Examples of the the word, oversight , in a Sentence Context

The word ( oversight ), is the 5439 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of this, the role of boards in corporate governance, and how to improve their, oversight ,capability, has been examined carefully in recent years, and new legislation in
  2. To an ordained person, usually a normal parish minister, who has temporary, oversight ,of a trainee minister. In the Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.),the term bishop
  3. To the Pope and not any other bishop except to metropolitans in certain, oversight ,instances. The pope previously used the title Patriarch of the West, but this
  4. To experienced players being able to play indefinitely on a single credit. This, oversight ,was addressed in the game's sequel, Asteroids Deluxe, and led to significant
  5. Privy Council Office, and Treasury Board Secretariat have an organizing and, oversight ,role for the entire public service; line departments are departments which
  6. The ordination of women as bishops and rejected moves for alternative episcopal, oversight ,for those who do not accept women bishops. Actual ordinations of women to the
  7. Attempt by Gift to rule Bavaria. He initially ruled under Frankish, oversight ,but began to function independently of 763 onwards. He was particularly noted
  8. Victory over Spain in 1898 brought the Philippines, and Puerto Rico, as well as, oversight ,of Cuba. The short experiment in imperialism ended by 1908,as the U. S. turned
  9. The Procurator General of the Public, and the Ombudsman exercise autonomous, oversight ,of the government. The Comptroller General's office has a statutory
  10. And candidates, threats to leave the state or country for another with less, oversight ,and/or more personally beneficial subsidies, etc.),which renders them immune
  11. Conferences. *The American Association of Community Colleges has provided, oversight ,on community college research since the 1920s. AAC publishes a research
  12. Community and civic associations, to have space away from white control or, oversight , While the post-war reconstruction era was initially a time of progress for
  13. Adhere to a very similar ecclesiology, refusing to permit outside control or, oversight ,of local affairs. Churches of Christ Church government is congregational rather
  14. And rural communities as Territorially Based Organizations (Twos) and has, oversight ,boards known as miles de Aglaia, or vigilance committees, that are
  15. And). Paul commands them to ordain presbyters/bishops and to exercise general, oversight , telling Titus to" rebuke with all authority" (). Various Christian
  16. Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (NBF IRA) is responsible for the, oversight ,of all non-banking financial services entities in the country. As of 2005
  17. Control over viewpoints taught in local church meetings. *Priesthood editorial, oversight ,of formerly priesthood-auxiliary-specific YM MIA, YLMIA, Relief Society, Primary
  18. And is now in open beta test. It is being developed by Nixon Corporation with, oversight ,from license-holder Valve Corporation, and is an attempt to increase market
  19. Given a general license to minister as episcopal pastors under a diocesan's, oversight , The titles, in this meaning, are not used by the Roman Catholic Church.;
  20. Other common terms for this bug were" turn over" and" flip over ". Also,an, oversight ,in the small saucer's programming gave rise to a popular strategy known as "
  21. The norm among Churches of Christ. Ministers are understood to serve under the, oversight ,of the elders. No special titles are used for preachers or ministers that would
  22. It, and 179° from 180°,the putative average). In general application such an, oversight ,will lead to the average value artificially moving towards the middle of the
  23. Trait throughout the history of TDI has been their aversion to government, oversight ,and extreme secrecy surrounding leadership and finances. World Services (WS)
  24. Are used as post-nominal letters indicating an earned privilege from an, oversight ,professional body acting to safeguard the public interest. Overview
  25. And its funding comes directly from the county and state governments without, oversight ,by the city council. The ASD educates approximately 10,000 students each year
  26. And reserve policy of the member states, but also for the regulation and, oversight ,of financial sector and banking activity. A legal framework regarding licensing
  27. Public; the Bundestag in turn elects the Chancellor and, in addition, exercises, oversight , of the executive branch on issues of both substantive policy and routine
  28. Is under the overview of the Alabama State Board of Education as well as local, oversight ,by 67 county school boards and 60 city boards of education. Together,1,541
  29. And review including developing and maintaining the Qualification Process, oversight ,of the Bluetooth specifications, and developing, improving and maintaining the
  30. Supervising intelligence agencies. Congress has failed to exercise sufficient, oversight , seldom questioning the use to which its appropriations were being put. Most
  31. With Italy's Antitrust Authority. Other functions include, market supervision, oversight ,of the payment system and provision of settlement services, State treasury
  32. The chemical content and biological activity of individual doses. This lack of, oversight ,means that alternative health products are vulnerable to adulteration and
  33. A Minister of Word and Sacrament who serves a congregation and exercises" the, oversight ,of the flock of Christ. " The term is traceable to the 1789 Form of Government
  34. S largest environmental cleanup, managed by the Department of Energy under the, oversight ,of the Washington Department of Ecology and the Environmental Protection Agency
  35. State legislation. The executive branch is responsible for the execution and, oversight ,of laws. It is headed by the Governor of Alabama. Other members of executive
  36. Christian clergy who is generally entrusted with a position of authority and, oversight , Within the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox Churches, in
  37. Post-communist years, was fully reformed in the late 1990s,including stronger, oversight ,from the National Bank of Bulgaria and gradual privatization. In 2003 the
  38. Architect Archibald Latch. The reason The Cottage was built was due to an, oversight ,in the Steven age Road Stand (as it was then),as Latch had forgotten to
  39. Cavers in many countries have created organizations for the administration and, oversight ,of caving activities within their nations. The oldest of these is the French
  40. Chief Financial Officer or CFO – high level corporate officer with, oversight ,of corporate finances; reports to the CEO. May concurrently hold the title of
  41. i. Tit. iii. De EP. leg. XL. ) expressly subordinates the abbot to episcopal, oversight , The first case recorded of the partial exemption of an abbot from episcopal
  42. New York. These include the flood-control dam at Mount Morris, New York, oversight ,of the lower Great Lakes (Erie and Ontario),review and permitting of
  43. Of its business operations as a debtor in possession, and is subject to the, oversight ,and jurisdiction of the court. Features of Chapter 11 reorganization Chapter 11
  44. To having immediate jurisdiction over his own archdiocese, also exercises some, oversight ,over the other dioceses within that province. Sometimes a metropolitan may also
  45. As a colony for fear of provoking Spanish attack. The delay in government, oversight ,allowed the settlers to establish their own laws and forms of government.
  46. With the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MST),which has, oversight ,over the DCSD. On December 17, 2003,the Ministry annulled the decision made by
  47. Governments, rebels,criminals, and civilians alike, with little international, oversight , In some countries, prices for AKS are very low; in Somalia, Rwanda,Mozambique
  48. Or study. An architect is a person trained in the planning, design and, oversight ,of the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to offer or
  49. Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for, oversight ,of Croatia's air carrier operations. This meant that the country had a NASA
  50. S large scale projects cause social and environmental damage due to lack of, oversight , One of the most controversial ADB-related projects is Thailand's Mae MOH

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