Examples of the the word, continuously , in a Sentence Context

The word ( continuously ), is the 5566 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Organization which was still largely filled by citizens but citizens who served, continuously ,for 25 years before being discharged. The Romans were also noted for making use
  2. Or # An algorithm in the form of a differential equation that operates, continuously ,on the data, running on an analog computer. Legal issues: See also: Software
  3. Calibrated by a single atomic clock; the atomic clocks were not operated, continuously , The" Greenwich Atomic" ( GA) scale began in 1955 at the Royal Greenwich
  4. Of the Spahn Zürich on the line S3. Population The population of Aarav grew, continuously ,from 1800 until about 1960,when the city reached a peak population of 17,045
  5. Surface in the vector form \math bf=\math bf (u, v ), where \math bf is a, continuously ,differentiable vector function of (u, v)\in D\subset\mathbb^2:: A \mint_D
  6. Road infrastructure limits land transportation by conventional vehicles. Winds, continuously ,blow snow on the roads. The McCurdy – South Pole Highway is a 900-mile (1450
  7. In the Atlantic Coast Conference, and is home to Bobby Dodd Stadium, the oldest, continuously ,used on campus site for college football in the southern United States, and
  8. Boston Red Stockings team and its successors can lay claim to being the oldest, continuously ,playing team in American professional sports. (The only other team that has
  9. May still be viewed in the church of S. Ambrosia in Milan, where it has been, continuously ,venerated — along with the bodies identified in his time as being those of St's.
  10. Taken to be well-defined at infinitely small points, and are assumed to vary, continuously ,from one point to another, the discrete molecular nature of a gas is ignored.
  11. Descent parser. The style of parser used in the Compiler was in use, continuously ,at Edinburgh from the 60s until almost the turn of the millennium. Other
  12. And Seem of the Republic of Poland. Of these, it is the only one to have met, continuously ,as a legislature since its inception through to today. The Constitution of
  13. d. 1622),was confirmed in the Barony in 1604. From him, it has descended, continuously , through fifteen individuals, the title being increased to an Earldom in 1784;
  14. The new constitution. History The region that is now known as Bolivia has been, continuously ,occupied for over 2,000 years, when the Aymara arrived in the region.
  15. For the file system, process manager, and each device driver. The system, continuously ,monitors each of these processes, and when a failure is detected is often
  16. Of the Quraish tribe). Despite such a tremendous victory, Abd Brahman had to, continuously ,put down rebellions in landaus. Various Arab and Berber tribes fought each
  17. From $2.50 per day to $5.00 per day and to reduce the hourly work week while, continuously ,lowering the Model T price. These goals appear altruistic; however, it has been
  18. Which has been dated to between the 11th and 7th millennium BC. Athens has been, continuously ,inhabited for at least 7000 years. Unlike other Mycenaean centers, such as
  19. From any point to any other point.: # It is possible to extend a line segment, continuously ,in a straight line.: # It is possible to describe a circle with any center and
  20. Met or exceeded the highest standards of quality and play value and have been, continuously ,in production for at least 10 years; i.e., classics. " It was inducted into
  21. i. e., not " primordial" ), nor are results of radioactive decay. Carbon-14 is, continuously ,generated by cosmic rays in the atmosphere. Name pennicott2001/> Some
  22. Of a fresh take, liked to keep rehearsals to a minimum, Winger rehearsed, continuously , To allow for this, Attenborough stood in for Hopkins during Winger's
  23. The most popular journals of scientific exploration of the 19th century, kept, continuously , in print by its original publisher (Macmillan) into the second decade of the
  24. It began publication in 1963 as a monthly periodical and was published, continuously ,until it was relaunched with a new numbering order in 1999. In 2003 the series
  25. Football League (NFL). The Cardinals were founded in 1898,and are the oldest, continuously ,run professional American football club in the United States. The team was
  26. Intervals down to the times of the thirtieth dynasty, and the cemetery was used, continuously , The pharaohs of the first dynasty were buried in Abyss, including Farmer, who
  27. Throwing technique),who neutralizes this attack with an aikido technique. Use, continuously ,seeks to regain balance and cover vulnerabilities (e.g., an exposed side)
  28. ATP as an energy source convert it back into its precursors. ATP is therefore, continuously ,recycled in organisms: the human body, which on average contains only of ATP
  29. Was the first operating system to utilize journal ling file systems, and IBM has, continuously ,enhanced the software with features like processor, disk and network
  30. With Everton. Multiethnic campaign In 2001,Audi promoted the new multiethnic, continuously ,variable transmission with television commercials throughout Europe, featuring
  31. Subject, the family's Skye Terrier," Troupe ". After he taught it to growl, continuously , Alec would reach into its mouth and manipulate the dog's lips and vocal
  32. World War, Huxley applied for United States citizenship. His application was, continuously ,deferred on the grounds that he would not say he would take up arms to defend
  33. Performs comedies, dramas and musicals, was founded in 1938 and is the longest, continuously ,operating community theater in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dance Arts Project
  34. In February 1919. Based in Ft. Lauderdale,Chalk's claimed to be the oldest, continuously ,operating airline in the United States until its closure in 2008. Following
  35. Its first capital, St George's, was established in 1612 and is the oldest, continuously ,inhabited English town in the Americas. Bermuda has an affluent economy, with
  36. Einstein theorized that this Brownian motion was caused by the water molecules, continuously ,knocking the grains about, and developed a hypothetical mathematical model to
  37. Mines, Iowa,and was the earliest American mathematics journal to be published, continuously ,for more than a year or two. This incarnation of the journal ceased publication
  38. This latter view, such rebirths and deaths may take place over and over again, continuously ,until the individual gains entry to a spiritual realm. Major views on the
  39. To the need for AT and that universal design projects and concepts should be, continuously ,expanded. Overview Assistive Technology is a generic term for devices and
  40. Guidance for the Sparrow required that the launching aircraft use its radar to, continuously ,illuminate a single target for the missile's" passive" seeker to track, or
  41. General formula The general formula for the surface area of the graph of a, continuously ,differentiable function z=f (x, y ), where (x, y)\in D\subset\mathbb^2 and D
  42. On themselves and form a circular ant mill. The workers may then run around, continuously ,until they die of exhaustion. Locomotion Worker ants do not have wings and
  43. Such plan (on the basis of blindness) for December 1973,so long as he is, continuously ,blind as so defined. In the United States, legal blindness due to acuity loss
  44. By cementum. The teeth have no enamel coating and are worn away and regrow, continuously , The aardvark is born with conventional incisors and canines at the front of
  45. Rule and expelled the Hungarian troops. Following their father's death, Andrew, continuously , conspired against his brother, King Emetic of Hungary who had to grant him the
  46. And Christian music were originally a cappella, and this tradition has existed, continuously ,in both of these religions and in Islam. Christian The polyphony of
  47. In quantum mechanics, angular momentum is quantized – that is, it cannot vary, continuously , but only in" quantum leaps" between certain allowed values. The orbital
  48. Some billboard displays are static, while others change; for example, continuously ,or periodically rotating among a set of advertisements. Mobile displays are
  49. Been introduced here, and it is where key events occur. The title was published, continuously ,until #441 (Nov. 1998) when Marvel Comics relaunched it as vol. 2,#1 (Jan.
  50. Greek god playing a lyre during the closing credits. Andersson and Slaves are, continuously ,composing new material; most recently the two wrote the title track for

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