Examples of the the word, permissible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( permissible ), is the 8985 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To view the past 4 and a half days of anywhere in the world (limited radius as, permissible ,by the program) in order to solve a murder and a terrorist bomb attack on a
  2. In" the last months of 1977 Berg started counseling the members that it was, permissible ,for proselyting reasons to offer sexual contacts and services to perspective
  3. Worship is polytheistic (due to the multiplicity of the Trinity),it is, permissible ,for them to swear in God's name, since they are referring to the one God. This
  4. Distances. The additional subtlety to contend with is that it is not logically, permissible ,to use the completeness of the real numbers in their own construction.
  5. Of freeware may retain all rights to the software; it is not necessarily, permissible ,to reverse engineer, modify,or redistribute freeware. Since free software may
  6. Of operation, chlorine levels in Rouse almost doubled, reaching two times the, permissible ,maximum in the summer of 1990. Over 3,000 families left the city in the 1980s
  7. Should be used, for example, converged or distributed, whether adjustment is, permissible ,or surprise essential, the need for special procedures such as precision or
  8. Or male headship is the biblically ordained view, and even if it is biblically, permissible , The divergent opinions fall into two main groups: Complementations (who call
  9. Ships to operate under more liberal taxation and manning regulations than, permissible ,under the main French register. This register, however,is to vanish, replaced
  10. The use of force, as long as it is in the defense of persons or property. The, permissible ,extent of this defensive use of force is an arguable point among
  11. Use of instrumental music in worship. The Disciples, by contrast, considered, permissible , any practices that the New Testament did not expressly forbid. After the
  12. Even though there are some dissenting voices who would make that, permissible , Jurists are disagreed regarding which one of the two should be sovereign. One
  13. Most view sexual relations as appropriate only within a marriage. Divorce is, permissible , if at all, only in very specific circumstances (for example, sexual
  14. Process of law in that there should be finality of proceedings. *A retrial is, permissible ,if the interests of justice so require, following appeal against conviction by
  15. Right to trial by jury, the right to silence without prejudicial inference, permissible ,detention before a charge is made extended from 24 hours to 42 days, and the
  16. Temperature: 651 °C) and can form explosive mixtures with air (16–25 %). The, permissible ,exposure limit (PEL) in the United States is 50 ppm (35 mg/m3),while the
  17. To support" the individual’s right to bear arms subject to constitutionally, permissible ,regulations. " The ACLU has opposed some campaign finance reform laws such as
  18. Should have the right to commit suicide, and,furthermore, that it should be, permissible ,for a doctor to assist – thus making Adler the first" prominent American" to
  19. Discretion and mercy in imposing punishment on criminals, it may still be, permissible ,to take up arms to repel an aggressor or to have recourse to capital punishment
  20. Or moving the king to a square where it is not under attack. Castling is not a, permissible ,response to a check. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent; this
  21. Practice, however,email service providers implement various limitations on the, permissible ,size of files or the size of an entire message. Furthermore, due to technical
  22. Since no one has discerned these projections and their workings, if it is, permissible ,to give names to things discovered by me, it should be called the love or
  23. Relatively few parts of New York actually permit alcohol sales at all times, permissible ,under state law; most counties have more restrictive blue laws of their own. NY
  24. Diminishing returns to complexity, due to which, as states achieved a maximum, permissible ,complexity, they would decline when further increases actually produced a
  25. He said that the walls and the roof of a house are barren, too,but it is, permissible ,to charge someone for allowing him to use them. In the same way, money can be
  26. On the subject. Selling free software Selling Software under the BSD license is, permissible ,and commercial use of the project is part of the intent of the license. The
  27. That cannot be fulfilled because of fasting, then it is perfectly, permissible ,not to fast. An individual's observance of the fasting laws is not to be
  28. Have arsenic levels in groundwater above the World Health Organization maximum, permissible ,limit of 50 kg/L. Major cities The following are the largest cities in Bengal (
  29. As follows, and are in addition to the considerations for first species: #It is, permissible ,to begin on an upbeat, leaving a half-rest in the added voice. #The accented
  30. That are instituted or appointed by command or example in the New Testament are, permissible ,in worship. In other words, the regulative principle maintains that God
  31. Its insistence on the worship of Yahweh as the sole god of Israel, was the only, permissible ,religion, sealed by the greatest of prophets. Deuteronomy code, the
  32. In December 1945 he told his vice-grand chamberlain Michel Hiroshima:" It is, permissible ,to say that the idea that the Japanese are descendants of the gods is a false
  33. Of Amaranth *Regulations for slavery, servitude,vows, debt,usury, and, permissible , objects for securing loans *Prohibition against wives making a groin attack on
  34. Or the death of the" victim" results. A light injury is generally considered, permissible ,when the" victim" has consented to it. In cases of threats to bodily
  35. In the skeletal system its radiation can damage red blood cells. The maximum, permissible ,body burden for the isotope berkelium-249 in the human skeleton is 0.4
  36. Wagers while the dice are no longer in the middle of the table. While entirely, permissible , excessive late betting will generally garner a warning as it slows play. At
  37. Then placing the rook on the last square the king has just crossed. Castling is, permissible ,only if all the following conditions hold: * Neither of the pieces involved
  38. government's choice to pay for religious indoctrination is constitutionally, permissible , " And Justice Souter's, whose opinion questioned how the Court could keep
  39. Expressed in The Brothers Karamazov that," If there is no God, everything is, permissible , " As its first premise. Notably, Jean-Paul Sartre made an inverse form of this
  40. In an essay On the Character of a Perfect Anagram, tried to lay down, permissible ,rules (such as S standing for Z),and possible letter omissions. William
  41. Dapple gene is commonly responsible for blindness and deafness. Wall-eye is, permissible , Piebald-patterned dachshunds will never have blue in their eyes, unless the
  42. Such as ground crew, may also face charges. In some jurisdictions it may be, permissible ,to use land until specifically told not to. Terrine Bridge in Twin Falls, Idaho
  43. All words end in a vowel, precisely because closed syllables (CVC) are not, permissible ,in most of the documented languages, as far as we are aware. This tendency to
  44. Questions such as," Is lying always wrong? " And," If not, when is it, permissible , " Is prior to any etiquette. People in-general are more comfortable with
  45. Until recently the Executive branch has neither delineated the scope of, permissible ,activities nor established procedures for supervising intelligence agencies.
  46. And that these religious minorities believed that the practice in question is, permissible ,according to their religion. This ruling was based on the precedent that the
  47. Drugs) for at least a year. In Islam the main rule on caffeine is that it is, permissible , With regard to the caffeine in coffee, Imam Shiva Alvin said: 'it is halal (
  48. Combinations, while acceptable in one particular orientation, are no longer, permissible ,when inverted. For example, when the note" G" sounds in one voice above the
  49. Against this practice, as not making it clear to the cat which surfaces are, permissible ,and which are not; they suggest using a plain wooden surface, or reversing the
  50. Death. The officially published writings of both David Berg and Karen Derby and, permissible ,according to Scripture. Documents issued in 2010 expressed the need for more

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