Examples of the the word, goat , in a Sentence Context

The word ( goat ), is the 6693 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the problem lies with shepherds; over the past two centuries, many sheep and, goat ,herders have gradually abandoned the more traditional practice of using dogs to
  2. The brewery until 1977. *Sly Fox Brewery (Phoenixville, PA ) hosts an annual, goat ,race to commemorate its bock fest. *Ziegenbock (owned by Anheuser-Busch),is
  3. Associations, having been consistently represented as a hybrid of a, goat ,and a fish since the Middle Bronze Age. First attested in depictions on a
  4. And other parts of the animal are enjoyed. In Patagonia, lamb and Cheviot (, goat ,) are eaten more frequently than beef. Whole lambs and goat s can be seen on the
  5. Tenth month) a celebration of her as the goddess of nature and animal. A, goat ,was being sacrificed to her. *Day 6 of Harrelson (eleventh month) the
  6. Of Northern Europe. The chupacabras (, from char" to suck" and cobra ", goat ,", literally " goat sucker" ) is a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts
  7. As the long fur can cause the rabbits to overheat. Angora goat The Angora, goat ,() is a breed of domestic goat that originated in Ankara and its surrounding
  8. Of stars β Cap and α2 Cap: star β Cap being of the third magnitude. The, goat ,'s hind foot consists of stars ψ Cap and ω Cap. Both of these stars are of the
  9. Deep black to grass and silver),red (the color fades significantly as the, goat ,gets older),and brownish fiber. Angora goat s were depicted on the reverse of
  10. Has suggested an alternative visualization, which graphically shows a goat . The, goat ,'s head is formed by the triangle of stars ι Cap, θ Cap, and ζ Cap. The goat 's
  11. Saved him from being devoured by his father Cronus (in Greek mythology). The, goat ,'s broken horn was transformed into the cornucopia or horn of plenty. Some
  12. The rabbits to overheat. Angora goat The Angora goat () is a breed of domestic, goat ,that originated in Ankara and its surrounding region in central Anatolia. This
  13. Shorn in the summer as the long fur can cause the rabbits to overheat. Angora, goat ,The Angora goat () is a breed of domestic goat that originated in Ankara and
  14. They can therefore employ a variety of meats (chicken, beef,water buffalo and, goat ,as in the flavorsome" gulag lambing" ), seafood (prawn, crab,mussel, clam
  15. Astrological sign. Its name is Latin for" horned male goat " or ", goat ,horn ", and it is commonly represented in the form of a Sea-Goat: a mythical
  16. A moderate amount of wine and fat-rich animal products such as lamb, and, goat , cheese. However, the Cretan diet consisted of fewer fish and wine consumption
  17. Surrounding region in central Anatolia, along with the Angora cat and Angora, goat , The rabbits were popular pets with French royalty in the mid 18th century, and
  18. After Aegean, a queen of the Amazons who died in the sea, or Again, the " sea, goat ,", another name of Breaks, one of the archaic Hecatonchires, or,especially
  19. Are the most common meats used in southern Beninese cuisine is, but beef, goat , and bush rat are also consumed. Name" Benin"/> name "/NP"> Tourism"/> The
  20. And thus the beer became known as" bock ". To this day, as a visual pun,a, goat ,often appears on bock labels. The styles of bock Traditional
  21. Treating the word as meaning" something grammatically feminine pertaining to, goat ," (Greek αἰξ (stem αἰγ-) =" goat ", + suffix -ίς (stem ίδ-) ) The
  22. Organ meats, chicken feet, duck tongue, snakes,and snails. However, lamb and, goat ,is rarely eaten, unlike in cuisines of Northern or Western China. Many cooking
  23. Europe where animal products are generally in strong supply, but the sheep and, goat ,meat, milke, and leather (and the products derived from these) are relatively
  24. Belonging first to Athena. Another version describes it to have been really the, goat ,'s skin used as a belt to support the shield. When so used it would generally
  25. To polo, played by horsemen in two teams, each trying to grab and hold a, goat ,carcass. Afghan hounds (a type of running dog) originated in Afghanistan and
  26. WU). Mythology This constellation is sometimes identified as Althea,the, goat ,that suckled the infant Zeus after his mother Rhea saved him from being
  27. The chupacabras (, from char" to suck" and cobra" goat ", literally ", goat ,sucker" ) is a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas. It
  28. Poetical Astronomy ii. 13) Zeus is said to have used the skin of the, goat ,deity Althea (aegis" goat -skin" ) which suckled him in Crete, as a shield
  29. Accent, citizens of Munich pronounced" Steinbeck" as" an Bock" (" a billy, goat ,"),and thus the beer became known as" bock ". To this day, as a visual pun
  30. To 286,781. Economy Historically, the production of Mohair from the Angora, goat ,; and Angora wool from the Angora rabbit; have been an important part of the
  31. Services and advice on the raising of cotton. The fleece taken from an Angora, goat ,is called mohair. A single goat produces between five and eight kilograms of
  32. Of cotton. The fleece taken from an Angora goat is called mohair. A single, goat ,produces between five and eight kilograms of hair per year. Angoras are shorn
  33. Can be used. String Strings on a cello have cores made out of gut (sheep or, goat ,), metal,or synthetic materials, such as Person. Most modern strings used
  34. A different species of sandwich called the Cheviot, even though it contains no, goat ,meat. Also, worth mentioning are cicadas, which are consumed at home or in bars
  35. Represented in the form of a Sea-Goat: a mythical creature that is half, goat , half fish. Its symbol is (Unicode ♑). Capricorns is one of the 88 modern
  36. Climb back northward. However, the constellation is more often depicted as a, goat ,with a fish's tail. One myth says that when the goat -god Pan was attacked by
  37. And δ Cap. Star δ Cap, at the tip of the horn, is of the third magnitude. The, goat ,'s tail consists of stars β Cap and α2 Cap: star β Cap being of the third
  38. The monster Typhoon, he dove into the Nile; the parts above the water remained a, goat , but those under the water transformed into a fish. In Summer, the constellation
  39. H. A. Rey has suggested an alternative visualization, which graphically shows a, goat , The goat 's head is formed by the triangle of stars ι Cap, θ Cap, and ζ Cap.
  40. Word – ages" waves" ( Psychics of Alexandria; metaphorical use of (AIX) ", goat ,"),hence" wavy sea ", cf. also (signals ages (waves) + Hals (sea) )
  41. Yellow tone, hence the name of the yellowish-white color, cream. Cream from, goat ,'s milk, or from cows fed indoors on grain or grain-based pellets, is white.
  42. To the corresponding astrological sign. Its name is Latin for" horned male, goat ," or" goat horn ", and it is commonly represented in the form of a Sea-Goat: a
  43. Quite common to eat and enjoy a dish known as Cabrini all Astor (roast kid or, goat ,) in the province of Córdoba. Northwest and CUO This region is regarded as
  44. Grammatically feminine pertaining to goat " ( Greek αἰξ (stem αἰγ-) = ", goat ,", + suffix -ίς (stem ίδ-) ) The original meaning may have been #1,and Ζευς
  45. Let another man be alone with his wife (Problem 17); the problem of the wolf, goat , and cabbage (Problem 18); and the problem of" the two adults and two
  46. goat 's head is formed by the triangle of stars ι Cap, θ Cap, and ζ Cap. The, goat ,'s horn sticks out with stars γ Cap and δ Cap. Star δ Cap, at the tip of the
  47. Act. She abandoned him, and he was raised by shepherds and suckled by a, goat , whence his name Aegis thus (from, buck ). Atreus, not knowing the baby's
  48. No other sharply defined or highly characteristic taste such as for instance, goat , high game, and pork have. The steak was slightly tougher than prime veal, a
  49. The wolf will dwell with the lamb; the leopard will lie down with the young, goat ,; the calf, and the young lion, and the yearling together, and a little child
  50. Year old earthen bowl found in Iran in Shari Sophia has five images of a, goat ,painted along the sides. This has been claimed to be an example of early

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