Examples of the the word, reactor , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And would pollute the back end of the fuel cycle and increase the dose to, reactor ,personnel. Hence, if the minor actinides are to be used as fuel in a thermal
  2. Actinides uranium (238U) or plutonium (239Pu) with neutrons in a nuclear, reactor , In a more common case of uranium fuel, plutonium is produced first by neutron
  3. Breakthrough technology, developed by AkzoNobel, which significantly increases, reactor ,output in manufacturing suspension PVC. * Controlled impact demonstration, a
  4. That has a high neutron flux, several times higher than a conventional nuclear, reactor , such as the 85-megawatt High Flux Isotope Reactor (HAIR) at the Oak Ridge
  5. For the bulk production of Cuts. Flooded bed reactor is the most widely used, reactor ,for CNT preparation. Scale-up of the reactor is the major challenge. CVD is a
  6. Favored further experimentation. Immediately prior to the start of the game,a, reactor ,malfunction wakes the crew and colonists on the Unity early and irreparably
  7. Used in neutron radiography (77.4 %),with fuel rod scanning (12.1 %) and, reactor ,start-up (6.9 %) as important but distant secondary uses. Californium-251 has
  8. Pará in northern Brazil, are in operation. Brazil's first commercial nuclear, reactor , Angry I, located near Rio de Janeiro, has been in operation for more than 10
  9. Heavier americium isotopes by further neutron capture inside a nuclear, reactor , In a light water reactor (LWR),79 % of 241Am converts to 242Am and 10 % to
  10. At the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, USA,and the SM-2 loop, reactor ,at the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (NEAR) in Dimitrovgrad, Russia
  11. To some 320 deaths per year. Under normal circumstances, a modern nuclear, reactor ,releases minuscule amounts of radioactive contamination. While the radiation
  12. Air pollution and to nuclear power generation in the wake of the 1986, reactor , explosion at Chernobyl '. Environmental issues helped form the basis of the
  13. Prepared, in milligram amounts, by the neutron irradiation of 226 in a nuclear, reactor ,.: \math rm The reaction yield is about 2 % of the radium weight. 227Ac can
  14. Reactions conducted with nuclear reactor s. For example, under irradiation with, reactor ,neutrons,uranium-238 partially converts to plutonium-239:: \math rm In this way
  15. USD/mg. Americium is not synthesized directly from uranium – the most common, reactor ,material – but from the plutonium isotope 239Pu. The latter needs to be
  16. Integral, but very low fission cross-section for thermal neutrons. In a thermal, reactor , much of it will therefore be converted to berkelium-250 which quickly decays
  17. And they suggest berkelium to perform poorly as a fuel in a nuclear, reactor , Specifically,berkelium-249 has a moderately large neutron capture cross
  18. Site (which in this case was still recovering from Hurricane Katrina). Of the, reactor ,'s journey, only about 40 miles were traveled overland, from the final port to
  19. By Burris B. Cunningham and Stanley G. Thompson in 1958,after a continuous, reactor ,irradiation of this target for six years. This irradiation method was, and
  20. Technology In 1950 he also proposed an idea for a controlled nuclear fusion, reactor , the tokamak, which is still the basis for the majority of work in the area.
  21. Prepared, in milligram amounts, by the neutron irradiation of 226 in a nuclear, reactor , Owing to its scarcity, high price and radioactivity, actinium has no
  22. Analysis of the concentration of elements is important in managing a nuclear, reactor , so nuclear scientists will analyze neutron activation to develop discrete
  23. Bumpkin in a shooting spree in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea. *1986 – A nuclear, reactor ,accident occurs at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Soviet Union (now
  24. Been reliably duplicated. Synthesis of noble metals requires either a nuclear, reactor ,or a particle accelerator. Particle accelerators use huge amounts of energy
  25. That led to the development of the tokamak device. Efforts to improve nuclear, reactor ,technology In 1951 he invented and tested the first explosively pumped flux
  26. Parameters, such as chemical thermodynamics, to solve problems and predict, reactor ,performance. Plant design Chemical engineering design concerns the creation of
  27. A sample of plutonium-239 that had been irradiated with neutrons in a nuclear, reactor ,for five years. Two years later, in 1960,Burris Cunningham and James Walkman
  28. Curium needs to be separated. An example procedure could be to dissolve spent, reactor ,fuel (e.g. MOX fuel) in nitric acid, and remove the bulk of the uranium and
  29. Reactor is the most widely used reactor for CNT preparation. Scale-up of the, reactor ,is the major challenge. CVD is a common method for the commercial production of
  30. And lifetime of the catalyst are enhanced by addition of water into the CVD, reactor , Dense millimeter-tall nanotube" forests ", aligned normal to the substrate
  31. Isotopes of americium need to be separated. In a typical procedure, the spent, reactor ,fuel (e.g. MOX fuel) is dissolved in nitric acid, and the bulk of uranium
  32. Fast breeder reactor s since the even-mass isotopes are not fissile in a thermal, reactor ,and accumulate as burn-up increases. The mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel, which is to
  33. Secrecy, the Swedish evaluators were not allowed to examine the inside of the, reactor , and there is still uncertainty about the viability of the invention.
  34. Found in the basement below Reactor #4 during an investigation into missing, reactor ,fuel. Cyan (or; from, transliterated: pianos, meaning " dark blue substance "
  35. Nuclear chain reaction and thus in principle can act as a nuclear fuel in a, reactor , As in most transgenic elements, the nuclear fission cross-section is
  36. Curium-242 isotopes also were produced by irradiating plutonium in a nuclear, reactor , The latter element was named after Marie Curie and her husband Pierre who are
  37. Isotopes by further neutron capture inside a nuclear reactor . In a light water, reactor ,(LCR),79 % of 241Am converts to 242Am and 10 % to its nuclear isomer 242mAm:
  38. While nuclear reactor s produce energy, so only methods utilizing a nuclear, reactor ,are of economic interest. Psychology Alchemical symbolism has been used by
  39. Of cargo. As an example, on June 26, 2006,a 565-ton catalytic cracking unit, reactor ,was shipped by barge from the Tulsa Port of Caboose in Oklahoma to a refinery
  40. And can be a promising route for the bulk production of Cuts. Flooded bed, reactor ,is the most widely used reactor for CNT preparation. Scale-up of the reactor is
  41. Movement. The major uses of californium-252 in 1982 were, in order of use, reactor ,start-up (48.3 %),fuel rod scanning (25.3 %),and activation analysis (
  42. Hence, if the minor actinides are to be used as fuel in a thermal neutron, reactor , the curium should be excluded from the fuel or placed in special fuel rods
  43. Follow the direction of the electric field. By adjusting the geometry of the, reactor ,it is possible to synthesize vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (i.e.
  44. Named the Manhattan Project. ) Quarter man also helped develop the first nuclear, reactor , which was used in the atomically powered submarine called the Nautilus. A few
  45. Optimal plant operation. Chemical reaction engineers construct models for, reactor ,analysis and design using laboratory data and physical parameters, such as
  46. Principle,berkelium-249 can sustain a nuclear chain reaction in a fast breeder, reactor , Its critical mass is relatively high at 192 kg; it can be reduced with a water
  47. 700 °C. To initiate the growth of nanotubes, two gases are bled into the, reactor ,: a process gas (such as ammonia, nitrogen or hydrogen) and a
  48. Mathrm In this way, Enrico Fermi with collaborators, using the first nuclear, reactor ,Chicago Pile-1,obtained significant amounts of plutonium-239,which were then
  49. Can maintain chain reaction both in a thermal-neutron and in a fast-neutron, reactor , however, its production is rather complex and thus the availability is much
  50. Or as boric acid. In pressurized water reactor s, boric acid is added to the, reactor ,coolant when the plant is shut down for refueling. It is then slowly filtered

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