Examples of the the word, vegetation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vegetation ), is the 6033 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Soils, and drainage conditions in Brazil are reflected in the range of its, vegetation ,types. The Amazon Basin and the areas of heavy rainfall along the Atlantic
  2. Warmth for the incubation of the eggs of megaphones comes from the sun, decaying, vegetation , or volcanic sources. Incubation periods range from 10 days (in woodpeckers
  3. And marshlands were prevalent around the coast. However, much of the original, vegetation ,has been cleared with what is left to be found in reserves such as the Leland
  4. Wave and near-infra-red image showing burned areas (brick red) and unburned, vegetation ,(bright green) (August 2,2009). " And did those feet in ancient time" is
  5. Into a smooth leveled surface in the bedrock or created through the removal of, vegetation ,and soil. The Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi) residents of Chico Canyon cut
  6. Can form chains to bridge gaps over water, underground,or through spaces in, vegetation , Some species also form floating rafts that help them survive floods. These
  7. Characteristic of the Sahara is the date palm, which flourishes where other, vegetation ,can scarcely maintain existence, while in the semidesert regions the acacia
  8. Could only be retained on the steep slopes so long as it was protected by the, vegetation ,to which it in great part owed its origin. When this was destroyed, the heavy
  9. Of plants. Even though the Azores look very green and sometimes wild,the, vegetation ,has been extremely altered. Approximately 95 % of Laurasia has been wiped out
  10. Many seedlings can be found in the last remnants of medium-altitude native, vegetation , The Azores has two endemic bird species. The Azores Bullfinch, or Prior, is
  11. Which gum Arabic is obtained, is abundant. The more humid regions have a richer, vegetation ,; dense forest where the rainfall is greatest and variations of temperature
  12. Amazon rain forest, which,despite apparent homogeneity, contains many types of, vegetation , from high canopy forest to bamboo groves. In the semiarid Northeast, caatinga
  13. Ambach, flourish in immense quantities, and little else is found in the way of, vegetation , South Africa is largely destitute of forest save in the lower valleys and
  14. With up to six rays. They are predator just only resulting from the lack of, vegetation , inhabiting subterranean water or caves which have consolidated mud-rock
  15. Such as elevation of mountains, depths of oceans, and the character of regional, vegetation , that affected the distribution of animals. He also summarized all the known
  16. In Brazil's river systems. The Amazon is full of eroded soil. Soils and, vegetation ,Brazil's tropical soils produce 70 million tons of grain crops per year, but
  17. Climate that is further proved by a change in the presence of wild herbaceous, vegetation , This limit usually lies about above the sea on the north side of the Alps, but
  18. Parc Güell" in its original language). The site was a rocky hill with little, vegetation ,and few trees, called Montana Nevada (Bare Mountain). It already included a
  19. To bamboo groves. In the semiarid Northeast, caatinga, a dry, thick,thorny, vegetation , predominates. Most of central Brazil is covered with a woodland savanna, known
  20. And fauna Baker has no natural fresh water sources. It is treeless, with sparse, vegetation ,consisting of four kinds of grass, prostrate vines and low-growing shrubs. The
  21. Continued floating in the air were carried down with the rains and produced, vegetation , Animals, including man, sprang from the warm and moist clay. If these things
  22. Objects, especially their origins, evolution,and interrelationships. Flora The, vegetation ,of Africa follows very closely the distribution of heat and moisture. The
  23. Winter and early spring when no other cover exists, and they provide fresh, vegetation ,for animals and birds that feed on them. Although they are often considered to
  24. Site. Baker's abandoned World War II runway, long,is completely covered with, vegetation ,and is unserviceable. The United States claims an Exclusive Economic Zone of
  25. The coast. The Eastern Ghat region is home to dense tropical forests, while the, vegetation ,becomes sparse as the Ghats give way to the Deccan Plateau, where shrub
  26. High amounts of acid rain and fog with acidity 2 of pH, clearing an area of any, vegetation ,and frequently causing irritation to the eyes and lungs of inhabitants in
  27. The soil is generally thin and poor, supporting scrub tropical and forest, vegetation , Anguilla is noted for its spectacular and ecologically important coral reefs
  28. To ancient agricultural land and only rarely penetrate into undisturbed native, vegetation , The main loss is in the lowlands (below 400 meters),where virtually all
  29. Valley, they are typically dominated by deciduous woodland, shrub and Eric, vegetation , reaching the extreme in the slopes near the virtually lifeless Atacama Desert.
  30. Sensitive species, such as sugar maple (Acer saccharin). Forests and other, vegetation ,Adverse effects may be indirectly related to acid rain, like the acid's
  31. Previous British cuisine. There were some exceptions to the diet, such as local, vegetation ,and animals, but the colonists attempted to use these items in the same fashion
  32. Small towns and villages are scattered across the forest and because its, vegetation ,is so dense, some remote areas are still unexplored. With a current population
  33. That of Europa Island. The atoll consists of ten barren rocky islets, with no, vegetation , totaling 0.2 km² (.077 sq mi) in area. Those on the north and east sides
  34. A vast marshy level, where its course is liable to being blocked by floating, vegetation , After receiving the Bahr-el-Ghazal from the west and the So bat, Blue Nile and
  35. Noticeable remnant is the wide, long airstrip. It is completely overgrown with, vegetation ,and is unusable. In the northeast section, apparently the main camp area, are
  36. On alkaline soils). Above this is the alpine meadow, and even higher,the, vegetation ,becomes more and more sparse. At these higher altitudes, the plants tend to
  37. Region. Coastal regions and lowlands have typical Mediterranean Marcia, vegetation , whereas oak forests and vegetation are found on higher altitudes. Vast forests
  38. Wild in the Sinai desert and the Jordan valley. It is found in the savanna, vegetation ,of the tropical continental climate. It grows wild in Montserrat West Indies;
  39. First of a series of boulevards and parkways (thoroughfares lined with trees, vegetation ,and greenery). Later projects included the Bronx River Parkway, which
  40. Which has the ability to colonize the still nearly untouched medium-altitude, vegetation ,(Alex, Myrsine African, Erica,and so on. ). Hydrangeas are another potential
  41. Climates prone to heavy rainfall. Noting the complex interactions between, vegetation ,and climate, he warned that the extensive clearing of rainforest for coffee
  42. Has generated considerable controversy because of problems of defining original, vegetation , cloud cover, and dealing with secondary growth and because fires, as mentioned
  43. The Alps typically see more than 50 million visitors a year. Flora A natural, vegetation ,limit with altitude is given by the presence of the chief deciduous trees—oak
  44. Being a historical region of northern Valencia. In broad terms, the typical, vegetation ,of Andalusia is Mediterranean woodland, characterized by leafy xerophile
  45. Crucial ecosystem to the survival of many animals. Reintroduction of indigenous, vegetation ,will help with the degradation of the land. The United States Government has
  46. Range. Fauna The fauna again shows the effect of the characteristics of the, vegetation , The open savannas are the home of large ungulates, especially antelopes, the
  47. Lowlands have typical Mediterranean Marcia vegetation , whereas oak forests and, vegetation ,are found on higher altitudes. Vast forests of black pine, beech and fir are
  48. Part of the plateaus, passing as the desert regions are approached into a scrub, vegetation ,consisting of thorny acacias, etc. Forests also occur on the humid slopes of
  49. Becomes sparse as the Ghats give way to the Deccan Plateau, where shrub, vegetation ,is more common. Most of the coastal plains are put to intense agricultural use.
  50. Of more than have been recorded. However, the serial, a region of semidesert, vegetation ,used primarily for low-density ranching, turns green when there is rain. Most

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