Examples of the the word, allergic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( allergic ), is the 8987 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Care is required upon the first signs of these side effects. The onset of an, allergic ,reaction to amoxicillin can be very sudden and intense - emergency medical
  2. And the patient may go into shock. The reaction can be caused by a systemic, allergic ,reaction to allergens such as insect bites or peanuts. Anaphylaxis is initially
  3. As milk and cheese, are a well-known source of calcium. Some individuals are, allergic ,to dairy products and even more people, in particular those of non
  4. Chromium (III) reduction. Chromium salts (chromates) are also the cause of, allergic ,reactions in some people. Chromates are often used to manufacture, amongst
  5. Cysts or ulcers in the muscle. Sesame oil is often used, which can cause, allergic ,reactions such as vasculitis. An aesthetic issue is drooping of muscle under
  6. Gland is eliminated by the body in urine. Some patients may experience a slight, allergic ,reaction to the diagnostic radio iodine, and may be given an antihistamine. The
  7. And anti-corrosives. Contact with products containing chromates can lead to, allergic ,contact dermatitis and irritant dermatitis, resulting in ulceration of the skin
  8. The amine drugs: * Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine that helps to relieve, allergic ,disorders due to cold, hay fever, itchy skin, insect bites and stings. *
  9. Corresponds to 500 grams for an 80 kg person. A small percentage of people are, allergic ,to aluminum and experience contact dermatitis, digestive disorders, vomiting
  10. Water retention, and sexual impotence. Some medications can trigger, allergic ,or pseudo allergic reactions. Specific chemotherapeutic agents are associated
  11. Not been established as a carcinogen when in solution, although it may cause, allergic ,contact dermatitis (ACD). Although no biological role for chromium has ever
  12. About his allergy to them. Max grins and explains he's" gotten past" his, allergic ,reaction and confidently finishes it with no problems. He's tracked down at a
  13. Tokyo in case of emergency, in particular a nuclear attack. Godzilla has an, allergic ,reaction to the Cadmium shells that are fired into his mouth by the Super X
  14. On the antigen molecule. *Allergen - A substance capable of causing an, allergic ,reaction. The (detrimental) reaction may result after exposure via ingestion
  15. Occasionally kidney damage. NSAIDs predispose to peptic ulcers, renal failure, allergic ,reactions, and occasionally hearing loss, and they can increase the risk of
  16. Proteins left in the shell matrix, it is also possible that they can trigger an, allergic ,(asthmatic) attack. Allergic skin reactions can also occur. Diseases and
  17. Species. Side-effects The most common side effects of beta-lactams include, allergic ,reactions and gastrointestinal upset. See individual drug entries for details.
  18. Adverse effects Contraindications Aspirin should not be taken by people who are, allergic ,to ibuprofen or naproxen, or a more generalized drug intolerance to NSAIDs, and
  19. Group of foods (headed by peanuts) that appear to provoke the most severe, allergic ,reactions; for people with celery allergy, exposure can cause potentially fatal
  20. Vegetable preservative; however, the sulfates in the preservative caused, allergic ,reactions in some people. In 1986,the U. S. Food and Drug Administration
  21. Binding to mast cells. This inhibited mast cell granulation and thus reduced, allergic ,reaction. The risk of experiencing anaphylaxis as an immune system reaction may
  22. An unknown portion of heroin related deaths are the result of an overdose or, allergic ,reaction to quinine, which may sometimes be used as a cutting agent. A final
  23. One of the strawberries but, unlike in the restaurant, this time experiences an, allergic ,reaction and suffocates. As he lay choking, Max accepts the reality of his
  24. This low dose of radio iodine is typically tolerated by individuals otherwise, allergic ,to iodine (such as those unable to tolerate contrast mediums containing larger
  25. Even up to a week after treatment has ceased. For some people who are, allergic ,to amoxicillin the side effects can be deadly. Use of the
  26. Necessarily be stopped. However, this common amoxicillin rash and a dangerous, allergic ,reaction cannot easily be distinguished by inexperienced persons, and therefore
  27. Small number of people, taking aspirin can result in symptoms that resemble an, allergic ,reaction, including hives, swelling and headache. The reaction is caused by
  28. On the trunk and can spread from there. This rash is unlikely to be a true, allergic ,reaction, and is not a contraindication for future amoxicillin usage, nor
  29. That cannot tolerate medicines for one reason or another, patients that are, allergic ,to iodine, or patients that refuse radio iodine may opt for surgical
  30. Of eating genetically modified food, in particular whether toxic or, allergic ,reactions could occur. Gene flow into related non-transgenic crops, off target
  31. Attempts to breed hypoallergenic cats, which would be less likely to provoke an, allergic ,reaction. As well as posing health risks, interactions with cats may improve
  32. Some points of interest are: #when used cosmetically, there is a chance of, allergic ,reactions causing prolonged redness; however, this can be virtually eliminated
  33. Was based on the possibility that a few people might develop an, allergic ,reaction to the BT protein used in Starlink that is less rapidly digested than
  34. Levels of allergen content. Exercise-induced anaphylaxis may be exacerbated. An, allergic ,reaction also may be triggered by eating foods that have been processed with
  35. Reactions to cat dander and/or cat saliva are common. Some humans who are, allergic ,to cats—typically manifested by hay fever, asthma,or a skin rash—quickly
  36. While retaining an allergy to cats in general. Whether the risk of developing, allergic ,diseases such as asthma is increased or decreased by cat ownership is uncertain
  37. By Kirishima Shaka and Peruke Shaka as a class of antibodies involved in, allergic ,reactions. Genetic studies identifying the basis of the vast diversity of these
  38. Beryllium is corrosive to tissue, and can cause a chronic life-threatening, allergic ,disease called berylliosis in some people. As it is not synthesized in stars
  39. Success rate found in these studies was 80–95 % with few gastrointestinal or, allergic ,side effects. British studies also demonstrated significant efficacy of phages
  40. Jim Run won the 1,500 after being flown in by helicopter because he was, allergic ,to Eugene's grass seed pollen. ” Further, six-time Olympian Maria Mutual
  41. However, can continue to lose potassium while on an ACE inhibitor. A severe, allergic ,reaction that rarely can affect the bowel wall and secondarily cause abdominal
  42. Of patients that may unwittingly have mononucleosis) to potentially lethal, allergic ,reactions such as anaphylaxis. However, as with other penicillin drugs, it is
  43. However, wool is generally less convenient to clean and some people are, allergic ,to it. It is also common to blend different fibers in the yarn, e. g.,85 %
  44. Voluntarily withdrawn by Events in October 2000. 28 people reported apparent, allergic ,reactions related to eating corn products that may have contained the Starlink
  45. Results decrease the probability that the Cry9C protein is the cause of, allergic ,symptoms in the individuals examined ... in the absence of a positive control
  46. Does not confirm the widely held belief that honey relieves the symptoms of, allergic ,rhino conjunctivitis. " A more recent study has shown pollen collected by bees
  47. Year are prime examples. Cats have often fared worse in his books (Koontz is, allergic ,to felines),though he has occasionally included cats as characters, most
  48. The disease. Moreover, the administration of UA is therapeutic in experimental, allergic ,encephalomyelitis (EAE),an animal model of MS. " While the mechanism of UA
  49. Or obesity. Natural additives may be similarly harmful or be the cause of, allergic ,reactions in certain individuals. For example, safrole was used to flavor root
  50. Latex that has been treated to remove 90 % of the proteins responsible for, allergic ,reactions. An allergen-free condom made of synthetic latex (polystyrene) is

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