Examples of the the word, contention , in a Sentence Context

The word ( contention ), is the 7806 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Promise; the Rockies were 44–43 in the first half of the season and were in, contention ,in the NL West for much of the season. However, the team faded in the second
  2. Opener. NFL schedule The drawing up of the NFL schedule had been a source of, contention ,in the NFL since the 1932 NFL season. NFL president Joe Carr had taken over the
  3. In this description have been identified by some as buboes, there is some, contention ,whether the pandemic should be attributed to the bubonic plague, Yersinia
  4. We can say that that relation has being as well. This, too,is a point of, contention ,in the problem of universals. Space and Time Space and time are what physical
  5. circuitry's memory access on the otherwise unused cycles avoided memory, contention ,issues and also eliminated the need for a separate refresh circuit for the DRAM
  6. In many respects. According to Austrian school economists, the main area of, contention ,between neoclassical economics and the Austrian school is on their view of the
  7. Between the Articles of Religion and the Prayer Book remained a point of, contention ,for Puritans; and would in the 19th century come close to tearing the Church of
  8. Struggle. By September, the Dodgers were eliminated by the Rockies from playoff, contention , and the Diamondbacks were expected to clinch the National League West division
  9. With Audi taking all podium places, but succumbed to problems further into WRC, contention , In 1985,after another season mired in mediocre finishes, Walter Royal
  10. Leadership that brought him into the front ranks of the party and into, contention ,for the Republican presidential nomination. Journalist Noah Brooks reported,"
  11. Manager for the final 37 games of the year. Despite being well out of playoff, contention , during that 37 game stretch, the Cubs went 24–13 under Quad, posting the best
  12. A 10 Bit/s network, reducing the need for small cells to reduce jitter due to, contention , Some consider that this makes a case for replacing ATM with Ethernet in the
  13. circuitry's memory access on the otherwise unused cycles avoided memory, contention ,issues and also eliminated the need for a separate refresh circuit for the DRAM
  14. About the properties of that object. Some—though this is a point of severe, contention ,in the problem of universals -- believe that properties are beings; the redness
  15. Preceding match, at Lord's, was a better innings. England managed to stay in, contention ,until the deciding final Test at The Oval, but yet another double hundred by
  16. The stadium became the site of the 1993 All-Star Game. The Orioles returned to, contention ,in those first two seasons at Camden Yards, only to finish in third place both
  17. Out 10–0. In 1959 the Browns started 6–2 but finished 7–5,out of championship, contention , despite Brown once again leading the league in rushing with 1,329 yards. In
  18. Properties, causes,and effects" of true motion and rest that support his, contention ,that, in general, true motion and rest cannot be defined as special instances
  19. Lawton and prospects Alex Escobar and Billy Trader. When the team fell out of, contention ,in mid-, Shapiro fired manager Charlie Manuel and traded pitching ace Barton
  20. Then for departure clearance from its ports. These were all specific items of, contention ,brought to the court in the 2005 filing. On June 1,2007,Costa Rica broke
  21. Defense. Strategically located in the Baltic Sea, Bornholm has been a bone of, contention ,usually ruled by Denmark, but also by Lübeck and Sweden. The castle ruin
  22. Geographical Asia is a cultural artifact, an imprecise concept causing endemic, contention ,about what it means. In contrast to Europe, Asia is the largest and most
  23. Cells instead of packets. Doing so reduced the worst-case jitter due to cell, contention ,by a factor of almost 30,reducing the need for echo cancelers. Cells in
  24. LAP and later the Applejack Address Resolution Protocol, AARP ) which handled, contention ,between different nodes accidentally choosing the same number. For socket
  25. Or fluency within a medium. This characteristic might be considered a point of, contention , since many modern artists (most notably, conceptual artists) do not
  26. Staff contributed to a 13 game losing streak that pushed the Cubs out of, contention , 1989: NL East champions In 1989,the first full season with night baseball at
  27. That only tends toward a constantly changing equilibrium. A second area of, contention ,between neoclassical theory and the Austrian school is over the possibility of
  28. And the processor rather than sharing the PCI bus. In addition to a lack of, contention ,for the bus, the point-to-point connection allows for higher clock speeds. AGP
  29. Ethics by Are Fog, one of the original plaintiffs. Fog reasserted his, contention ,that, despite the ministry's decision, most of the accusations against Lomborg
  30. The right of natives to fish along the Columbia became the central issue of, contention ,with the states, commercial fishers, and private property owners. The U. S.
  31. What is" art "? How best to define the term“ art” is a subject of constant, contention ,; many books and journal articles have been published arguing over even the
  32. Game of the season, which consequently eliminated them from postseason, contention , Major rivalries New York Mets The Braves–Mets rivalry is a rivalry between the
  33. To pitch well for another ten years and win four more CY Young awards. Out of, contention ,in, the team traded closer Heathcliff Slocum to Seattle for catching prospect
  34. Whether a separate namespace for functions is an advantage is a source of, contention ,in the Lisp community. It is usually referred to as the Lisp-1 vs. Lisp-2
  35. Chance to clinch a playoff spot and would knock the Pittsburgh Steelers out of, contention , But the Ravens, who committed 11 penalties and blew several chances to put
  36. Career. This mistake proved extremely costly, and knocked Botany out of medal, contention , He skated a good long program and finished 6th. Botany returned to the
  37. Wilson also spent time on the disabled list and, as the Rockies fell out of, contention , was traded to the Washington Nationals. After starting the season 15–35
  38. Win was the first of eight in the next nine weeks, helping put the Browns in, contention ,for the AFC playoffs. A loss to the Kansas City Chiefs in the regular season
  39. The general discussion of conspiracy theory is itself a matter of some public, contention , Conspiracy theorists on the internet are often dismissed as a" fringe" group
  40. Losing 15 of 24 at the beginning of September to eliminate them from playoff, contention , ending their chances of becoming the first repeat winner of the World Series
  41. In a resurrection of the body, and it is known to have been a major point of, contention ,between the two groups (see Acts 8). The Pharisees based their belief on
  42. When it was captured by the ruler of Dewar. In 1509 Ajmer became a source of, contention ,between the Maharajah of Dewar and Mar war, and was ultimately conquered by the
  43. Florida Marlins two years earlier, was expected to bring the Rockies back into, contention ,in 1999. Instead, the Rockies dropped even further, finishing 72–90 and in last
  44. Sharply from the Stoics in one important respect: he utterly rejected their, contention ,that reason could defeat emotion. On the contrary, he contended, an emotion can
  45. Reason for its existence in the Basque alphabet. Its acceptance was a matter of, contention ,during the standardization since the speakers of the most extended dialects had
  46. Place finish, the Arizona Diamondbacks bucked expectations maintaining playoff, contention ,at the Star break with a 49-43 record, only 3 games behind the 1st place
  47. For its outcome, and even the name of the war itself are subjects of lingering, contention ,today. Based on 1860 census figures,8 % of all white males aged 13 to 43 died
  48. To the Phillies for a larger contract. Young Indians teams finished far out of, contention ,in 2002 and under new manager Eric Wedge. They posted strong offensive numbers
  49. Benefits of" an invisible hand" is certainly meant to answer Mandeville's, contention ,that" Private Vices … may be turned into Public Benefits ". It shows Smith's
  50. Disputes during play may also be settled with a ball-up from the point of, contention , If the ball ever goes out of bounds (beyond the oval boundary line around the

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