Examples of the the word, institutes , in a Sentence Context

The word ( institutes ), is the 6035 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A prime product enjoying a worldwide reputation. Research activity Research, institutes ,and university departments are located within the Florence area and within two
  2. The minor is driven entirely by problems supplied by industry and knowledge, institutes , which minor students must solve in multidisciplinary teams. In addition
  3. Nottingham Village College. Tertiary Cambridge shire is home to a number of, institutes ,of higher education: * The University of Cambridge - second-oldest university
  4. Students continued to be admitted every year at high schools, polytechnical, institutes , and universities in Portugal, Brazil and Cuba through bilateral agreements; in
  5. Island in San Francisco Bay; neither is ever seen again. *1938 – Adolf Hitler, institutes ,the Cross of Honor of the German Mother *1941 – World War II: Japanese forces
  6. Is a higher-education hub within the southern Netherlands, with several, institutes ,of higher education that serve students from the extended region of North
  7. And DAF. Eindhoven has long been a center of cooperation between research, institutes ,and industry. This tradition started with Philips (the Matlab was a physical
  8. The United States after a voyage around the world. *1915 – World War I: Germany, institutes ,unrestricted submarine warfare. *1924 – U. S. President Calvin Coolidge becomes
  9. Of the promise. Hezekiah, the first king since David to be called" good,", institutes ,a far-reaching religious reform, centralising sacrifice at the temple at
  10. In worship. In other words, the regulative principle maintains that God, institutes ,in the scriptures what he requires for worship in the church, and everything
  11. Different ways between pure science and applied science research. Some of these, institutes ,are bound strictly to the university, others combine research across different
  12. Schools on the primary and secondary education levels. Over thirty scientific, institutes ,are registered in Croatia, the largest one being the Institute" Ruler Bosonic
  13. Lull University, which encompasses internationally-prestigious schools and, institutes ,such as the EVADE Business School. The Autonomous University of Barcelona
  14. That is, She is a high school freshman. He is a college junior. ). Many, institutes ,in both countries also use the term first-year as a gender-neutral replacement
  15. Of Berlin and the Humboldt University of Berlin, including a wide range of, institutes ,and specialized medical centers. Among them are the German Heart Center, one of
  16. Important contributions to the science of canon law. Canon law faculties and, institutes ,Orthodox Churches The Greek-speaking Orthodox have collected canons and
  17. To eight secondary schools called Gymnasiums: There are also numerous other, institutes ,for primary, secondary,technical, vocational and adult education.
  18. Some critics have called" Dominionism ". Reconstructionism assumes that God, institutes ,in the Scriptures everything he requires for the ordering of self and society
  19. Country is illiterate. In Algeria there are 46 universities,10 colleges, and 7, institutes , for higher learning. The University of Algiers was founded in 1909,and its
  20. Research in Brazil is largely carried out in public universities and research, institutes , But more than 73 % of funding for basic research still comes from government
  21. Called" polytechnics ", while other institutions are often referred to as ", institutes ," and so forth. Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka the word" college" ( known as
  22. From the state. Education and Research Andhra Pradesh is served by more than 20, institutes , of higher education. All major arts, humanities,science, engineering,law
  23. Engineering was reclassified as the School of Engineering. Research centers and, institutes ,Marine Biological Laboratory The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) is an
  24. Are 15 colleges that receive direct public funding, along with two technical, institutes , Northern Alberta Institute of Technology and Southern Alberta Institute of
  25. Expert in canon law, says that canon law is contained in the genesis of various, institutes ,of civil law, such as the law in continental Europe and Latin American
  26. In Sachsenhausen since 1950. The city is also home of three Max Planck Society, institutes ,: the Max Planck Institute for European History of Law (Pier),Max Planck
  27. 7 km from Malibu Julius Nyerere International Airport along Pugh road. Other, institutes ,of higher education include: Schools Dar es Salaam also boasts some of the
  28. A common syllabus. The state has recently made strides in setting up several, institutes , Andhra Pradesh is home to the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Tata
  29. Technologies and ideas virtually to any DBMS existing today),research, institutes , and Academia. Research has been done both through Theory and Prototypes. The
  30. Continued to be admitted every year at Portuguese high schools, polytechnical, institutes ,and universities, through bilateral agreements between the Portuguese
  31. It is written, produced and performed by students and graduates of Aberdeen's, institutes ,of tertiary education, and since 1929 - other than on a handful of occasions -
  32. System, has the largest number of educational schools, and higher learning, institutes ,among other cities and governorates of Egypt. Some International Schools
  33. Written. On the other hand, copies of the cannot be endorsed by the religious, institutes ,that review them unless the diacritics are included. Children's books
  34. Harderwijk in present-day Gelderland. In 1701, he was appointed lecturer on the, institutes ,of medicine at Leiden; in his inaugural discourse, De commandant Hippocrates
  35. District and Colorado State University. Fort Collins has a range of research, institutes , Facilities are maintained by the Centers for Disease Control Division of
  36. In the United States by Healthgrades for excellence in healthcare. Several key, institutes ,and centers for health care exist in the Dayton region. The Center for Tissue
  37. In a number of forms, such as secondary evening schools, civic and workers ', institutes , study centers, vocational course centers, and folk high schools. Study centers
  38. The name of the Slavic educator St. Clement of Oh rid. The university has, institutes ,in Bipolar, Ohrid, and Price, and headquarters in Bipolar. With its additions in
  39. Is widely known and still used as part of the names of dozens of educational, institutes , corporate namesakes, street and place names around the world. Alexander Graham
  40. Many of them have already Ecuadorian granted Doctorate degrees). About 300, institutes , of higher education offer two to three years of post-secondary vocational or
  41. Government-run secondary schools are called" collegiate" or" collegiate, institutes ," (C. I.),a complicated form of the word" college" which avoids the usual
  42. Expulsion, slavery,racism, or war, especially nationalist conflict. Academic, institutes ,*The International Institute for Diaspora and Transcultural Studies (II DTS)
  43. Service Announcements including children's songs were created by government, institutes ,and then distributed and released by radio stations to educate the public in
  44. Some have even been designated to be of national importance. Research, institutes ,Technological Top institutes A Technological Top institute is a research
  45. Eindhoven University of Technology is main participant in the technological top, institutes ,DPI and M2i. One of the former students of the university is Gerard Plastered
  46. Successful research schools, including the ESI and the DPI. These research, institutes ,are a source of high-tech knowledge for high-tech companies in the area, such
  47. And many other higher education institutions. There are 20 third-level, institutes ,in the city. Dublin will be European Capital of Science in 2012. The University
  48. From Skopje and other universities in the Balkans and Europe. The following, institutes ,and scientific organizations are part of the university: * Faculty of Tourism
  49. In its departments. The TU/e participates in many research, institutes ,which balance in different ways between pure science and applied science
  50. Engineer, Physicist,Chemist, or Mathematician for polytechnic or technology, institutes , These terminal degrees, as in the case of the Ph.D. in other countries, were

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