Examples of the the word, vague , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vague ), is the 5697 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. However, more recent analyses indicate that these similarities are rather, vague , and the current view, based on molecular phylogenetic, is that Cnidaria and
  2. Mom and Dad,"" Ozzie and Harriet," or" Eight the Hard" followed by, vague ,references of a sexual nature. Nine is called a" Center field Nine" in casino
  3. Ran on the previous administration's record: fiscal conservatism,a, vague ,opposition to Prohibition, support for women's suffrage, and support for
  4. Of neurosis, a mainstream of psychoanalytic theory and therapy but seen as, vague ,and unscientific by the DSM task force. Faced with enormous political
  5. Their political views and their lifestyles. Investigations have been based upon, vague ,standards whose breadth made excessive collection inevitable. Unsavory and
  6. To power Caesarion, then thirteen years of age, in 34 BC, giving him the, vague ,but alarming title of" King of the Kings" ( Donations of Alexandria). Being
  7. Of geoscientists in the area (courtesy of the oil industry),there is only a, vague ,understanding of what underlays the city. To the south side of the city
  8. Unsettled. It was criticized by the Free Software Foundation as being" too, vague ,; some passages are too clever for their own good, and their meaning is not
  9. Of the world and the giver of rain. The notion of the term may have been, vague ,in the Mecca religion. Allah was thought to have had sons and that the local
  10. Abstracting yet again, constructions are often" naturally related" – a, vague ,notion, at first sight. This leads to the clarifying concept of natural
  11. Being a slave of more than one master is difficult. The specification is, vague ,as to required behavior in scatter nets. Many USB Bluetooth adapters or "
  12. Command over the armed forces in the first few months of Kabila's rule was, vague , Gerard Pruner writes that 'there was no minister of defense, no known chief
  13. Means of correlation between groups related by general mass and can serve as a, vague ,means of estimating adiposity. The duality of the BMI is that, whilst
  14. S territory shrank somewhat after the Alaska boundary dispute settled the, vague ,boundary of the Alaska Panhandle. Population in British Columbia continued to
  15. Gave him the freedom to write for and direct himself, was to start from a, vague ,premise—for example" Charlie enters a health spa" or" Charlie works in a
  16. Broadly allow treatment of" human ailments "; some, such as Delaware, use, vague , concepts such as" transition of nerve energy" to define scope of practice;
  17. To Turing's in the volume of debate it has generated, but Earle himself was, vague ,about what extra ingredients it would take to make a machine conscious: All he
  18. With a fallibility that recognizes that propositions of our more or less, vague ,common sense now indubitable may later come into actual question, for example
  19. Regarding Stuart's culpability for the situation center around the relatively, vague ,orders issued by Lee, but most modern historians agree that both generals were
  20. Was unfamiliar with the work of Gregor Mendel, and as a result had only a, vague ,and inaccurate understanding of heredity. He naturally had no inkling of yet
  21. Foreword to Henning (1979) by Rose, Nelson,and Patterson:" Encumbered with, vague ,and slippery ideas about adaptation, fitness,biological species and natural
  22. Memory management is high-level and type-safe. Ada does not have generic (and, vague ,)" pointers "; nor does it implicitly declare any pointer type. Instead, all
  23. For a function to be" effectively calculable" ( computable)—is" a somewhat, vague ,intuitive one ". Thus, the " thesis" remains a hypothesis. Thus the
  24. To remain a viable politician for more than thirty years, in spite of the, vague ,and shifting nature of his ideology. When constitutional rule was restored in
  25. And regales (" princes" ). This may be a formal hierarchy, or they may be, vague , overlapping terms, or a combination of both. In 357,there appear to have been
  26. When bibliographer Michael Barrier asked Barks about why he drew it, Barks ', vague ,recollection was no one was available, and he was asked to do it as a favor by
  27. 7,8; Isthmian 4; and in Ovid's Metamorphoses,13.1. Homer is somewhat, vague ,about the precise manner of Ajax's death but does ascribe it to his loss in
  28. Data types The specification of some programming languages is intentionally, vague ,about the representation of certain built-in data types, defining only the
  29. Of simplification, wherein formerly concrete details are left ambiguous, vague , or undefined; thus effective communication about things in the abstract
  30. Have the Devil's luck. ' I cannot find, or at this moment learn, beyond, vague , conjecture where the French Fleet are gone to. All my ill fortune, hitherto
  31. 1493–1541),for example, rejected the 4-elemental theory and with only a, vague ,understanding of his chemicals and medicines, formed a hybrid of alchemy and
  32. Given in the works of later counterpoint pedagogues, are as follows. Some are, vague , and since good judgement and taste have been regarded by contrapuntists as
  33. Not by the Maker of the world but by 'Abraham. ' Nothing can be built on the, vague ,allusions of Jerome, according to whom 'Abraham' meant for Basil ides" the
  34. And that the limit with Chile ran along the Salado River. The border remained, vague ,throughout the 19th century. Finally, Bolivia and Chile agreed, in 1866, too
  35. More personally beneficial subsidies, etc.),which renders them immune to, vague ,accusations and prosecution. It may also refer to an unrealized form of
  36. Not included, but provision was made for their later incorporation. However,a, vague ,undertaking was given to consult their inhabitants, and although successive
  37. An aura of ill-repute. George Eliot wrote" there is in some quarters a, vague ,prejudice against the Rights of Woman as in some way or other a reprehensible
  38. Languages. To support the intended process of nation building even further,a, vague ,myth of some common Germanic original language developed, and German
  39. Him to make a standard, the lab arum, for his army in that form. Eugenics is, vague ,about when and where these events took place, but it enters his narrative
  40. Not included, but provision was made for their later incorporation. However,a, vague ,undertaking was given to consult their inhabitants, and although successive
  41. In the Ardennes" near Spa is the Poirot family home. Christie is purposefully, vague , as Poirot is thought to be elderly even in the early Poirot novels, and in An
  42. To any single concept. This does not imply that the purpose of Art is ", vague ,", but that it has had many unique, different reasons for being created. Some
  43. By the law to live in an unreal region of detached altruism and to act in the, vague ,mood of ideal abstraction from obvious facts which must be present to the mind
  44. Standard of training. This system was in marked contrast to the conflicting, vague ,orders issued by the French army. This staff system ensured that before Line
  45. Up to international standards on paper, are often ignored in practice, are too, vague ,or weak to be effective, or are simply not enforced by bank officials. The bank
  46. The other, resulted in an association of churches that were both deliberately, vague ,about doctrinal principles, yet bold in developing parameters of acceptable
  47. The same hints of alchemy that are found in evidence from ancient China, namely, vague , references to a connection between gold and long life. Mercury, which was so
  48. Annihilated" the rest of Henry's force. In their interpretations of the, vague ,mentions of the battle in the old text, historians placed areas near the foot
  49. And),with an up-glide rather than an in-glide, so that bag sounds close to, vague , The first element of (as in start) tends to be raised. As with Canadian
  50. Cognition. During ordinary non-dream sleep, people who are awakened report only, vague ,and sketchy thoughts, and their experiences do not cohere into a continuous

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