid dynasty as well as Diodes I and his son
  35. Completed his last issue, The Amazing Spider-Man | date=October 21, 2010} } In, successor ,penciled John Romina Sr. is first issue, #39 (Aug. 1966),arch nemesis the
  36. Members, and the International Workers Association, an anarcho-syndicalist, successor ,to the First International, also remain active. Anarchist schools of thought
  37. From the Rock Island Railroad after its bankruptcy. The Union Pacific, successor ,to the C&NW, still runs 60–70 trains a day through Ames on twin mainlines
  38. Ninth century BC. Later it became part of Alexander the Great's Empire and its, successor , the Seleucid Empire. Caucasian Albanians, the original inhabitants of the area
  39. Won the 1897–98 series by 4–1 under the captaincy of Harry Trout. His, successor ,Joe Darling won the next three series in 1899,1901–02 and the classic 1902
  40. Repressive constitution of 1976. Comedienne died in 1978,but the rule of his, successor , Charlie Bendjedid, was little more open. The state took on a strongly
  41. With a groan to find itself Arian. " After Constantius' death in 361,his, successor ,Julian, a devotee of Rome's pagan gods, declared that he would no longer
  42. Again and reclaim the tribute which Marian had stopped. (Marian was the, successor ,of Theodosius and had ceased paying tribute in late 450 while Attila was
  43. He acquired much favor with the Emperor Hadrian, who adopted him as his son and, successor ,on 25 February 138,after the death of his first adopted son Lucius Delius, on
  44. Cavalry, in front of witnesses, thereby possibly nominating Predicts as his, successor , Character Generalship Alexander earned the epithet" the Great" due to his
  45. Passed over including Socrates and Speusippus, the latter of whom was Plato's, successor ,at the Academy and who offered to resign to take up the post. In the end
  46. Offered his services to the so-called Flensburg Government, headed by Hitler's, successor , Karl Donate, and took a significant role in that short-lived regime. On May 15
  47. Sense is the Wadi alcohol script, believed to be an ahead, which through its, successor ,Phoenician is the ancestor of modern alphabets, including Arabic, Greek,Latin
  48. Royalties from use of his image to The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Corgis, successor ,to The Roger Rich man Agency, licenses the use of his name and associated
  49. It was Augustus’ intent to signal to the legions that Agrippa was to be his, successor , and that no matter what the constitutional rules were, they would continue to
  50. Administrative functions. He was not, however,an executive in the way the, successor ,President of the United States is a chief executive, since all the functions

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