Examples of the the word, attainment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( attainment ), is the 7772 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York and Jewish organizations. Educational, attainment ,: In 2000,according to the U. S. Census, out of the nearly 800,000 people in
  2. Benefit from material, cultural,and genetic inheritances. Likewise, schooling, attainment , is often persistent across generations and families with higher amounts of
  3. Soul in its career. As Barack says, the lofty ethical-religious ideal of the, attainment ,of man's perfection in union with God, which Greek philosophy from Plato down
  4. Including unemployment, decaying infrastructure, low literacy and educational, attainment ,levels. Recent history 2006 Three-term Democratic Mayor Scott King resigned
  5. On factors such as the cost of doing business, cost of living, educational, attainment , and crime rate. Festivals and events Des Moines plays host to a growing number
  6. Commoners were given promotions that eventually included a noble title at the, attainment ,of an officer's rank. Conscription of peasants and townspeople was based on
  7. Must, during their devotions, detach itself from its material dwelling. For the, attainment ,of ecstasy, recourse can be hard two mechanical means, to enthusiastic bodily
  8. Is related to marital stress and dissolution, health problems, low educational, attainment , deficits in psychological functioning, and crime. In 2004,24.7 % of African
  9. The child is able to recognize themselves in a mirror prior to the, attainment ,of control over their bodily movements. The child sees their image as a whole
  10. Homes or live in poorer neighborhoods, as well as achieve lower educational, attainment ,compared whites in America. Individuals with a substantial amount of wealth and
  11. From the 44 states involved in its establishment, reflecting in particular the, attainment ,of political independence by many developing countries and more recently the
  12. As of May 2004.30 % of people in the ACT aged 15–64 had a level of educational, attainment ,equal to at least a bachelor's degree, significantly higher that the national
  13. African Americans had advanced greatly. They still lagged overall in education, attainment ,compared to white or Asian Americans, with 14 percent with four year and 5
  14. Nations being unable to develop crucial infrastructure without outside aid. The, attainment ,of many of the Millennium Development Goals requires the achievement of
  15. Employees received a higher wage than employees with just primary educational, attainment , In Europe, the grammar school or academy existed from as early as the 16th
  16. The Mage – which he had been working on for months. Because of his spiritual, attainment ,Crowley came to believe that he could finally enter into conversation with his
  17. However, to express something like," the Teacher who assists the wise to their, attainment ,". He is also commonly known as ,Wànshìshībiǎo," Role Model for Teachers
  18. The difficulty by advocating a plurality of ends and including among them the, attainment ,of virtue itself, which,as John Stuart Mill affirmed," may be felt a good in
  19. Eighth among metropolitan areas in the United States for bachelor's degree, attainment ,with nearly 39 percent of area residents over 25 holding a bachelor's degree.
  20. These things have to be assembled, but they would have to compete with the, attainment ,of other economic goals. Without pricing for capital goods, essentially,Miles
  21. Unity of all existence; perfect unselfishness and knowledge of the Self; as the, attainment ,of perfect mental peace; and as detachment from worldly desires. Such
  22. Total population: above 80 % male: NA % female: NA % Educational, attainment ,in Gibraltar Crime rate A total of 2,093 criminal offenses were recorded in
  23. Nevertheless requires a degree of faith and belief primarily in the spiritual, attainment ,of the Buddha. Faith in Buddhism centers on the understanding that the Buddha
  24. One of the primary features of Ōmoto-kyō is its emphasis on the, attainment ,of utopia during one's life. This was a great influence on Ueshiba's martial
  25. A modern society of whatever it has left of puberty rites to routinize the, attainment ,of manhood. " He sees these puberty rites as essential for self-esteem, and
  26. To financial and human capital resources, more specifically, lower educational, attainment , income, inheritances,and great concentrations in lower-skilled occupations.
  27. Attitude towards same-sex marriage as it does on white attitudes. Educational, attainment ,among whites has a significant positive effect on support for same-sex marriage
  28. Marriage, and African Americans statistically have lower rates of educational, attainment , However, the education level of African Americans does not have as much
  29. Indicators on labor participation rates, employment,unemployment, educational, attainment , labor cost, and economic performance. Many of these indicators have been
  30. Confœderatio (confederation),a military organization of the citizens for the, attainment ,of common political aims. " A commonwealth of good countable" was the title of
  31. We can become morally virtuous. Agency is beset by weaknesses that make the, attainment ,of virtue — in the absence of external aid — seem impossible. The being
  32. They are incapable of exercising their sovereignty. Usurpation is then an easy, attainment , and a usurper soon found. The people themselves become the willing
  33. Teachings emphasized self-cultivation, emulation of moral exemplars, and the, attainment ,of skilled judgment rather than knowledge of rules,Confucius's ethics may be
  34. HDI) improvement of any region in the world, nearly doubling average HDI, attainment ,over the past 40 years, according to the report’s analysis of health, education
  35. In society. Although many have linked one's social origins and educational, attainment ,to life chances and opportunities, education cannot serve as the most
  36. To classroom application and growth of e-learning opportunities for knowledge, attainment , educators involved in student affairs programming have recognized the
  37. On the attainment of Nirvana and he was able to reach the specified level of, attainment ,before the calling of the conclave. In contrast to most of the figures depicted
  38. Variance is less than 4 %. Found that occupational status, educational, attainment , and IQ are individually heritable; and further found that" genetic variance
  39. Of the pure love of Christ, both for and by His follower. Although the ultimate, attainment ,for this type of mysticism is union with God, it is not necessarily visionary
  40. This group. Past and current discrimination has resulted in lower educational, attainment ,and socioeconomic status among hisabetsu Burak than among the majority of
  41. Power, to great financial influence, to significant and recognized intellectual, attainment ,; and the same could be done for Christians. But it would again not be difficult
  42. Arahant. According to legend, this prompted Amanda to focus his efforts on the, attainment ,of Nirvana, and he was able to reach the specified level of attainment before
  43. Matter, thereby entering into the spirit of sarcastic fun often surrounding the, attainment ,of cult status. Much of the attention has stemmed from the fan base, rather than
  44. This true philosophy includes within itself the freedom from sin and the, attainment ,of virtue. As all sin has its root in ignorance, so the knowledge of God and of
  45. Heritable; and further found that" genetic variance influencing educational, attainment ,... contributed approximately one-fourth of the genetic variance for
  46. Or religion; and #To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the, attainment ,of these common ends. Membership: 193 Member States. Membership is" ... open
  47. Of Latin America in terms of infant and child mortality, morbidity,educational, attainment ,and an array of other social and health indicators. In the 1950s,Cuba had a
  48. Time. Nevertheless, when he sought what he called the supreme magical-mystical, attainment , Crowley asked Leah Hiring to direct his ordeals, marking the first time since
  49. State schools have a statutory requirement to teach the subject, assess pupil, attainment ,and report student's progress in citizenship to parents. *In Wales the model
  50. To ingestion, the faster absorption of insufflated cocaine results in quicker, attainment ,of maximum drug effects. Snorting cocaine produces maximum physiological

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