Examples of the the word, calculus , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And its philosophical principles, provided the foundation for Infinitesimal, calculus ,in Europe. Abraham de Moivre also pioneered the development of analytic
  2. Of differences. From 1895/96 until 1905 he also lectured on differential, calculus , One year after the defense of his doctoral thesis, he was appointed
  3. Markov then resumed his teaching activities and lectured probability theory and, calculus ,of differences until his death in 1922. Excommunication from the Russian
  4. Are believed to exist for general proof tasks. For a first order predicate, calculus , with no (" proper" ) axioms,Gödel's completeness theorem states that the
  5. Algebra),Konstantin Posse (analytic geometry),Regor Solitary (integral, calculus ,), Pafnuty Cherished (number theory, probability theory),Aleksandr Working (
  6. On the development of René Descartes's geometric analysis and Isaac Newton's, calculus , Alien made the first attempt at proving the Euclidean parallel postulate
  7. Recursive functions of 1930,1934 and 1935,Alonzo Church's lambda, calculus ,of 1936,Emil Post's" Formulation 1" of 1936,and Alan Turing's Turing
  8. Later Monica) R-4,an early Soviet long-range air-to-air missile In, calculus , an" antiderivative ", antiderivative,primitive integral or indefinite
  9. Most of the algebraic character of coordinate geometry was subsumed by the, calculus ,of infinitesimals of Lagrange and Euler. Nineteenth and early 20th century It
  10. Was able to use infinitesimals in a way that is similar to modern integral, calculus , Through proof by contradiction (reductio ad absurdum),he could give answers
  11. To Burgundy and northern Italy. It was not commonly used and was called ", calculus ,pis anus" since it was adopted in Pisa and survived there till 1750. * from 25
  12. In modern mathematics. In addition to its obvious importance in geometry and, calculus , area is related to the definition of determinants in linear algebra, and is a
  13. after Alonzo Church's equivalent proof in respect to his lambda, calculus , Turing was unaware of Church's work at the time. Turing's approach is
  14. Petersburg University. Among his teachers were Julian Okhotsk (differential, calculus , higher algebra),Konstantin Posse (analytic geometry),Regor Solitary (
  15. He started the project of formulating and proving the theorems of infinitesimal, calculus ,in a rigorous manner, rejecting the heuristic principle of the generality of
  16. Bases for logic systems. * Harald Fanzine, co-developer of the superposition, calculus , head of the MPI Saarbrücken, recipient of the Her brand Award 2004 (posthumous
  17. Of G\left (b\right)-G\left (a\right). Thus, the fundamental theorem of, calculus ,will fail spectacularly. An alphabet song is any of various songs used to teach
  18. Prover for full first-order logic, but built on a purely educational, calculus , developed primarily in the automated reasoning group of Technical University
  19. Adopted that style in opposition to the one of Pisa, so it got the name of ", calculus ,Florentine ". It soon spread in France and also in England where it became
  20. Schemata and modes pones, one can prove all tautologies of the propositional, calculus , It can also be shown that no pair of these schemata is sufficient for proving
  21. Area of plane figures was a major motivation for the historical development of, calculus , For a solid shape such as a sphere, cone,or cylinder, the area of its
  22. Of a circle, any derivation of this formula inherently uses methods similar to, calculus , List of formulae The above calculations show how to find the area of many
  23. Loved, solving advanced problems in 1927 without having even studied elementary, calculus , In 1928,aged 16,Turing encountered Albert Einstein's work; not only did he
  24. Finite or cofinite is a Boolean algebra. * Starting with the propositional, calculus ,with κ sentence symbols, form the Tenenbaum algebra (that is, the set of
  25. Of such logic requires formalism that extends the first-order predicate, calculus , Representative of this is the tool KED. Popular techniques Comparison See also
  26. Of the circle. This argument is actually a simple application of the ideas of, calculus , In ancient times, the method of exhaustion was used similarly to find
  27. But additional logical axioms are needed to include a quantifier in the, calculus , Mathematical logic
  28. Had an influence on René Descartes's geometric analysis and Isaac Newton's, calculus , According to medieval biographers, Alhazen wrote more than 200 works on a wide
  29. In autumn 1880. As a privatdozent he lectured on differential and integral, calculus , Later he lectured alternately on" introduction to analysis ", probability
  30. Found by dividing the polygon into triangles. For shapes with curved boundary, calculus ,is usually required to compute the area. Indeed, the problem of determining the
  31. Concrete quantitative tools needed to study physical problems using the new, calculus ,of Newton and Leibniz. However, by the end of the 18th century, most of the
  32. Antiderivatives). This is another formulation of the fundamental theorem of, calculus , There are many functions whose antiderivative, even though they exist, cannot
  33. Are related to definite integrals through the fundamental theorem of, calculus ,: the definite integral of a function over an interval is equal to the
  34. Of functions The asymptotes most commonly encountered in the study of, calculus ,are of curves of the form. These can be computed using limits and classified
  35. Of the circle, and this method is now recognized as a precursor to integral, calculus , Using modern methods, the area of a circle can be computed using a definite
  36. Retire which he immediately used. Till 1910,however, he continued to lecture, calculus ,of differences. In connection with student riots in 1908,professors and
  37. Software Notable people * Leo Cashmere, co-developer of the superposition, calculus , * Robert S. Boyer, co-author of the Boyer-Moore theorem proper, co-recipient
  38. The surface area of a more complicated shape usually requires multivariable, calculus , Area plays an important role in modern mathematics. In addition to its obvious
  39. Theory (succeeding Cherished who had left the university in 1882) and, calculus ,of differences. From 1895/96 until 1905 he also lectured on differential
  40. Convergence theorem shows that g does satisfy the fundamental theorem of, calculus ,in that context. In Examples 3 and 4,the sets of discontinuities of the
  41. Is a high-performance system based on the goal-directed model elimination, calculus , It is developed in the automated reasoning group of Technical University of
  42. Alternatively constructed. These axiom schemata are also used in the predicate, calculus , but additional logical axioms are needed to include a quantifier in the
  43. To seamlessly combine imperative effects with the (call-by-name) lambda, calculus , Perhaps the most elegant formulation of the language is due to John C.
  44. Saw major advances in acoustics as mathematicians applied the new techniques of, calculus ,to elaborate theories of sound wave propagation. In the nineteenth century the
  45. Proofs and is generally preferred in the research literature. The binary lambda, calculus ,may provide the simplest definition of complexity yet. In this article we will
  46. Can be used to compute definite integrals, using the fundamental theorem of, calculus ,: if F is an antiderivative of the integrable function f, then:: \int_ASB f (
  47. The Tenenbaum algebra (that is, the set of sentences in the propositional, calculus ,modulo tautology). This construction yields a Boolean algebra. It is in fact
  48. And Western European mathematicians culminated in Leibniz's notion of the, calculus ,ratiocination (ca 1680): Mechanical contrivances with discrete states The
  49. Robert Nieuwenhuis University of Barcelona. Co-developer of the superposition, calculus , * Tobias Nikon of the Technical University of Munich, contributions to (
  50. The number of boundary points. This result is known as Pick's theorem. Area in, calculus ,*the area between the graphs of two functions is equal to the integral of one

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