Examples of the the word, conceal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conceal ), is the 5563 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Either partly or completely dismantled the easternmost extermination camps to, conceal ,the mass killings done there, and the buried remains (excepting
  2. A strong evolutionary pressure for animals to blend into their environment or, conceal ,their shape; for prey animals to avoid predators and for predators to be able
  3. He declares,“ have been picked up outside the truth ”; they attempt to, conceal ,rather than admit their indebtedness to ancient philosophy, which they have
  4. Were told that they could retain their former names so long as they do not, conceal ,their affiliation with TDI. In 2004,there were major internal changes in the
  5. That the BNP used" techniques of secrecy and deception ... in its attempt to, conceal ,its activities and intentions from the public ". It asserted that the BNP
  6. Its cause was a storm, but this might simply be the panegyrist's attempt to, conceal ,an embarrassing military defeat. Diocletian broke off his tour of the Eastern
  7. Spoken. About 89 % of the population is literate. Population density figures, conceal ,a great disparity between the republic's the most crowded island, Nzwani, which
  8. Before the attack took place, Stephanus feigned an injury to be able to, conceal ,a dagger beneath his bandages. On the day of the assassination the doors to the
  9. Judge concluded that" Act 590 is a religious crusade, coupled with a desire to, conceal ,this fact ", and that it violated the First Amendment's Establishment Clause.
  10. MP Label Balfour was exposed as running several vast fraudulent companies to, conceal ,colossal financial losses. Balfour fled to Argentina, but was eventually
  11. War, when the Tsar supported the cabinet of Berlin and the Service did not, conceal ,his sympathies for the French. It reappeared in an intermittent fashion during
  12. The use of a reverse slope defense, and made use of one whenever he could, to, conceal , his numbers and protect his men from artillery. Still, he rarely missed an
  13. Of the body at Ravenna refused to comply, at one point going so far as to, conceal ,the bones in a false wall of the monastery. Nevertheless, in 1829,a tomb was
  14. To hold in the passing of gas when in polite company, or position themselves to, conceal ,the noise and scent. In other cultures, it may be no more embarrassing than
  15. Website was taken down, according to Hopenothate” in an apparent attempt to, conceal ,any link” In a broadcast audio conversation with Simon Darby, Nick Griffin
  16. By a poly chromatic marble architectural framing. This structure works to, conceal ,a window which lights the statue from above. In shallow relief, sculpted
  17. As intended, or at all. Some implications: * Website authors cannot perfectly, conceal ,how their JavaScript operates, because the code is sent to the client, and
  18. A few frames out of an actor's pause; a brief view of a listener can help, conceal ,the break. Or the actor may fumble some of his lines in a group shot; rather
  19. Because it can lead to incorrect conclusions and can be used to deliberately, conceal ,bad arguments. For example, a politician might say" I oppose taxes which
  20. Absorbent material and coatings. The engines are buried within the wing to, conceal ,the induction fans and hide their exhaust. The blending of low-observable
  21. Command of the crossing, ordered a few nearby houses to be set on fire to, conceal ,the attack. The German Panzergrenadiers crossed the river in rubber boats, with
  22. Common uses in dramatic films are to adjust the pace of the main action, to, conceal , the deletion of some unwanted part of the main shot, or to allow the joining of
  23. Heavy industry and lack of money to spend on protective measures forced it to, conceal ,major environmental hazards, especially when relations with other countries
  24. District, and a bomber base in the far eastern region. All these were meant to, conceal ,the program from both internal and external audiences. Khrushchev and Castro
  25. Usually a homicide, and of the subsequent investigation in such a manner as to, conceal ,the identity of the criminal from the reader until the end of the book, when
  26. R. " Pseudonyms Anagrams are connected to pseudonyms, by the fact that they may, conceal ,or reveal, or operate somewhere in between like a mask that can establish
  27. Of how diseases were spread has been scuttled by descendants of colonialists to, conceal ,actual origins of how indigenous populations were purposefully infected with
  28. Of Verdun began in 1916. The relief was immediately hidden by tarpaulins to, conceal ,the accident and avoid any undesired ominous interpretations. On 7 August 1919
  29. The Schubert vein (although its lyricism and superb orchestration do much to, conceal ,the fact that it is one of the composer's most harmonically advanced works).
  30. Color for disguise purposes (red, white and blue),and fitted to store and, conceal ,the custom motorcycle in its rear section with a frame that allows Rogers to
  31. The Israelite army at the siege of Rabbi, so that he may lie with his wife and, conceal ,the identity of the child's father. Uriah refuses to do so while his
  32. Sinister face was that of a fighting-man, and his velvet garments could not, conceal ,the hard, dangerous lines of his limbs. " Though several later authors have
  33. Sold, but this is exceedingly rare as it is much easier and more profitable to, conceal ,and smuggle it in powdered form. The scale of the market is immense: 770 tonnes
  34. D. A. T. S. (" Digital Accident Tactics Squad" ), an organization created to, conceal ,the existence of the Digital World and Digimon from the rest of mankind, and
  35. Called Shelia, is a language spoken by Irish Travelers, often as a means to, conceal ,meaning from those outside the group. However, English,sometimes in the form
  36. Thus allowing management to place the desired 'spin' on information, or even, conceal ,or lie about the true state of a company. * Boards of directors are part-time
  37. The cylindrical louvres just beneath the dome which were lined with mesh to, conceal ,their faces. For Doctor Who's 21st-century revival, the props were redesigned by
  38. Many animals with albinism lack their protective camouflage and are unable to, conceal ,themselves from their predators or prey; the survival rate of animals with
  39. Who was confined in a mental institution, and AMO Bishop. They also tried to, conceal ,the fact that they were making a claim for the property by attempting to meet
  40. Taught that a true believer can … fall away from the faith … yet I will not, conceal , that there are passages of Scripture which seem to me to wear this aspect; and
  41. Was also the name Fatah first used in its communiqués, trying for some time to, conceal ,its identity. This name has since been applied more generally to Fatah armed
  42. The time of their break-up, Elvira was pregnant, leading her family members to, conceal ,her pregnancy until she gave birth to Diego in 1479. To save Elvira's honor
  43. Religion, argues that many Hellenistic Jews had an operation performed to, conceal ,the fact of their circumcision, and that similar action was taken during the
  44. And both consuls allied with Antony. The consuls of that year had determined to, conceal ,the extent of Antony's demands. Ahenobarbus seems to have wished to keep quiet
  45. The deaths of their husbands or close partners sometimes wear a veil to, conceal ,their faces, although this practice is not presently common. Increasingly, the
  46. To be released. For instance, in the '50s and '60s in Germany it was usual to, conceal ,any mentioning of Nazis in popular movies: in the 1952 version of Casablanca (
  47. The writing material can be used; and it is portable, searchable,and easy to, conceal , The Christian authors may also have wanted to distinguish their writings from
  48. And method ". Irritating to Hastings is the fact that Poirot will sometimes, conceal ,from him important details of his plans, as in The Big Four where Hastings is
  49. To disregard the topic under discussion, either in a deliberate attempt to, conceal ,the truth, or as dupes of more deliberate conspirators. When conspiracy
  50. Since a low silhouette was paramount in order to make the vehicle easier to, conceal , The absence of a turret also meant that tank destroyers could be manufactured

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