Examples of the the word, eradicate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eradicate ), is the 8990 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of extreme wealth. In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition's main focus was to, eradicate ,these new sects. Thus, its range of action was predominantly set in Italy and
  2. Cocaine, were performed at specialized laboratories after the sale. Attempts to, eradicate ,coca fields through the use of defoliants have devastated part of the farming
  3. Fast-growing Genus, once introduced, spreads fast and is extremely difficult to, eradicate , Photochemistry of Acacia Alkaloids As mentioned previously, Acacias contain a
  4. In Cuba, El Mundo described the assassination as" another racist crime to, eradicate ,by violence the struggle against discrimination ". Allegations of conspiracy
  5. Century BCE, Antiochus IV Epiphanies (ruler of the Seleucid Empire) tried to, eradicate ,Judaism in favor of Hellenistic religion. This provoked the 174–135 BCE
  6. Narcotics Control Board commended the Government of Morocco for its efforts to, eradicate ,cannabis plant cultivation on its territory, which has resulted in the total
  7. Goods and appliances. During the same period, the government tried to, eradicate ,poverty with a controversial race-conscious positive program called New
  8. To waterways that vast amounts of money and effort have been spent trying to, eradicate ,them, largely unsuccessfully. Knot Hamsun (August 4,1859 – February 19, 1952
  9. Rituals, and music) and allow them to flourish. But they counteract or, eradicate ,the more subversive elements of culture (exclusionary aspects of religion
  10. 1938. The eventual goal of the German state under Nazi leadership was to, eradicate ,Czech nationality through assimilation, deportation,and extermination of the
  11. Tax for families earning less than $34,000 a year. Javelin also campaigned to, eradicate ,PACs and soft money campaign contributions and advocated safety locks on guns.
  12. As another example, in lawns, moss can become dominant and be impossible to, eradicate , In some lawns, lichens,especially very damp lawn lichens such as Pellagra
  13. It is advised to pay special attention to newborn animals in an effort to, eradicate ,the disease. It was previously believed that only special lab-raised BTV were
  14. Then just non-recognition of Chiang's regime but" rejected it" and would ", eradicate ,it "., Meanwhile,One and the military pushed a National Mobilization Law
  15. Forgiveness" from our African-American brothers and sisters" and pledged to ", eradicate ,racism in all its forms from Southern Baptist life and ministry. " Currently
  16. General. During his three years in this office, he " moved resolutely to, eradicate ,all pro-Confederate influences in the state. " This" unwavering commitment to
  17. Authority to the parliament and cabinet. They also accused him of failing to, eradicate ,corruption, crime,and poverty. Baker in turn accused the opposition of
  18. The resident population. " Tswana continued to absorb cultures rather than, eradicate ,them. Archaeologists note a dramatic adoption of Tswana ceramics into the
  19. Religions vie with conventional, actual religions, and try to replace or, eradicate ,them. Para-fascism is a term used to describe authoritarian regimes with
  20. Creed which professed that all religion would atrophy" and" resolved to, eradicate ,Christianity as such. " In 1918" ten Orthodox hierarchy were summarily shot "
  21. Countries unanimously adopted a declaration pledging renewed commitment to, eradicate ,hunger from the earth at the earliest possible date. Response to food crisis In
  22. Solution were fully implemented in 1942,but it was only with the decision to, eradicate ,the entire Jewish population that the extermination camps were built and
  23. Adventurers, such as Yamaha Bahamas, were active throughout Asia. In order to, eradicate ,the influence of Christianization, Japan entered a period of isolation
  24. The Venetian Institution, a society concerned with promoting vaccination to, eradicate ,smallpox. In 1808,with government aid, this society became the National
  25. Of Economic Development. Malabar had been appointed by Sheikh Makeup to, eradicate ,the system of large commission payments from previous decades. Tapir was
  26. In Latin America has deep historical roots that have been difficult to, eradicate ,since the differences between initial endowments and opportunities among
  27. The legal international trade in narcotics. The Slavery Commission sought to, eradicate ,slavery and slave trading across the world, and fought forced prostitution. Its
  28. May encourage the development of partial immunity. Vector control Efforts to, eradicate ,malaria by eliminating mosquitoes have been successful in some areas. Malaria
  29. Healthy humans free of sin and death. They teach that the armies of heaven will, eradicate ,all who oppose the kingdom of God and its rule, wiping out all wicked human and
  30. Of neurodiversity. Heterozygous recessive traits In some instances efforts to, eradicate ,certain single-gene mutations would be nearly impossible. In the event the
  31. Reservations in government services and educational institutions was created to, eradicate ,the social inequalities and disadvantages faced by peoples of the scheduled
  32. Being to define unity of beliefs for the State church of the Roman Empire and, eradicate ,heretical ideas. The purpose of the council was to resolve disagreements in the
  33. Race riots, commonly known in Malaysia as the May 13 Incident, it sought to, eradicate ,poverty and end the identification of economic function with ethnicity. In
  34. Over worsening standards of living, despite an ongoing government drive to, eradicate ,poverty. A series of protests against then-President Marc Ravalomanana in 2009
  35. The Japanese Colonial rule, the Korean language was suppressed in an effort to, eradicate ,Korean national identity. Koreans were forced to take Japanese surnames, known
  36. Huss's teaching after the enactments of the Council of Constance, seeking to, eradicate ,completely the doctrine of Hus's, for which purpose the co-operation of King
  37. Cosmos Entelechia intend on using the powers that created Funds Magics to, eradicate ,it and its magical inhabitants, leaving the real (Terran) humans of the
  38. Slavery was a blight which, even as a British colony, Virginia had attempted to, eradicate , " What was the origin of our slave population? " He rhetorically asked. " The
  39. A dying dog. " In 1955,the World Health Organization commenced a program to, eradicate ,malaria worldwide, relying largely on DDT. The program was initially highly
  40. Leaders and citizens. Nelson Mandela, the leader of South Africa's struggle to, eradicate ,racial discrimination and segregation, is a prominent non-Indian recipient. In
  41. At the micro level. The bicycle, in that sense, can be one of the best means to, eradicate ,poverty in poor nations. Female emancipation The safety bicycle gave women
  42. An embarrassing loss. (Guinness had been elected as Chairman specifically to, eradicate ,such links. ) The Manifesto Group and the split from Labor Many originals
  43. Of Nantes. Perhaps, he may have just been motivated by his coronation oath to, eradicate ,heresy. The Edict of Fontainebleau exiled pastors, demolished churches
  44. Collected from one ant-heap. Although most ants survive attempts by humans to, eradicate ,them, a few are highly endangered. These are mainly island species that have
  45. For decades, and a fear of Islam in the Australian community will take years to, eradicate ,". Fraser also said the way the Howard government handled the David Hicks
  46. President Banner launched a policy of using special police-units to physically, eradicate ,the illegal coca of the Chapeau region. The policy produced a sudden and
  47. Between cells to trigger the protective defenses of the immune system that, eradicate ,pathogens or tumors. Ions belong to the large class of glycoproteins known as
  48. And otherwise—when ingested. Taxonomy Originally, cane toads were used to, eradicate ,pests from sugar cane, giving rise to their common name. The cane toad has many
  49. Training of operatives through the Hawaii banking system. U. S-led efforts to, eradicate ,the sources of terrorist financing were most successful in the year immediately
  50. By former KGB agents, who claim that Viktor Cheerios gave the order to, eradicate ,Tchaikovsky to prevent what the Soviet government and the KGB saw as anti-Soviet

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