Examples of the the word, feast , in a Sentence Context

The word ( feast ), is the 6691 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was commemorated in a painting by Claude Monet). On 14 July 1879,another, feast ,took place, with a semi-official aspect; the events of the day included a
  2. And proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1931 by Pope Pius XI. St Albert's, feast ,day is celebrated on November 15. Writings Albert us' writings collected in
  3. And Tiberius. More recent editions of the Roman Martyrology have instead: The, feast ,day of the Roman martyr Felix is 29 July. Occurring when the Peace of
  4. Their great freedom. Origin of the present celebration On 30 June 1878,a, feast ,had been arranged in Paris by official decision to honor the French Republic (
  5. The events that lead to Alboin's downfall unfold in Verona. During a great, feast ,Albion gets drunk and orders his wife Rosamond to drink from his cup, made from
  6. Be restored to him. This was done, and the proceedings were ratified by a, feast , Almost immediately after, however,Job, who had been sent away, perhaps
  7. Was canonized and is included in earlier editions of the Roman Martyrology (, feast ,day 27 November) — though not in the Roman Missal — and in the Eastern
  8. Was published at Florence,1759. St. Ambrose is honored by the Church with a, feast ,day on 20 November. Selected works: *Hodoeporicon, diary of a journey visiting
  9. Father of The Canon ". Athanasius is venerated as a Christian saint, whose, feast , day is 2 May in Western Christianity,15 May in the Coptic Orthodox Church, and
  10. Temples were not places of public worship or congregation, and only on select, feast ,days and celebrations was a shrine carrying the statue of the god brought out
  11. Said at Prime on Sundays after Epiphany and Pentecost, except when a Double, feast ,or day within an octave occurred, and on Trinity Sunday. In the 1960 reforms
  12. Cross at Burka. A crater on the Moon, Ansgarius, has been named for him. His, feast ,day is 3 February. Automated theorem proving (ATP) or automated deduction
  13. Church commemorates him as the" Righteous Forefather Abraham ", with two, feast ,days in its liturgical calendar. The first time is on October 9 (for those
  14. Waited two years and avenged her by sending his servants to murder Anon at a, feast ,to which he had invited all the king's sons. () After this deed he fled to
  15. Which featured members of the village enjoying the traditional story-ending, feast ,at a McDonald's restaurant. * Version 4.0 of the operating system OpenBSD
  16. And divine grace. In the Eastern Orthodox Church he is blessed, and his, feast ,day is celebrated on 15 June. Among the Orthodox, he is called" Blessed
  17. Leader among the Desert Fathers. He is celebrated in many churches on his, feast ,days: 30 January in the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church;
  18. Symbel. Used is technically part of blot. Symbol is normally held after the, feast , inasmuch as it is custom not to have food present. German Lord formed the
  19. Dating systems in Western Europe, different people chose different Christian, feast ,days to begin the year: Christmas, Annunciation,or Easter. Thus, depending on
  20. Later recognized as a Doctor of the Church in 1298 by Pope Boniface VIII. His, feast ,day is August 28,the day on which he died. He is considered the patron saint
  21. Of the glorious Baptism, on the feast of the holy Resurrection, and on the, feast ,of the illuminating Cross. " On 25 June 2009,the patriarch of the Orthodox
  22. Upon the Ark four times a year," on the feast of the great nativity, on the, feast ,of the glorious Baptism, on the feast of the holy Resurrection, and on the
  23. Exhibits as well. Other festivals celebrated here include Carnival,the, feast ,of San Isidro Labrador on 15 May and a crafts and livestock fair called the NAO
  24. The end of the official celebration, the day ended in a huge four-day popular, feast ,and people celebrated with fireworks, as well as fine wine and running naked
  25. The early months of 453. The conventional account, from Prices, says that at a, feast ,celebrating his latest marriage to the beautiful and young Indigo (if
  26. A lot of time and work. He had to compose an oratorio or concerto at every, feast ,and teach the orphans both music theory and how to play certain instruments.
  27. From the Soviet Union in 1991. *One of the three Funds patent, a harvest, feast ,involving the dead. (Roman Empire) External links
  28. A major problem: in some years, there was no Easter, and in other years, that, feast , was celebrated twice; for example, Easter occurred on 23 March 1504 (i.e. in
  29. Ælfheah's death. Veneration Pope Gregory VII canonized Ælfheah in 1078,with a, feast ,day of 19 April. Lankan, the first post-Conquest archbishop, was dubious
  30. Easter. He further states that the month was named after a goddess Ensure whose, feast ,was in that month. St George's day is the twenty-third of the month; and St
  31. Orthodox Church there is a commemoration of the dead on the Saturday before the, feast ,of Saint Michael the Archangel—8 November, instead of the Demetrius Soul
  32. S half-brother and Tamar's full brother, sent his servants to kill Anon at a, feast ,to which he had invited all the king's sons. () Books *The Rape of Tamar
  33. The year is devoted to general prayer for the departed, unless some greater, feast ,or saint's commemoration occurs. Protestantism and Roman Catholic Church At
  34. Valdemar's father KNU Lava rd in 1170,with Absalom assisting him at the, feast , When Email stepped down as Archbishop of Land in 1177,he chose Absalom as his
  35. The Sunday of the Last Judgement *Demetrius Saturday (the Saturday before the, feast ,of Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki—26 October) (In the Bulgarian Orthodox
  36. Garlic, and fruit such as dates and figs. Wine and meat were enjoyed by all on, feast ,days while the upper classes indulged on a more regular basis. Fish, meat,and
  37. Canonized. The Anglican Communion venerates him as a Christian hero, with a, feast ,day of 26 October, and he may often be found depicted in stained-glass in
  38. Ambrose is venerated as a saint by some branches of Christianity. His, feast ,day in the Roman Catholic Church falls on 17 March. An
  39. To celebrate the two disciples of Paul, Titus and Timothy, on the day after the, feast ,of the Conversion of St. Paul. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  40. Timothy seems to dispute this, by claiming that Titus has gone to Dalmatia. The, feast ,day of Titus was not included in the Bridenstine Calendar. When added in 1854
  41. Middle Ages in the construction of the religion-culture of Western Europe. Her, feast ,day, December 16,is still kept in many German dioceses. Rossini's Opera
  42. It was assigned to 6 February. In 1969,the Roman Catholic Church assigned the, feast ,to 26 January to celebrate the two disciples of Paul, Titus and Timothy
  43. An Aberdeen shire accent. Events * 79 – Mount Vesuvius begins stirring, on the, feast ,day of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. *406 – Radagaisus is executed after he is
  44. Fête de la Federation The Fête de la Federation on the 14 July 1790 was a huge, feast ,and official event to celebrate the uprising of the short-lived constitutional
  45. The feast of the great nativity, on the feast of the glorious Baptism, on the, feast ,of the holy Resurrection, and on the feast of the illuminating Cross. " On 25
  46. Passenger, a Dutch admiral who died of this condition following a gluttonous, feast ,and subsequent regurgitation. This condition was uniformly fatal prior to
  47. How the liturgy is celebrated upon the Ark four times a year," on the, feast ,of the great nativity, on the feast of the glorious Baptism, on the feast of
  48. Christian denominations which officially approve of and recognize saints. His, feast ,day is observed on 2 May, the day of his death. In the Roman Catholic Church he
  49. Starting in 754 AUC (AD 1). That" mos gallivants" bound to a movable, feast ,was introduced in France by king Philip Augustus (1165–1180–1223),maybe to
  50. Orthodox Church and the Maronite Church Aaron is venerated as a saint, with a, feast ,day celebrated on September 4,together with Moses (for those churches which

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