Examples of the the word, rim , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rim ), is the 7805 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Has touched the backboard until the ball has hit the rim . After hitting the, rim ,the ball it is again legal to touch the ball even though it is no longer
  2. Of Europa Island. It rises steeply from the seabed 3000 m below. The reef, rim ,averages around 100 m across and completely encloses a shallow lagoon that has
  3. Diamond Islet, Central Diamond Islet, East Diamond Islet on the Northeastern, rim ,of the former atoll, and South Diamond Islet, East Treatise Reef and West
  4. Take, and Phnom Penh in the 1960s. The Danger Mountains at the northern, rim ,of the Tone Sap Basin consist of a steep escarpment with an average elevation
  5. Team is usually painted on or around the center circle. The basket is a steel, rim ,18 inches diameter with an attached net affixed to a backboard that measures 6
  6. Crown appears U-shaped, but this impression is created by a deep dent in the, rim ,of the crown, which has no gap in the fringe of tentacles. The method used by
  7. CAV strategy, where the advertised maximum speed is only reached near the outer, rim ,of the disc. This is not taken into account by the above table. (If this were
  8. Often try to put a steady backspin on the ball to deaden its impact with the, rim , The ideal trajectory of the shot is somewhat arguable, but generally coaches
  9. They took, determined that they had come within an estimated of the crater's, rim , Images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter show the tracks of the astronauts
  10. Falling down, and/or facing away from the basket. A shot that misses both the, rim ,and the backboard completely is referred to as an air ball. A particularly bad
  11. 300 m) wide Cone Crater. However, the two astronauts were not able to find the, rim ,amid the rolling terrain of the crater's slopes. Later analysis, using the
  12. A form as Timbre. The name has also been related to the word gimme meaning ", rim ,",i.e. the people of the coast, Finally, since Antiquity, the name has been
  13. Island includes a large collapsed submarine caldera. Portions of the exposed, rim ,of this caldera form the southwestern tip of the island at Scott's Head.
  14. As a Bacardi and Coke. When the lime juice is included and rubbed around the, rim ,of the glass it can be known as a Lou Bega, after the popular singer. In
  15. Then about 4 km diameter on Earth, there is some limited collapse of the crater, rim ,coupled with debris sliding down the crater walls and drainage of impact melts
  16. Only 160,130 in 2005. Short sections of railroad, mainly the Bogotá-Atlantic, rim , are used to haul goods, mostly coal, to the Caribbean and Pacific ports. In
  17. Either under-seat or over-seat steering. Brakes Modern bicycle brakes may be:, rim ,brakes, in which friction pads are compressed against the wheel rim s; internal
  18. Africa has a general resemblance to an inverted saucer. Do south the plateau, rim ,is formed by three parallel steps with level ground between them. The largest
  19. Has touched the backboard, or when any part of the ball is directly above the, rim , Under international rules it is illegal to block a shot that is in the
  20. Popular and widely viewed sports. A regulation basketball hoop consists of a, rim ,18 inches in diameter and 10 feet high mounted to a backboard. A team can score
  21. 1) " eye appeal" or the aesthetic interest of the coin; 2) dents on the, rim ,; 3) unsightly scratches or other blemishes on the surface of the coin; 4)
  22. Involves both the uplift of the central region and the inward collapse of the, rim , The central uplift is not the result of elastic rebound which is a process in
  23. To form an overturned coherent flap of eject immediately outside the, rim , As eject escapes from the growing crater, it forms an expanding curtain in
  24. Of the old town during the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman periods. Canada,the, rim ,of the majestic hill to the south of the present city center, stood well
  25. Show the tracks of the astronauts and the MET come to within 30 m of the, rim , Shepard and Mitchell deployed and activated various scientific instruments and
  26. Hawk in lunar orbit. The second moonwalk, or EVA, was intended to reach the, rim ,of the 1,000 foot (300 m) wide Cone Crater. However, the two astronauts were
  27. Of coastal lowlands and a less rugged topography. Orogeny The western, rim ,of the South American Plate has been the place of several pre-Andean orogenies
  28. South Diamond Islet, East Treatise Reef and West Treatise Reef on the Southern, rim ,) # North Flinders Reef (large atoll,34 by 23 km, area 600 km2,with 2 islets
  29. Of its arc or one that has touched the backboard until the ball has hit the, rim , After hitting the rim the ball it is again legal to touch the ball even though
  30. Volume of material has been ejected, and a topographically elevated crater, rim ,has been pushed up. When this cavity has reached its maximum size, it is called
  31. Retroreflector. Then Armstrong loped about from the LM to snap photos at the, rim ,of Little West Crater while Aldrin collected two core tubes. He used the
  32. The body, or " pot ", of a modern banjo typically consists of a circular, rim ,(generally made of wood, though metal was also common on older banjos) and a
  33. Differences from the parent sport is the court; below the padded basketball, rim ,and backboard are four trampolines set into the floor which serve to propel
  34. Because it is often scored, or nerfed, so it bends with the shape of the, rim ,) is glued into the corners where the rim meets the top and back. This interior
  35. Mounts to reduce vibration. Chrysler also developed a wheel with a ridged, rim , designed to keep a deflated tire from flying off the wheel. This wheel was
  36. Right holding an umbrella that is not black but beige, with a brown band at the, rim , Though visual continuity errors are logically confined to visual media
  37. Pacific Ring of Fire, a zone of volcanic activity that encompasses the Pacific, rim ,of the Americas as well as the Asia-Pacific region. The Andes are the result of
  38. Plate. The main cause of the rise of the Andes is the compression of western, rim ,of the South American Plate due to the subduction of the Nazca Plate and the
  39. Close to the center of impact, and the slowest material is ejected close to the, rim ,at low velocities to form an overturned coherent flap of eject immediately
  40. Displacement of material downwards, outwards and upwards, to form the elevated, rim , For impacts into highly porous materials, a significant crater volume may also
  41. High and 2 feet wide. At almost all levels of competition, the top of the, rim ,is exactly 10 feet above the court and 4 feet inside the baseline. While
  42. Chins. Piercing ears was also very common. The Aleuts pierced holes around the, rim ,of their ears with denialism shells (tooth shells or tusk shells),bone
  43. The second-transition area (mirror band),the program (data) area, and the, rim , The inner program area occupies a radius from 25 to 58 mm A thin layer of
  44. Wooden rim /back, the neck and string tailpiece was mounted on the wooden outer, rim , the short string usually led through a tube in the neck so that the tuning peg
  45. Point of rivers, but beyond this, as far as the Atlas chain, the elevated, rim ,of the continent is almost wanting. Plains The area between the east and west
  46. Atoll completely encloses a stagnant freshwater lagoon, and is. The island's, rim ,averages in width, though it reaches in the west and narrows to in the
  47. It is considered important for the basket to be of the correct height – a, rim ,that is off by just a few inches can have an adverse effect on shooting. The
  48. While the crash area is the thinner tapering section near the edge. The edge or, rim ,is the immediate circumference of the cymbal. Cymbals are measured by their
  49. To become emptied by drainage of melted lava through a breach on the caldera's, rim , The Caldera de Taburiente and the Calder eta, both on the island of La Palma (
  50. So it bends with the shape of the rim ) is glued into the corners where the, rim ,meets the top and back. This interior reinforcement provides 5 to 20 mm of

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