Examples of the the word, acquaint , in a Sentence Context
The word ( acquaint ), is the 8999 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Balance Spring In 1655,according to his autobiographical notes, Hooke began to, acquaint ,himself with astronomy, through the good offices of John Ward. Hooke applied
- It was ordered that a letter should be written by the secretary to Mr Newton to, acquaint ,him of his election into the Society, and to thank him for the communication of
- Spirit world, no Keaton can forget their experiences in Yogi, and most must, acquaint ,themselves with their spiritual natures as part of their hard path to
- Book during this period, Sketches of Canada and the United States, designed to, acquaint ,the British public with his grievances. In Mackenzie's absence, the
- In Madagascar since 1998. Expedition Madagascar is Omaha Zoo's way to better, acquaint ,visitors with one of the most premier conservation partnerships in the world.
- Vice president, he spent his time making frequent trips to the countryside to, acquaint ,himself with voters and to promote the image of the Liberal Party. He defeated
- Act 1909 and enlarged during his time. Layla undertook a number of tours to, acquaint ,himself of the administrative machinery prevailing in the Presidency. During
- A complete system of asceticism" ( Escher). The four weeks of the Exercises, acquaint ,the exorbitant with the three degrees of the spiritual life. The first week is
- Day is now conducted during the first week of the fall semester and is used to, acquaint ,new students with the university's commitment to community engagement.
- Sovereign independence of the Arabs of Arabia and Syria. It would seem time to, acquaint ,the French Government with our detailed pledges to King Hussein, and to make it
- Arabic, Norse,Danish and Dutch. In 1890, he visited Berlin and Amsterdam to, acquaint ,himself with the ways of younger theologians, especially with the Ritschlians
- Agra bad, country’s lone ethnological museum, offers the visitors the chance to, acquaint ,with the lifestyles and heritage of various ethnic groups of the country. It
- Sets performed by two or more people. Sparring forms were designed both to, acquaint ,beginning fighters with basic measures and concepts of combat, and to serve as
- To strengthen his knowledge of Persian through practical application and also, acquaint ,himself with the silk trade. It was in Kasimbazaar that Halted also acquired
- Neighbours, co-workers and classmates to their EID festivities to better, acquaint ,them about Islam and Muslim culture. Rules regarding the animal to be
- Limited was the favored travel option of the time for the East Coast-bound. To, acquaint ,passengers with the various points-of-interest located along the route, Santa
- And Home Dance Ceremony in the summer. The function of the dolls is to, acquaint ,children with some of the many machines. In Hopi the word is often used to
- Producers for the safeguarding and raising of their standard of living; 2. To, acquaint ,the workers with the technical management of production and economic life in
- Eduardo Chávez was elected vice-president. The Albania sought" to organize and, acquaint ,the heirs of all Spanish land-grants covered by the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty "
- Kamal called at the house where Ali was staying, and requested him to, acquaint ,him with Prophet Khidhr's supplication. Ali asked Kamal to sit down, record
- Sovereign independence of the Arabs of Arabia and Syria. It would seem time to, acquaint ,the French Government with our detailed pledges to King Hussein, and to make it
- To Modena and Naples, and was subsequently despatched to London and Paris to, acquaint ,the British and French governments with the course of events in Italy. As a
- Project with the China Youth Corps. The primary goal of the program was to, acquaint , or re- acquaint , young people of Chinese descent living in other parts of the
- Protected by stringent zoning regulations. It is your City Council's desire to, acquaint ,the old and new residents with the history and background of San Marino, its
- 1930s,Mother Drexel wrote Pius XI asking him to bless a publicity campaign to, acquaint ,white Catholics with the needs of these disadvantaged races among them. An
- Sport. Training pushing hands In Tai Chi Chuan, pushing hands is used to, acquaint ,students with the principles of what are known as the" Eight Gates and Five
- Of three stories, formerly two separate town houses, on Hill Street. It aims to, acquaint ,its visitors with the history of County Jonathan and its people. The town is
- The chairman of the Yokohama Specie Bank. In April 1896,in order to better, acquaint ,himself with issues pertaining to the gold standard, he travelled to England
- Rooted in him, about everything existing in the world.: :SECOND SERIES: To, acquaint ,the reader with the material required for a new creation and to prove the
- Evening School of the Bible” in order to serve the Christian community and, acquaint ,a wider audience with the new institution. These classes were taught over five
- For example the theme) and the whole of the work. He writes,“ We cannot, acquaint ,anybody with the ‘ subject’ of a theme, except by playing it. The subject of a
- Of wildlife painters, sculptors,printmakers, and other artists to better, acquaint ,themselves with the natural world through both museum and field research. In
- Major problem of the new Chief Electoral Officer having less time than usual to, acquaint ,with the electoral rules, which made the Electoral Office less able to issue
- Years. When she returned to Paris in 1979 she began a series of projects to, acquaint ,herself again both with the city and people of Paris and with herself. However
- When a new gaming system is released, because video game developers need to, acquaint ,themselves with the hardware and software associated with the new console. Some
- Years, he travelled in England and the Netherlands to complete his studies and, acquaint ,himself with different types of Protestantism. He returned to Tübingen in 1834
- Have served only for" collective titillation" and that participants need to, acquaint ,themselves with his written material, specifically An Objectively Impartial
- Chapter 24,having discussed Luther's concept of free will, the sage wants the, acquaint ,Giovanni with Mirandola's ideas on this issue and lets him read" De hominid
- Included in the 1923 Homecoming was Dad’s Day, a time for parents to visit and, acquaint ,themselves with campus life. Dad’s Day and Homecoming were held concurrently
- Across India arrange official welcome parties and interaction sessions to, acquaint ,newcomers with senior students and professors. Faculties and researchers from
- Of Ferdinand von Richthofen to continue his geographic studies in order to, acquaint ,himself with geographical research methodology; the result was that He din had
- And social life ". The ruling party GPC called upon the opposition to ", acquaint ,themselves with constitutional systems before starting to talk every now and
- He gave six proposals of how to enact this reform: (1) to more thoroughly, acquaint ,believers with scripture by means of private readings and study groups in
- Then before but failed to halt their admission as evidence, or ask for time to, acquaint ,himself with their contents. They were subsequently used by the defense to
- The second series there was a small skirmish conducted as a separate event, to, acquaint , the players with the game mechanics and their units. In the second series the
- Of new characters, Fraction looked to a popular TV drama for ideas on how to, acquaint ,readers with his protagonists. Fraction framed each issue around a flashback
- Where faculty meet to discuss instructional plans. During this period, students, acquaint , themselves to the campus and have the opportunity to take placement tests. At
- Rooted in him, about everything existing in the world.: :SECOND SERIES: To, acquaint ,the reader with the material required for a new creation and to prove the
- Found in the regions of France. Agro-tourism and the Guide Michelin helped to, acquaint ,people with the rich bourgeois and peasant cuisine of the French countryside
- Music as well! Tchaikovsky became the first Russian composer to personally, acquaint ,foreign audiences with his own works, as well as those of other Russian
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