Examples of the the word, rub , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rub ), is the 5569 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Must walk alongside or ahead of them. They then instinctively follow. They also, rub ,against trees more often than cattle do, and they sometimes debark the trees
  2. Artists will have to add the swishing of clothing as the actor’s pant legs, rub ,together as they descend the stairs. Name "/NP"> Philip Singer"/> This sound is
  3. Is felt. The authors had drawn a neural" circuit diagram" to explain why we, rub ,a smack. They pictured not only a signal traveling from the site of injury to
  4. Are unique in the province; the sand grains cause a sc rub bing noise as they, rub ,against each other when walked on, aptly named the singing sands. Large dune
  5. Keratin is also a water-proofing protein. Millions of dead keratinocytes, rub ,off daily. The majority of the skin on the body is keratinized, meaning
  6. Meat like pork and duck. It is used in stir-fried vegetables and as a spice, rub ,for chicken, duck,pork and seafood. Five spice is used in
  7. These operas where each absurdity is taken to its logical conclusion—fairies, rub ,elbows with British lords, flirting is a capital offense, gondoliers ascend to
  8. Sensory-motor features include see, hear,listen, taste,smell, eat,touch, rub , lift, manipulate,run, push,fill, move,ride, say,fear, open,approach, near
  9. 10 of the 11 alternative grapheme have other pronunciations as well: flood, rub , build, go,toe, drove,comb, out,rough, sew. English has never had any formal
  10. Describing it as" so well-written in a scruffy, fanzine way that you want to, rub ,noses in it—the noses of those zombie writers who take 'screenwriting' classes
  11. Is sometimes further divided into two Ahab, and each his subdivided into four, rub ,'Al-Aqsa. A different structure is provided by the Roku'at, semantical units
  12. Mystery is all by-products of the interaction of the real and the unreal,the, rub ,and contact of two worlds caught on irrealism's shimmering surface. "
  13. Can control the sound by foot pressure. Less pressure allows the cymbals to, rub ,together more freely, giving both greater sustain and greater volume for accent
  14. Considered sexual behavior to the Western world: they kiss, sleep together, rub ,genitals, participate in cunnilingus, and maintain their relationships with
  15. To provide a barrier to particles that might otherwise cause the voice coil to, rub , The German firm Rubik still offers drivers with uncommon spiders made of wood.
  16. A fight or confrontation. Males tend to rub other males, while cubs and females, rub ,females. Social licking often occurs in tandem with head rub bing; it is
  17. One cup of coca leaf infusion. Routes of administration Oral Many users, rub ,the powder along the gum line, or onto a cigarette filter which is then smoked
  18. Should be kept to no more than 20 % of the mixture. A useful technique is to, rub ,a very thin film of Maroger medium over the area to be painted and paint into
  19. Series Dune by Frank Herbert, the Bremen inhabitants of the planet Arrays, rub ,the juices of the creosote bush into the palms of their hands to prevent water
  20. As having deliberately put homosexual subtext in his work, like the back, rub ,scene in" Shore Leave ". Sturgeon also wrote several episodes of Star Trek
  21. Happens on Earth when, for instance, cicadas vibrate their wings, or crickets, rub ,their legs. Attempting to define parochial features challenges many
  22. Friction occurs when two objects are moving relative to each other and, rub ,together (like a sled on the ground). The coefficient of kinetic friction is
  23. Limb face-to-face while" penis fencing ". This also may occur when two males, rub ,their penises together while in face-to-face position. Another form of genital
  24. As the speed increased, centrifugal force caused a brake—often a felt pad—to, rub ,against a smooth metal surface, slowing rotation. Electrically powered
  25. Pearls using a microscope. Another method of testing for imitations is to, rub ,two pearls against each other. Imitation pearls are completely smooth, but
  26. Has been apart from others, or after a fight or confrontation. Males tend to, rub ,other males, while cubs and females rub females. Social licking often occurs in
  27. Areas. After that, the curved line was usually indicated either by a vinyl, rub ,strip or simply a character line molded into the sheet metal as hinted in the
  28. Heart tissues. A fibrous pericarditis can develop with a classic friction, rub ,that can be auscultated. This will give increasing pain upon reclining. Further
  29. Petīvī, petītus (to seek, to attack) ** term, terere, trīvī, trītus (to, rub , to wear out) ** Sterno, sternere, strāvī, strātus (to spread, to stretch out
  30. At bearings. When lubrication breaks down, metal or other components can, rub ,destructively over each other, causing heat and possibly damage or failure.
  31. To track main paths that the deer travel on is because of their" rub s ". A, rub ,is used to deposit scent from glands near the eye and forehead and physically
  32. S student tour guides tell visitors that students consider it good luck to, rub ,the toe of the statue of Theodore Dwight Wolsey on Old Campus. Actual students
  33. Mills are available, both hand-cranked and electric. The mill stones frequently, rub ,against each other resulting in small stone particles chipping off and getting
  34. Of either the upper or lower eyelid. This lid deformity causes the lashes to, rub ,against the cornea causing lacerations and infections. More recently, juvenile
  35. Involved torture, cutting,mutilation ... showing the absolute intent to, rub ,out the human being because of his (sexual) preference ". In the same year in
  36. Available weapon ". Gangland euphemisms for murder include ventilate, whack, rub , out,cut down, hit,take him for a ride, string him up, cut down to size, or "
  37. An Italian barber near the Rubin Studios in Jacksonville, Florida who would, rub ,Hardy's face with talcum powder and say," That's nice a baby! " Which the
  38. Critical alignments with the magnet gap, perhaps causing the voice coil to, rub ,against the sides of the gap. Chassis are typically cast from aluminum alloy
  39. As author) talking about his reasons for writing the book:" I wanted to, rub ,the human face in its own vomit, and force it to look in the mirror. "
  40. Middle classes, businessmen,elegant women and foreigners passing through Paris, rub ,shoulders. Nicknamed“ The First Palace of Women" by Older and Idler, the
  41. Residue ", clamp marks on the covers, and caused some colored inks to, rub ,off. Paper save caused" discoloration, white deposit, Newton rings, bleeding of
  42. Groups come together, forming larger aggregations. At times, male narwhals, rub ,their tusks together in an activity called" busking ". Most of the world's
  43. To meeting Jim and Jim; he asks," How come these faggots always have to, rub ,it in your face? How can they be so shameless? " To which Ricky replies," That
  44. Reunification of electrical charges. The term comes from the Greek τριβείν (to, rub ,) and the Latin lumen (light). Bioluminescence can be observed when
  45. That people might regard Hagelin's assertions as rather flaky, and that might, rub ,off on the theory or on us. " Hagelin's linkage of quantum mechanics and
  46. Regarded as fraudulent by some purists, especially since some dyes may fade or, rub ,off on the wearer. Dyes have also been used to darken the veins of turquoise.
  47. Water gushing out of a cliff). The Spartans were the Hellenes who used oil to, rub ,themselves while exercising in the gymnasium. The practice served to eroticize
  48. Stopping its normal movement. This can cause the pad attached to the caliper to, rub ,on the disc when the brake is not engaged, or cause it to engage at an angle.
  49. Of the car. In the earlier cars, this was a chrome-plated or stainless steel, rub ,strip which, after it passed the front wheel, gently curved down nearly to the
  50. Between two males after a conflict, when they stand back-to-back and, rub ,their scrotal sacs together. Masayoshi Kano observed similar practices among

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