Examples of the the word, solvent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( solvent ), is the 9224 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A random force field representing the effect of the thermal fluctuations of the, solvent ,on the Brownian particle. On long timescales, the mathematical Brownian motion
  2. For the detection range of the technique, it can simply be diluted in a pure, solvent , If the amount in the sample is below an instrument's range of measurement
  3. Position such as curator ship of a museum. In order to remain financially, solvent , Wallace worked grading government examinations, wrote 25 papers for
  4. A radical aromatic species, this then abstracts a halogen atom from the, solvent , For the synthesis of ARL iodides diiodomethane is used, whereas bromoform is
  5. Species, solvate (earlier late) anions, in equilibrium with the neutral, solvent ,molecules. For example, water and ammonia undergo such dissociation into
  6. With an appropriate reagent. A large amount of work has been done on the, solvent ,extraction of americium. For example, a recent EU funded project code named "
  7. Amyl alcohol) can be obtained from fuel alcohol. Amy alcohol is used as a, solvent ,and in esterification for example in the production of Amy acetate. Amy
  8. Liquid water, a molecule essential for life as we know it, for its use as a, solvent ,in cells. And possibly in subsurface environments such as hydrothermal springs
  9. The Brønsted–Lowry definition does not refer to the formation of salt and, solvent , but instead to the formation of conjugate acids and conjugate bases, produced
  10. Itself, the same compound can change its role depending on the choice of the, solvent , Thus, is a strong acid in water, a weak acid in acetic acid, and a weak base
  11. Adhesives and rubber cements are members of the drying adhesive family. As the, solvent ,evaporates, the adhesive hardens. Depending on the chemical composition of the
  12. And medicine * Accessible surface area of a biomolecule, accessible to a, solvent ,* Acetylsalicylic acid, the chemical name for the analgesic trademarked as
  13. With a slightly lower boiling point (64.7 °C),and is used mainly as a, solvent , fuel, and raw material. Unlike ethanol, methanol is extremely toxic: One sip (
  14. Toxicity and ability to dissolve non-polar substances, ethanol can be used as a, solvent ,in medical drugs, perfumes,and vegetable essences such as vanilla. In organic
  15. Liquid ammonia is the best-known and most widely studied non-aqueous ionizing, solvent , Its most conspicuous property is its ability to dissolve alkali metals to form
  16. Pair. The ligand-copper complex is extracted from the solution using an organic, solvent ,such as kerosene:: Cu2+ (a) + 2LH (organic) → CuL2 (organic) + 2H+ (a
  17. And can therefore be excreted with minimal water loss. Liquid ammonia as a, solvent ,Liquid ammonia is the best-known and most widely studied non-aqueous ionizing
  18. Adhesives are a mixture of ingredients (typically polymers) dissolved in a, solvent , White glue, contact adhesives and rubber cements are members of the drying
  19. C is about 10−33 mol2·L−2. Solubility of salts Liquid ammonia is an ionizing, solvent , although less so than water, and dissolves a range of ionic compounds
  20. For bonding thin materials. Adhesives cure (harden) by either evaporating a, solvent ,or by chemical reactions that occur between two or more constituents. Adhesives
  21. SFC). The mobile phase consists of the sample being separated/analyzed and the, solvent ,that moves the sample through the column. In the case of HPLC the mobile phase
  22. The synthesis of ARL iodides diiodomethane is used, whereas bromoform is the, solvent ,of choice for the synthesis of ARL bromides. Physiological effects Amy
  23. Reactions in aphotic solvent s, for example in liquid:: (base) + (acid) → (, solvent ,) + (salt) Since solvent -system definition depends on the solvent as well as
  24. The column. In the case of HPLC the mobile phase consists of a non-polar, solvent ,(s) such as humane in normal phase or polar solvent s in reverse phase
  25. A clear flammable liquid that boils at 78.4 °C, which is used as an industrial, solvent , car fuel, and raw material in the chemical industry. In the US and some other
  26. The reaction of the alkyl nitrite with an aromatic amine in a alienated, solvent ,produces a radical aromatic species, this then abstracts a halogen atom from
  27. Drying adhesives There are two types of adhesives that harden by drying:, solvent ,based adhesives and polymer dispersion adhesives, also known as emulsion
  28. The presence of co- solvent s such as trifluoroethanol (TFE),or isolated from, solvent ,in the gas phase, oligopeptides readily adopt stable helical structure.
  29. Articles are made from liquid SAS by coating the adhesive and drying off the, solvent ,or water carrier. They may be further heated to initiate a cross-linking
  30. Mesopotamia of the agrarian subsidies which had kept the Akkadian Empire, solvent , Water levels within the Tigris and Euphrates fell 1.5 meters beneath the level
  31. As and were felt to be acidic or basic on their own right. On the other hand, solvent ,system theory was criticized as too general to be useful; it was felt that
  32. The precursors are in liquid form (liquid or solid dissolved in a convenient, solvent ,). Liquid solutions are injected in a vaporization chamber towards injectors (
  33. In the adhesives are a medium for the polyester or the polyurethane resin. The, solvent ,is dried during the curing process. One-part adhesives One-part adhesives
  34. Although Brønsted–Lowry acid–base behavior is formally independent of any, solvent , it encompasses Arrhenius and solvent system definitions in an unenforced way.
  35. But they do not lift paint stains very well and are not selective. The use of a, solvent ,to remove paint will result in removal of all the paint layers, acrylic
  36. Acid) → ( solvent ) + (salt) Since solvent -system definition depends on the, solvent ,as well as on the compound itself, the same compound can change its role
  37. In a flame include the following stages: * Desolation (drying) – the, solvent ,is evaporated and the dry sample nanoparticles remain; * Vaporization (
  38. e.g. a woman or boy under fourteen years of age in aiding rape, or a, solvent ,person in aiding and abetting a bankrupt to commit offenses against the
  39. And managed to stay profitable while its competitors struggled to remain, solvent , After the war, the Federal government created Canadian National Railways (CNR
  40. The known volume of GM, and autoclave to both sterilize and evaporate off any, solvent ,that may have been used to dissolve the often polar hormones. This hormone/GM
  41. Other (the mobile phase) moves in a definite direction. *The fluent is the, solvent ,that will carry the analyte. *An allotropic series is a list of solvent s ranked
  42. In captain's seats at a higher pay rate with American and were working for a, solvent ,company. The junior TWA pilots were mostly furloughed. On the AA side the
  43. 550 feet) ship contained Xylene, a clear, flammable liquid commonly used as a, solvent ,in rubber, leather and the printing industries. All 19 crew members were
  44. Process can be assisted by adding a precipitating agent or by removal of the, solvent , Rapid precipitation results in an amorphous or microcrystalline residue and
  45. Orchestra used in opera Miscellaneous *Band fluid, the distinctive-smelling, solvent ,used in a Band machine, a type of copying machine *Band, large smoked fish in
  46. Behavior is formally independent of any solvent , it encompasses Arrhenius and, solvent ,system definitions in an unenforced way. For example, protonation of ammonia, a
  47. A random force field representing the effect of the thermal fluctuations of the, solvent ,on the particle. The displacement of a particle undergoing Brownian motion is
  48. Are generally applicable. Typically, homogeneous catalysts are dissolved in a, solvent ,with the substrates. One example of homogeneous catalysis involves the
  49. Dissolved copper (Cu2+) ions are removed from the solution by ligand exchange, solvent ,extraction which leaves other ions in the solution. The copper is removed by
  50. Illustrate reaction mechanisms such as those defined in the Brønsted–Lowry and, solvent ,system definitions more clearly, with the Arrhenius definition serving as a

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