Examples of the the word, tenet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tenet ), is the 7771 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rather her focus on politics. Independence from men as oppressors was a central, tenet ,of lesbian-feminism, and many believers strove to separate themselves
  2. Information could not reach the snipers since they had no radios. It is a basic, tenet ,of sniping operations that there are enough snipers (at least two for each
  3. Which inspired his philosophical activity, was identical with the fundamental, tenet ,of Scholasticism: there can be no contradiction between the truths which God
  4. System. Each of the following, according to Earned, is a ", tenet ," of computationalism: * Mental states are computational states (which is why
  5. Mormons, view faith in Jesus Christ and the atonement as the central, tenet ,of their religion. LDS theology includes the Christian doctrine of salvation
  6. References to it in the liturgy. However, many Conservative Jews interpret the, tenet ,metaphorically rather than literally. Conservative Judaism both affirms belief
  7. Troubles, describes Maguire's opinion in 1986," abstentionism was a basic, tenet ,of republicanism, a moral issue of principle. Abstentionism gave the movement
  8. AA) ~4–5 hours (Lynx I) ~5-6 hours (Lynx II) AHIMA (. It is an important, tenet ,of the Indian religions (Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism). AHIMA means
  9. Alfred Marshall, Francis Isidro Edgeworth, and Arthur Cecil Pilot. A central, tenet ,of the classical view, known as Say's law, states that" supply creates its
  10. Of" eternal damnation ", so prevalent in other religions, is not a central, tenet ,of the Jewish afterlife. According to the Talmud, eternal punishment is
  11. By science). Because reason and faith must be entirely reconciled, any, tenet , of faith which could not be defended by reason must be rejected. Leibniz then
  12. Eden (" Garden of Eden" ). In Orthodox Judaism maintains the, tenet ,of the bodily resurrection of the dead, including traditional references to it
  13. They were an organic whole and on every occasion he combatted the Gnostic, tenet ,of the inferiority of the Old Testament. In his exegesis, Origen sought to
  14. Ideas, but individual Lollard's did not necessarily have to agree with every, tenet , Some Lollard's may have shown traces of antitrinitarian tendency, though some
  15. Skeptic Carl Sagan asked the Dalai Lama what would he do if a fundamental, tenet ,of his religion (reincarnation) were definitively disproved by science. The
  16. Exists, then by definition one's fate is not preordained. It is held as a, tenet ,of faith that whether God is omniscient or not, nothing interferes with mankind
  17. Patisandhi). Sent mystics and Sikhism Reincarnation remained a, tenet ,of the Sent Shakti movement and of related mystics on the frontiers of Islam
  18. Man keep carefully his oath and his pledge," which expresses a fundamental, tenet ,of Anglo-Saxon law. Alfred devoted considerable attention and thought to
  19. 16:14 AJV). Spiritualism is a system of belief which holds as a, tenet ,the belief that contact is possible between the living and the spirits of the
  20. And the attraction to things Islamic can be traced to several events. A, tenet ,of the Quran is that Islam will deliver victory and success. For example 23:1:
  21. Antihumanism, as a rejection of the enlightenment subject, is often a central, tenet , Existential phenomenology is a significant influence; one commentator has
  22. Articulation of an" American system" distinct from that of Europe was a basic, tenet ,of Monroe's policy toward Latin America. Monroe took pride as the United
  23. Presidents' Agreement of 1916. The Ivy Group Agreement established the core, tenet ,that an applicant's ability to play on a team would not influence admissions
  24. The identification of the Aedicula as the site of Jesus' tomb is not a, tenet ,of faith for any major Christian denomination, many Catholic and Orthodox
  25. Finger. The beast Qur'an tells about the beast of earth Afterlife A fundamental, tenet ,of Islam is belief in the day of resurrection, Qiyamah. The trials and
  26. Of Data philosophy. Other subdivisions of Vedanta do not strictly hold this, tenet , Other religions There are many elements of pantheism in some forms of Buddhism
  27. With the Nationals, depending on various factors. Anti-communism was a strong, tenet ,of the early Liberal Party. Menzies was an ardent monarchist, devoted to
  28. Denied the Imperial right to interfere in matters of doctrine, the central, tenet ,of Caesaropapism. The name he selected was significant, expressing his
  29. Advantage of both forms of explanation. Principle Levels of analysis A central, tenet ,of cognitive science is that a complete understanding of the mind/brain cannot
  30. Homotropon," of the same habits or life" ). Ideology The central political, tenet ,of ethnic nationalism is that ethnic groups can be identified unambiguously
  31. That Muhammad is a Messenger of God ". The Sahara is the basic creed or, tenet ,of Islam. Ideally, it is the first words a newborn will hear, and children are
  32. To worship none of the gods of other peoples. Monotheism was and is the central, tenet ,of the Israelite and the Jewish religion. The literal word meanings are roughly
  33. Peace, they follow a set of teachings called the Four Noble Truths — a central, tenet ,in Buddhist philosophy. Islam means the way of life to attain peace. The word "
  34. To at least one of the creeds mentioned above. Jesus Christ The central, tenet ,of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah (
  35. As the regulatory moral principle of the Universe. It is sat (truth),a major, tenet ,of Hinduism. This hearkens back to the conception of the Rig Veda that" Exam
  36. With creating and exemplifying a new and modern English style. His central, tenet ,was that the style should be proper" to the occasion, the subject, and the
  37. Falwell apologized and explained that he was simply expressing the theological, tenet ,that the Antichrist and Christ share many attributes. Failing health and death
  38. As the regulatory moral principle of the Universe. It is sat (truth),a major, tenet ,of Hinduism. This hearkens back to the conception of the Rig Veda that" Exam
  39. In Conservative Judaism has generally retained the, tenet ,of the bodily resurrection of the dead, including traditional references to it
  40. The role of the teacher as the leader of the classroom is a very important, tenet ,of Educational essentialism. The teacher is the center of the classroom, so
  41. Any other people after that time. It should also be noted that a fundamental, tenet ,of this Israel-exclusive version of full preterit is the interpretation of the
  42. As unhelpful to the spiritual seeker. Judaism Reincarnation is not an essential, tenet ,of traditional Judaism. It is not mentioned in the Tanaka (" Hebrew Bible" )
  43. Either as a human being, animal or plant. This doctrine is a central, tenet ,within the majority of Indian religious traditions, such as Hinduism, Jainism
  44. Simmons and Robert Paul Wolff. Subjectivism is a philosophical, tenet ,that accords primacy to subjective experience as fundamental of all measure and
  45. No way forward for underdeveloped countries, thus again proving the central, tenet ,of the theory. In contrast, Stalinist policy in the former colonial countries
  46. Anti-Zionism According to academic Esther Web man, antisemitism is not the main, tenet ,of Hamas ideology, although antisemitic rhetoric is frequent and intense in
  47. Judaism The belief in a personal messiah of the Davidic line is a universal, tenet ,of faith among Orthodox Jews and one of Maimonides' thirteen principles of
  48. Treatises. It had some affinities with the sociology of law. The essential, tenet ,of legal realism is that all law is made by human beings and, thus,is subject
  49. Al-Din Sinan, ( r. 1162-92) subscribed to the transmigration of souls as a, tenet ,of the Malawi, who are thought to have been influenced by IMA'ilium. Modern
  50. Result of Alexander's probable megalomania during his later years. The first, tenet ,of Alexander's policies was the founding (or re-founding) of cities across

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