Examples of the the word, clinician , in a Sentence Context
The word ( clinician ), is the 8216 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Psychiatric history, and preferences, as well as the expertise of the treating, clinician , Often, behavioral/psychotherapeutic and pharmacological approaches are not
- Subsequent pathological events in vocal fold wounding, which is good for, clinician ,to develop therapeutic targets to minimize scar formation. In the proliferative
- Mira, professor of euphonium at the Hitachi College of Music; soloist and, clinician ,who was awarded a lifetime achievement award by the International Tuba
- To discard the analytic couch in favor of two chairs. This allows the, clinician ,and patient to sit together more or less than equals. Clinically,Adler's
- Or about one in every nine people have been diagnosed with the disease by a, clinician ,at some point in their lives. Another study identified a gene that the
- Seeking" are often used, and may become a self-fulfilling prophecy as the, clinician ,'s negative response triggers further self-destructive behavior. In
- To increase yield. FNAC can be performed under palpation guidance (i.e. the, clinician ,can feel the lesion) on a mass in superficial regions like the neck, thyroid
- And booking agent, scores and edits movie and TV soundtracks, Jazz educator and, clinician ,on a worldwide basis. http://www.douglaspurviance.com/ *
- Shapiro's medical publications, said he is" a much better writer than he is a, clinician ,". Howard Kushner's A Cursing Brain?: The Histories of Tourette Syndrome, says
- An HMO or other large health care organization. In others, they are essentially, clinician ,group practices that employ pathologists to provide diagnostic services for the
- That sound similar to tinnitus. Causes Objective tinnitus In some cases,a, clinician ,can perceive an actual sound (e.g., a bruit) emanating from the patient's
- Or about one in every nine people have been diagnosed with the disease by a, clinician ,at some point in their lives. The term eczema is broadly applied to a range of
- And a generally slow rate, noting: Dr. J. Thomas Paste, a highly experienced, clinician ,and researcher, has suggested that a 7-10 day period between dose decreases
- On the science and research of psychology). Theodore H. Beau was the first, clinician ,in independent practice to be elected president of the American Psychological
- Treat asthma and other respiratory illness. An Asthma Educator is the resource, clinician ,in inpatient and outpatient environments for evaluating and advising physicians
- Taken place, no matter how improbable intuitively they might appear to the busy, clinician , " They note that typical examples of such situations, may include: Quoting
- Monitoring system which may show only one lead and is either initiated by a, clinician ,or in response to an alarm or event. Leads The term" lead" in
- Of antibiotics by individuals without the guidelines of a qualified, clinician ,and the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics as growth promoters in agriculture.
- As hostility, suspicion,hallucination, and grandiosity. It is based on the, clinician ,'s interview with the patient and observations of the patient's behavior over
- Use by the elderly, although it is not recommended without consultation with a, clinician , Sorbitol is found in some dried fruits and may contribute to the laxative
- S first professors in medicine. Osier quickly increased his reputation as a, clinician , humanitarian and teacher. He presided over a rapidly expanding domain. In the
- Impairment, which can be considered along the same lines as a disability from a, clinician ,'s standpoint, is defined as being unable to complete tasks in one's daily
- Correctly as the veins are not usually palpable and rely on an experienced, clinician ,knowing the appropriate landmarks and/or using an ultrasound probe to safely
- And projective identification. Thus, the diagnosis" often says more about the, clinician ,'s negative reaction to the patient than it does about the patient ... as an
- Are" an abnormal response to a normal environment ", while in aviation the, clinician ,must consider the" normal response to an abnormal environment ". Flight
- Reactions ". The specifics of the disorder were to be provided by the, clinician ,as a" supplementary term" to the sexual deviation diagnosis; examples of this
- Traits criteria were dropped in part because it was feared that the average, clinician ,would not use them correctly. Hare criticizes the instead used DSM-IV criteria
- One of the 'founding fathers' of ophthalmology as a specialty. A brilliant, clinician ,and charismatic teacher who had an international influence on the development
- As Director of the Physiological Laboratory at the clinic of the famous Russian, clinician , S. P. Bodkin, enabled him to continue his research work. In 1883, he presented
- The release is usually persuasive or conclusive in law, in that the, clinician ,may rely legally upon it for consent. In formal circumstances, a written
- Panel was an Ideologue, a disciple of the abbé de Condillac. He was also a, clinician ,who believed that medical truth was derived from clinical experience.
- On the other hand, focusing early on the question of production may allow the, clinician ,to expose cases more rapidly where multiple causes of anemia coexist. Signs and
- Of the eating disorder and any comorbid psychological conditions. The, clinician ,conducts a clinical interview and may employ various psychometric tests. Some
- The Hastings Center, and Daniel Brock of Harvard University, medically-trained, clinician , ethicists such as Mark Ziegler of the University of Chicago and Joseph Fins of
- Assessment incorporates the patient's self-reported experiences as well as the, clinician ,'s observations. The resulting profile may be supported or corroborated by
- Drugs have to be admitted depends on the assessment and the experience of the, clinician , Uncomplicated malaria is treated with oral drugs. The most effective strategy
- By a psychiatrist, nurse,social worker, clinical psychologist or other, clinician ,in a clinical assessment. There are lists of criteria for someone to be so
- In some cases may make controversial arrangements with" pod labs" that allow, clinician ,groups to lease space, with the clinical groups receiving direct insurance
- May lead to cancer if not repaired by the body. It is also beneficial for a, clinician ,to utilize speciation analysis from a preventative standpoint. Many patients
- Health consequences. Once benzodiazepine dependence has been established,a, clinician ,usually converts the patient to an equivalent dose of diazepam before beginning
- Vertebral bodies lead to kyphosis of the thoracic spine, obvious to the, clinician ,as" dowager's hump. " Clinical decision rule A number of clinical decision
- In the field of dream analysis. While he was a fully involved and practicing, clinician , much of his life's work was spent exploring tangential areas, including
- Chase, Glenn Smith’M. Dee Stewart, and Glenn Dodson. He is an active soloist, clinician , chamber musician, and teacher. He has performed at the International Brass
- Is the process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist,or other mental health, clinician ,mistakes the patient's perception of real events as delusional and
- Gestation. Under the FDA-approved regimen, a 600 mg dose is administered by a, clinician ,following a counseling session. Two days later, a clinician administers 400 kg
- Processes include claims and payment processing, call center services, clinician ,enrollment, and fraud investigation. Taxes imposed to finance Medicare
- Of patients with that disease. These types of studies, in which an astute, clinician ,identifies an unusual feature of a disease or a patient's history, may lead to
- Techniques. A" quick read" is a peek under the microscope and can tell the, clinician ,if they have obtained enough diagnostic material. Cytological specimens also
- Systematic Treatment Selection) * Theodore H. Beau (first practicing, clinician ,elected president of APA) C * James Cat tell (helped establish psychology as a
- Administered by a clinician following a counseling session. Two days later,a, clinician ,administers 400 kg of another medicine, misoprostol, to induce contractions. In
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