Examples of the the word, allegiance , in a Sentence Context
The word ( allegiance ), is the 9226 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Parte Anderson (1861) 3 El & El 487; 121 ER 525). Natural-born subjects owe, allegiance ,wherever they may be. Where territory is occupied in the course of hostilities
- Sovereign's protection, therefore they owe the Sovereign a local obedience or, allegiance ,(R v Cole (1759) 2 Burr 834; Low v Routledge (1865) 1 Ch App 42; Re
- In the style of the latter, the name being a pun on" Gabba Hey ". An, allegiance ,is a duty of fidelity said to be owed by a subject or a citizen to his/her
- Of him, such as might occur in the event of war. Oath of allegiance The oath of, allegiance ,is an oath of fidelity to the sovereign taken by all persons holding important
- Against one or both. If the demands of these two sovereigns upon his duty of, allegiance ,come into conflict, those of the United States have the paramount authority in
- Duty of the subject towards the Crown is that of allegiance . At common law, allegiance ,is a true and faithful obedience of the subject due to his Sovereign. As the
- By letters patent, which was the usual manner; and by conquest. Local, allegiance ,was due by an alien while in the protection of the Crown. All friendly resident
- Or of invading forces or of an alien in enemy occupied territory). The natural, allegiance ,and obedience is an incident inseparable to every subject, for as soon as they
- Had the difficult task of fighting the war while simultaneously retaining the, allegiance ,of Loyalists. Loyalist support was important, since the goal of the war was to
- Time –" I do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true, allegiance ,to His Majesty ..." In Islam The word used in the Arabic language for
- Of Natal 1907 AC 326). Legal allegiance was due when an alien took an oath of, allegiance ,required for a particular office under the Crown. By the Naturalization Act
- To every subject, for as soon as they are born they owe by birthright, allegiance ,and obedience to the Sovereign (Ex p. Anderson (1861) 3 E & E 487). A
- Due to his Sovereign. As the subject owes to his king his true and faithful, allegiance ,and obedience, so the Sovereign is to govern and protect his subjects, regere
- The mother society, while new foundations sprang up in large numbers, all owing, allegiance ,to the" arch abbot," established at Clung. By the end of the 12th century the
- Expansion. United States The doctrine that no man can cast off his native, allegiance ,without the consent of his sovereign was early abandoned in the United States
- S Case (1608) 7 Co Rep 1a; Junk 306; 2 State Try 559; 77 ER 377). Natural, allegiance ,and obedience is an incident inseparable to every subject, for as soon as the
- And involuntary (de Eager v Attorney-Geneneral of Natal 1907 AC 326). Legal, allegiance ,was due when an alien took an oath of allegiance required for a particular
- The connection with Latin linear," to bind," is erroneous. Usage The term, allegiance ,was traditionally often used by English legal commentators in a larger sense
- The controversial hiring of German mercenaries. The need to retain Loyalist, allegiance ,also meant that the British could not use the harsh methods of suppressing
- Attended Fora. As Pope Martin V supported Fora, Alfonso switched religious, allegiance ,to the Aragonite antipope Benedict XIII. When Fora also abandoned Louis
- Led his nephew Mahmud I (1730–54) to the seat of sovereignty and paid, allegiance ,to him as Sultan of the Empire. He then retired to the Keynes previously
- Had not yet been reconstructed, and John A. Winston would not take the oath of, allegiance , All representatives and senators listed represented Alabama except where noted
- Be removed in infancy to another country where his family resided, owed an, allegiance ,to the British crown which he could never resign or lose, except by act of
- Doctrine, which was at one time adopted in the United States, asserted that, allegiance ,was indelible:" Nemo protest equal partial ". Accordingly, as the law stood
- It was made possible for British subjects to renounce their nationality and, allegiance , and the ways in which that nationality is lost are defined. So British
- Turned his attention to securing the Western Isles, which still owed a nominal, allegiance ,to Norway. He successively attempted negotiations and purchase, but without
- Sovereign (Ex p. Anderson (1861) 3 E & E 487). A natural-born subject owes, allegiance ,wherever they may be, so that where territory is occupied in the course of
- 1525. The Estates of the land then met at Königsberg and took the oath of, allegiance ,to the new duke, who used his full powers to promote the doctrines of Luther.
- As a legislator to create a constitution or simply to maintain the colony’s, allegiance , Theories Anaximander's theories were influenced by the Greek mythical
- Civil office, had not mistreated Union prisoners, and would sign an oath of, allegiance , As Southern states were subdued, critical decisions had to be made as to their
- Occupied country (R v German (1900) 21 NLR 204 (South Africa) ). Acquired, allegiance ,was acquired by naturalization or denization. Denization, or gigantic
- And treason," and he appealed to the people of the state to reassert their, allegiance ,to that Union for which their ancestors had fought. Jackson also denied the
- Attempted to persuade Even, the son of Duncan, Lord of Argyle, to sever his, allegiance ,to Aaron IV of Norway. When Even rejected these attempts, Alexander sailed
- The Garland Peninsula and dated his charters by Alexios' reign. Henry's, allegiance ,was to be the last example of Byzantine political control on peninsular Italy.
- d) A legal obedience, where a particular law requires the taking of an oath of, allegiance ,by subject or alien alike. Natural allegiance was acquired by birth within the
- Act 1786) to allow bishops to be consecrated for an American church outside, allegiance ,to the British Crown (whereas no bishoprics had ever been established in the
- They give it but to Allah Himself ". The word is used for the oath of, allegiance ,to an emir. It is also used for the initiation ceremony specific to many Sufis
- To His Majesty ..." In Islam The word used in the Arabic language for, allegiance ,is bay'at (Arabic: بيعة),which means" taking hand ". The practice is
- Inseparable to every subject, for as soon as the Sovereign is born, they owe, allegiance ,and obedience (Ex parte Anderson (1861) 3 El & El 487; 121 ER 525).
- Established through legislation in their respective Parliaments; and assumed, allegiance ,and loyalty to the British Crown in all their members. However, from the first
- John. But John having died, the Pope and the English aristocracy changed their, allegiance ,to his nine-year-old son, Henry,forcing the French and the Scottish armies to
- His status as:" I am not one of those hyphenated Americans who claim, allegiance ,to two countries. " Despite this declaration, Bell has been proudly claimed as
- Duties are required of him, such as might occur in the event of war. Oath of, allegiance ,The oath of allegiance is an oath of fidelity to the sovereign taken by all
- And protect. The reciprocal duty of the subject towards the Crown is that of, allegiance , At common law allegiance is a true and faithful obedience of the subject due
- Of the occupied country is proclaimed by the enemy, there can be no change of, allegiance ,during the progress of hostilities on the part of a citizen of the occupied
- Is sanctioned in the Qur'an by Surah 48:10:" Verily, those who give thee their, allegiance , they give it but to Allah Himself ". The word is used for the oath of
- Requires the taking of an oath of allegiance by subject or alien alike. Natural, allegiance ,was acquired by birth within the Sovereign's dominions (except for the issue
- Natural-born American citizen who is a citizen of a foreign land owes a double, allegiance , one to the United States, and one to his homeland (in the event of an
- Of the occupied country is proclaimed by the enemy, there can be no change of, allegiance ,during the progress of hostilities on the part of a citizen of the occupied
- TLR 790; Falcon v Famous Players Film Co 1926 2 KB 474). A resident alien owed, allegiance ,even when the protection of the Crown was withdrawn owing to the occupation of
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