Examples of the the word, vain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vain ), is the 7803 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Struggled to define the boundaries of the Euclidean system. Many tried in, vain ,to prove the fifth postulate from the first four. By 1763 at least 28 different
  2. Intelligent creatures on Earth (after mice, followed by humans) and try in, vain ,to warn humans of Earth’s impending destruction. Their story is told in So Long
  3. Clothier at Poisons in Neustria where he was gladly welcomed. Clothier in, vain ,pressed him to remain in his territory. Columbus left Neustria in 611 for the
  4. City. Efforts to trace it from Estonia back to Denmark have, however,been in, vain , The national Coat of Arms of Estonia, three blue lions on a golden shield, is
  5. Peter "; at least one case in which a beautiful Roman matron appealed, not in, vain , to the better feelings of the Gothic soldier who attempted her dishonor. But
  6. Effort. He declared that the deaths of so many brave soldiers would not be in, vain , that slavery would end as a result of the losses, and the future of democracy
  7. Had sworn" brotherhood and the banner of truth" as a student had tried in, vain ,for many years to prove the parallel postulate from Euclid's other axioms of
  8. Successful lawyer. He has recently married an 18-year-old trophy wife, Anne,a, vain ,girl who is in love with Fredrik, but too immature to grasp the concept of
  9. The reasons behind the conflict, claiming it originated with Alboin's, vain ,courting and subsequent kidnapping of Cunimund's daughter Rosamond, that
  10. That the irregular caucus ignored the" voice of the people" and was a ", vain ,hope that the American people might be thus deceived into a belief that he
  11. For defending the Roman oligarchy against the popular reforms of Caesar. His, vain , pompous personality revealed from his letters also often led to negative
  12. Squadron was disbanded in August 1945. Following the war,B-25s were used in a, vain ,attempt of the Dutch to retain control of Indonesia. Soviet Air Force The US
  13. Named Cetus to ravage the coast of Ethiopia including the kingdom of the, vain ,Queen. The desperate King consulted the Oracle of Apollo, who announced that no
  14. Jersey In 1677,the General Assembly of East New Jersey banned the" singing of, vain ,songs or tunes" on Sabbath. One of the last remaining blue laws, actually
  15. Cake" to describe Flynn and Blake. " Cake" was taken to mean someone who was, vain ,and not particularly" manly," whereas a" lulu" in baseball slang of the
  16. S shadow on a wall. Alfred stops the car and Bruce searches for Selina in, vain , He does find Selina's cat, however,which he takes with him and leaves. The
  17. Where Radical Republicans suspected that Meade was a Copperhead and tried in, vain ,to relieve him from command. Daniel E. Sickles and Daniel Butterfield accused
  18. Frustra Guntur -of" ( Latin: These immature ones have already been read in, vain ,by me -of),that is, when rearranged," Cynthia figures emulator Mater
  19. Gold was never despatched. The able and forceful empress Dufresne tried in, vain ,to sustain his credit and his court; Vacates, the favorite instrument of her
  20. Began with him which Wellesley found" almost all on his side in a style so, vain ,and silly as to surprise and almost disgust me ". Nelson left the room to
  21. The end that war may be held in abhorrence, this effort will not have been in, vain , Various film historians have expressed a range of views about these titles. To
  22. Had already opened her infamous salon, and Arthur was not compatible with the, vain , ceremonious ways of the salon. He was also disgusted by the ease with which
  23. By other members of Aswan Singh's family, and they rebelled, albeit in, vain , Thereat, Aurangzeb seized control of Jodhpur. He also moved on Udaipur, which
  24. For who knower what is good for man in this life, all the days of his, vain ,life which he spender as a shadow? For who can tell a man what shall be after
  25. The continuum hypothesis to be true and tried for many years to prove it, in, vain , It became the first on David Hilbert's list of important open questions that
  26. About 1.5 to 1,despite reaching the market later. However, the battle was in, vain , as neither platform captured a significant share of the world computer market
  27. Added by the publishers to be scintillating and Goldman protested, albeit in, vain , England, Canada,and France Goldman found it difficult to acclimate to the
  28. Streams" with pleasing murmurs creep,":: The reader's threatened (not in, vain ,) with" sleep. " Couplets in Chinese poetry Chinese couplets or" contrapuntal
  29. Moving than the maddened beast, dying from unfulfilled desire and asking in, vain ,for grace to quell its passion. " After he completed his work in clay, he
  30. Francis Today (1935,p. 195),“ Theorists are apt to vex themselves with, vain ,efforts to remove uncertainty just where it has a high aesthetic value. ”
  31. Within the Party, and therefore that the purges initiated were not entirely in, vain , This is similar to the Stalinist view that the Perestroika reforms confirmed
  32. Visited him. On these occasions the saint admonished and rebuked him, but in, vain , Bruneau became enraged with Columbus, stirred up the bishops and nobles
  33. In many of the late anecdotal myths involving her, is characterized as, vain , ill-tempered and easily offended. Though she is one of the few gods of the
  34. Control over Thrace by conquering the town, which Athens had tried in, vain ,to recover during the previous years. According to the historian Theodosius, this
  35. Then attacked the provincial capital Marcianopolis (Deny, Bulg. ), also in, vain , Sailing on through the Bosporus, the expedition laid siege to Thessalonica in
  36. Nationalities and maintain the" Holy Kingdom of St. Stephen ". It was all in, vain ,: four days later, on 18 October United States Secretary of State Robert Lansing
  37. Later remark was just to warn the future pilgrims not to go there anymore in, vain , As Harvard was back in Bremen already by 1069 and is mentioned as one of Adam
  38. To failed goals and a poor life. Aristotle said," Nature does nothing in, vain , " Therefore, it is imperative for persons to act in accordance with their
  39. Of the wacky, comic relief character he had been, they turned Daffy into a, vain , egomaniacal prima donna wanting to steal the spotlight from Bugs Bunny. Of his
  40. In the Baptistery di San Giovanni in Florence. Pope Martin V protested in, vain ,against the inscription on the sarcophagus:" John the former pope ". The 1910
  41. Life. The work emphatically proclaims all the actions of man to be inherently ", vain ,"," futile "," empty "," meaningless "," temporary "," transitory ","
  42. Illustrate the extent of their disillusionment. Malachi has them say" 'It is, vain ,to serve God... Now we count the arrogant happy; evildoers not only prosper
  43. Which it captured from Washington. The invasion army under Burgoyne waited in, vain ,for reinforcements from New York, and became trapped in northern New York state
  44. Attempted one last stand with his Bavarian and Cologne Guards, but it proved in, vain , Noticing a rush of horsemen fast approaching from the south, he later recalled
  45. Before the mention of Alemannic in the time of Caracalla, you would search in, vain ,for Alemannic in the moderately detailed geography of southern Germany in
  46. As gosh and gee, are used by Christians to avoid taking the name of God in a, vain ,oath, which would violate one of the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20) Jews
  47. Of meter (for example the anapest of" who came back to Denver and waited in, vain ,"),Ginsberg denied any intention toward meter and claimed instead that meter
  48. Spoken a few minutes before. " Poirot is also willing to appear more foreign or, vain ,than he really is in an effort to make people underestimate him. He admits as
  49. And succeeded in conquering the Eastern Strip in 1777. However, this was in, vain ,as the Treaty of San Alfonso, signed in the same year, confirmed Portuguese
  50. Assured, Sir,in the sacred writings that" except the Lord build they labor in, vain ,that build it. " I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his

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