Examples of the the word, optimization , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Theory, topology,and geometry, and combinatorics also has many applications in, optimization , computer science, ergodic theory and statistical physics. Many combinatorial
  2. Fields Combinatorial optimization is the study of, optimization ,on discrete and combinatorial objects. It started as a part of combinatorics
  3. K6+ predecessors, were also capable of dynamic clock adjustment for power, optimization , When the system is idle, the CPU clocks itself down through a lower bus
  4. Context. The middle-end generates another IR for the following backend. Most, optimization ,efforts are focused on this part. The back end is responsible for translating
  5. IR of the source code for processing by the middle-end. The middle end is where, optimization ,takes place. Typical transformations for optimization are removal of useless or
  6. Coordinate. This process of determining stationary points is called geometry, optimization , The determination of molecular structure by geometry optimization became
  7. To facilitate debugging. Compiler analysis is the prerequisite for any compiler, optimization , and they tightly work together. For example, dependence analysis is crucial
  8. To compare before/after potential improvements to an algorithm after program, optimization , Classification There are various ways to classify algorithms, each with its
  9. Computations involving velocity and acceleration, the slope of a curve, and, optimization , Applications of integral calculus include computations involving area, volume
  10. Are many analogies between counting and measure. Related fields Combinatorial, optimization ,Combinatorial optimization is the study of optimization on discrete and
  11. Answer, but their running time is only probabilistically bound,e.g. ZPP. # In, optimization ,problems, heuristic algorithms do not try to find an optimal solution, but an
  12. Smallest ", or " optimal" objects (external combinatorics and combinatorial, optimization ,), and studying combinatorial structures arising in an algebraic context, or
  13. The procedure/function level, or even over the whole program (interprocedural, optimization ,). Obviously, a compiler can potentially do a better job using a broader view.
  14. Objects until after the final call has completed. Caching and memorizing, common, optimization , techniques,commonly lead to such logical leaks. The belief that garbage
  15. Geometry optimization . The determination of molecular structure by geometry, optimization ,became routine only after efficient methods for calculating the first
  16. With Shen Lin he devised well-known heuristics for two NP-complete, optimization ,problems: graph partitioning and the travelling salesman problem. (In a
  17. And casting, which can be added as necessary at the latter profiling and, optimization ,stages, to permit the compiler to generate more efficient code. For instance
  18. Analysis, escape analysis etc. Accurate analysis is the basis for any compiler, optimization , The call graph and control flow graph are usually also built during the
  19. Control system using AI, at AAI, University of Edinburgh. Other * Creator,an, optimization ,problem-solving software by Intelligence that uses A. I. techniques. *
  20. Offer tail-call optimization , although often only when the programmer uses an, optimization ,directive. Nonetheless, common CL coding style does not favor the ubiquitous
  21. The middle of the numerical range. A solution to this problem is to use the, optimization ,formulation (viz, define the mean as the central point: the point about which
  22. Companies eventually sold software to foil this protection. Another Wozniak, optimization ,allowed him to omit Shugart's Track-0 sensor. When the Operating System wants
  23. Can exist. Further, a wide range of other naturally occurring decision and, optimization ,problems can be transformed into instances of SAT. A class of algorithms called
  24. Fully compiling, allowing the assembly code to be viewed for debugging and, optimization ,purposes. Relatively low-level languages, such as C, often provide special
  25. Assembly conversion specific for the given vector processor. * extreme, optimization ,is required, e. g., in an inner loop in a processor-intensive algorithm. Game
  26. Code. Some literature uses middle end to distinguish the generic analysis and, optimization ,phases in the back end from the machine-dependent code generators. The main
  27. Marek Kaminski – http://www.nada.kth.se/~viggo/problemlist/compendium. HTML NP, optimization ,problems * Ken Kennedy – compiling for parallel and vector machines * Gregor
  28. The complexity of modern processors and memory sub-system makes effective, optimization ,increasingly difficult for compilers, as well as assembly programmers. Moreover
  29. For this application. Its use was revitalized in the late 1990s with the, optimization ,ISBN production processes, and currently ISBN is used by nearly all leading
  30. Units busy, filling delay slots, and so on. Although most algorithms for, optimization ,are in NP, heuristic techniques are well-developed. Compiler output One
  31. Of time. Instead, shortcut formulas such as A (3,n) = 8×2n−3 are used as an, optimization ,to complete some recursive calls. A practical method of computing
  32. But it does not map well to the Windows API. For example, the copy-on-write, optimization ,strategy could not be used. As a result,Cygwin's fork is rather slow compared
  33. Name for the analgesic trademarked as Aspirin * Adaptive simulated annealing, optimization ,algorithm * Argininosuccinic academia, a disorder of the urea cycle * ASA
  34. Completely unrelated, fields. For example, dynamic programming was invented for, optimization ,of resource consumption in industry, but is now used in solving a broad range
  35. Respectively, chemical reactions became implemented into the industry. Further, optimization ,of sulfuric acid technology resulted in the contact process in the 1880s,and the
  36. Changing in this respect. Another open source compiler with full analysis and, optimization ,infrastructure is Open64,which is used by many organizations for research and
  37. Definitions may include declarations, which provide hints to the compiler about, optimization ,settings or the data types of arguments. They may also include documentation
  38. Semantic analysis (Syntax-directed translation),code generation, and code, optimization , Program faults caused by incorrect compiler behavior can be very difficult to
  39. Which the CL standard does not. Most CL implementations do offer tail-call, optimization , although often only when the programmer uses an optimization directive.
  40. Counting and measure. Related fields Combinatorial optimization Combinatorial, optimization ,is the study of optimization on discrete and combinatorial objects. It started
  41. Games) along with their habitats, among many others. Modern computers enable, optimization ,of such designs as complete aircraft. Notable in electrical and electronic
  42. In an interpreter. Compilers in education Compiler construction and compiler, optimization ,are taught at universities and schools as part of the computer science
  43. A boolean expression. Lastly, the Scheme standards documents require tail-call, optimization , which the CL standard does not. Most CL implementations do offer tail-call
  44. Mathematics of program construction * James C. Beatty, Jr. – compiler, optimization , super-computing * Dines Burner – Vienna Development Method (VDM),RAISE *
  45. Ways to influence the compiler code generation policy. For the latter various, optimization ,qualities can be given values between 0 (not important) and 3 (most
  46. How many passes an optimizing compiler makes. For instance, different phases of, optimization ,may analyze one expression many times but only analyze another expression once.
  47. Of view. For example, many methods in computer vision are based on statistics, optimization ,or geometry. Finally, a significant part of the field is devoted to the
  48. Certain operators (&&, | |, ). This permits a high degree of object code, optimization ,by the compiler, but requires C programmers to take more care to obtain
  49. Companies eventually sold software to foil this protection. Another Wozniak, optimization ,allowed him to omit Shugart's Track-0 sensor. When the Operating System wants
  50. The middle end is where optimization takes place. Typical transformations for, optimization ,are removal of useless or unreachable code, discovery and propagation of

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