Examples of the the word, turnout , in a Sentence Context

The word ( turnout ), is the 8988 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or form a group of their own; criticisms of the group's approach to tackle low, turnout ,for the 2009 elections and the group's use of the two-President arrangement.
  2. To field candidates and partially boycotted the vote. In addition to low, turnout ,there was widespread government intimidation. The split in the MDC hardened
  3. Ones. Effects of gerrymandering Reduction in electoral competition and voter, turnout ,The most immediate and obvious effect of gerrymandering is that elections
  4. Gubernatorial primary of 1980. Some suggested Schwarzlose's unexpected voter, turnout ,foreshadowed Clinton's defeat in the general election that year by Republican
  5. Subsequent parliament. Despite the victory, voter apathy was a major issue, as, turnout , fell below 60 % for the first time in history,12 % down on 1997. All the 3
  6. The high-profile candidacy of Barack Obama is credited with increasing black, turnout ,on the bill which has been seen as the crucial difference in its passing.
  7. As the chance of influencing electoral results by voting is reduced, voter, turnout , is likely to decrease. Correspondingly, political campaigns are less likely to
  8. And David Dimly. Overview The elections were marked by voter apathy, with, turnout , falling to 59.4 %, the lowest since the Coupon Election of 1918. Throughout the
  9. Party of Honduras (Parties Nacional de Honduras: PNH) coming in second. Voter, turnout ,was 55 % of the 3.9 million eligible. The PNH challenged the election results
  10. Aristides was again elected president, with more than 90 % of the vote, on a, turnout ,of around 50 % according to international observers. The opposition refused to
  11. To vote on an ordinance to create a new state on October 24, 1861. A voter, turnout ,of 34 % approved the statehood bill (96 % approving). Name" A State of
  12. Viewers that a Sarah Pain book signing in Grand Rapids, Michigan had a massive, turnout ,while showing footage of Pain with a large crowd. Jarrett noted that the
  13. March 2006 elections. In the elections, which saw Israel's lowest-ever voter, turnout ,of 64 % (the number usually averages on the high 70 %),Karima, headed by
  14. In the federal election, a total of 39,413 votes were cast, and the voter, turnout ,was 46.8 %. In the 2009 Grand Conrail election, there were a total of 83,167
  15. As the former vice chairman of the Liberal Tannin Party Bill Malarkey. Voter, turnout ,dropped from 64 % to 54 %. Most Manx politicians stand for election as
  16. Of Deputies and two-thirds of the Senate took place. The election drew a voter, turnout ,of more than 60 %, and the FL won a virtual sweep. However, the elections were
  17. The historically low turnout of around thirty-three percent. In Scotland voter, turnout ,was only twenty-eight per cent. In the local elections, Labour polled 23 % of
  18. Of the European Union, passing it by a substantial margin, but on a low, turnout , *2009 – Two Tamil Tigers aircraft packed with C4 explosives en-route to the
  19. 1988,which was boycotted by almost all the previous candidates, and saw, turnout ,of just 4 %. The 1988 elections led to Professor Leslie Manila becoming
  20. It is hoped such changes would add legitimacy and counter the falling, turnout ,In 2007 both Bulgaria and Romania elected their MEPs in by-elections, having
  21. To dismiss the body, which,in turn, raises the concern of the relatively low, turnout ,(less than 50 %) in elections for the European Parliament since 1999. While
  22. Independence Party (SKIP). Voter apathy was reflected in the historically low, turnout ,of around thirty-three percent. In Scotland voter turnout was only twenty-eight
  23. In the federal election, a total of 51,012 votes were cast, and the voter, turnout ,was 51.4 %. Energy Basel is at the forefront of a national vision to more than
  24. 23, 2003. The independent observers alleged that the officially reported voter, turnout ,seemed to be much higher than the reality. Some Chechen's were controlled by
  25. Voted to hold a referendum on independence. On 19 May 1991,on an almost 80 %, turnout , 93.24 % voted for independence. Karina boycotted the referendum. They held
  26. Generally supported the center-right candidate Nicolas Sarky,the, turnout ,in French Polynesia was 69.12 % in the first round of the election and 74.67 %
  27. With many reported deaths. Independent polls have not contradicted official, turnout ,of 2009 election, which gave around 60 % of vote to Ahmadinejad. Culture The
  28. Kingdom should share sovereignty over Gibraltar, by 17,900 votes to 187 on a, turnout ,of almost 88 %. Unlike most other British territories, Gibraltar has not been
  29. Regulation play, and a ten-minute overtime period settled the outcome. A good, turnout ,of spectators watched the game. The first men's national championship
  30. Political campaigns are less likely to expend resources to encourage, turnout , With a reduction in competition, a candidate puts more effort into securing
  31. Voting. The Senate is unpopular among the public and suffers from low election, turnout ,(overall roughly 30 % in the first round,20 % in the second). Political
  32. On increased autonomy, which attracted significant popular support (72 %, turnout , 75 % vote in favor) the governments of Greenland and Denmark have agreed to
  33. Être domicile AU lieu de vote et comprise AU rôle DES impositions. Strong, turnout ,produced 1,201 delegates, including:" 291 nobles,300 clergy, and 610 members
  34. The Conservatives again topped the poll with 54 % but in contrast to 2004 the, turnout ,at 35 % was much lower, being comparable to other EU states. Constitutional
  35. African Americans in the state have had a high rate of voter registration and, turnout , On June 26, 2011,a 49-year-old James Craig Anderson was killed in Jackson
  36. Game, in which the paid attendance was over 40,000 fans. This phenomenal, turnout ,of fans who witnessed Damon Bailey's Bedford-North Lawrence Stars win the
  37. Belgium has compulsory voting and thus holds one of the highest rates of voter, turnout ,in the world. The King (currently Albert II) is the head of state, though
  38. Announced in early October. Elections were finally held on 7 November. Voter, turnout ,was high, and the elections went relatively smoothly. 16 November 2010,Alpha
  39. Sinn Féin. The election was also marked with exceptionally low voter, turnout , falling below 60 % for the first time in British history. The election was
  40. For government fraud. The RPP won all 65 seats in the national assembly, with a, turnout ,of less than 50 % of the electorate. In 1999,President Hassan Gould Action
  41. Leaders, other institutions and the public—who previously gave the lowest ever, turnout ,for the Parliament's elections. The Parliament also has the power to censure
  42. Which won 117 of the 120 election seats. Election observers estimated voter, turnout ,at only 54 % and found the campaign neither free nor fair, though balloting met
  43. Subscription levels of the national members. A second category vote requires a, turnout ,of at least two thirds of national members in order to be valid. An absolute
  44. The 2009 presidential election was characterized by lack of security, low voter, turnout ,and widespread electoral fraud. The vote, along with elections for 420
  45. Party won 24 of the 31 constituencies where elections were held amid low voter, turnout , Again, evidence surfaced of voter intimidation and fraud. In May 2005 the
  46. Establishment of the National Assembly for Wales by 55.4 % to 44.2 % on a 47 %, turnout , which Denis Balsam partly ascribed to a general preference in Cardiff and some
  47. Party boycotted the election, leaving all 65 seats to the ruling RPP. Voter, turnout ,figures were disputed. Guelph was re-elected in the 2011 presidential election
  48. 29 February and 1 March 1992 boycotted by the great majority of the Serbs. The, turnout ,in the independence referendum was 63.4 per cent and 99.7 per cent of voters
  49. The Botanic Gardens Palace, a meeting had between 15,000 to 30,000 people. This, turnout ,continued throughout 1874 and 1875,with crowds of thousands at all of his
  50. Gibraltar's second sovereignty referendum on the proposal, it achieved a, turnout ,of 88 % of which 98.97 % of the electorate did not support the position taken

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