Examples of the the word, ja , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ja ), is the 8998 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Made emphatic with the particle JA (indeed): mi JA esp eras (I do hope),mi, ja , esperis (I did hope). Mood The conditional mood is used for such expressions
  2. S prayer occurring later. Noted highlights Act 1 *" Her Vogelfänger bin ICH, ja ," (The birdwatcher am I) – Pasadena, Scene 1 *" O little night, mein lieder
  3. 199–223. ISBN 978-951-0-35452-0. * Huh ta, Ilkka (ed.) (2009),Sisällisota, ja , kirkko 1918,ISBN 978-952-5031-55-3. * Russia, Osmo (2007),Some historian
  4. Were to hope, would hope) A verb can be made emphatic with the particle, ja , ( indeed): mi JA esp eras (I do hope),mi JA experts (I did hope). Mood The
  5. Reissue" ( what's up),or" ICH don't think so" ( No),or sometimes" ACH, ja , " (Ah yes!) or" Night, nicht" (" Night" means" not" in German). In
  6. The Estonians as Isaac (as in the national anthem Mu Isaac, mu on, ja , rõõm) * the French as Patrice, although they also use la mere Patrice, which
  7. The Lapland Scottish),Joke sing humma (Run, Horse,Run),Kulhari, ja , joutsen (The Tramp and the Swan),Turpin ballet (Marks of the Tankard)
  8. Vabadena JA võrdsetena OMA väärikuselt JA augustest. Name on anted moist, ja , südametunnistus JA end futurist üksteisesse peak Panama venture view. (All
  9. Duke of Åland, Grand Prince of Lapland, Lord of Saliva and the North" ( Some, ja , Kar ja lan innings, Ahvenanmaan Bertha, Lapinmaan suuriruhtinas, Kalevan JA
  10. Ja Kwa ja lein innings, Ahvenanmaan Bertha, Lapinmaan suuriruhtinas, Kalevan, ja , Pohjolan Santa). However, the political situation changed before the new
  11. Only when the reading could be confirmed. Japanese characters preceded by ", ja , : " link to articles in the Japanese Wikipedia. *Nichiren SHU Fuju-fuse-ha:
  12. Children, including Heroine Privater, who apparently replied only with a" JA, ja ,", though some other children were more forgiving. Has Wittgenstein In
  13. The infinitives are unchanged, as in:: Jenna tai Tulsa, panna OSI kit, ja , olla Hilda (" To go or to come, to put the door closed and to be quiet" ).
  14. Tasavallaksi. In: Boasted, Y. (ed.) Some historian 6,Sortokaudet, ja , itsenäistyminen, pp. 47–404. SOY. ISBN 951-35-2495-7. * Kampala, Pertti (2008
  15. On the End Times. A Thought Experiments. ), in Finnish,1997 *Loggia, ja , humanismi (Logic and Humanism),in Finnish,1998 *Mitt Liv some ja g mines DET
  16. The national anthem of Estonia with a similarly themed text, Mu Isaac, mu on, ja , rõõm, My Fatherland, My Happiness and Joy (1869). It is also considered to be
  17. Puhkeaa;: view' lemme SAA Norseman: sun trios, riemus loistossaan, :,JA, kerran lulus, synnyinmaa: korkeemman main SAA. Part land (the original, by
  18. And ઞ Na are first members we get second members of ક key as क, ચ ca as च and જ, ja , as ज. ઙ forms compounds through vertical combination. ઞ is strokeless fragment
  19. Remarks about the series itself like" June, lass dock die Spruce, die set zen, ja , die machete Forge ab! " (" Stop those jokes, or they'll cancel the series! "
  20. His famous songs include Khoisan olkihattu (Grandfather’s Straw Hat),Reply, ja , reissumies (The Backpack and the Hobo),Korttipakka (The Deck of Cards)
  21. Would hope) A verb can be made emphatic with the particle JA (indeed): mi, ja , esperas (I do hope),mi JA experts (I did hope). Mood The conditional mood
  22. Pane see OSI jinni JA ole Hilda (standard): Me tai tub, mut PAA see OSI kit, ja , oo Hilda. (word-by-word) " Go or come, but put the door closed and be quiet.
  23. The use of the personal form, the reply is:: Been tai turn, paan oven kit, ja , oon Hilda (" I go or come, ( I) put the door closed and (I) am quiet" ).
  24. Gathering Storm *Most Level in the 1978 Finnish television production Sudan, ja , rauhan meet *Demeter Bit enc in the 1979 Yugoslavian television production
  25. Other out, with the result being a positive sentence.: Mi né Paris region. Mi, ja , faris ion. It is not the case that I did nothing. I did do something. The word
  26. Pp. 335–355. ISBN 978-951-0-35452-0. * Tikki, Marko (2009),Paine, ja , valkoinen terror. In: Kampala, P. & Hope, T. (eds. ): Sisällissodan
  27. SOY. ISBN 951-0-13876-2. * Hope, Tuomas (2009),Taistelevat Capulet, ja , johta ja t. In: Kampala, P. & Hope, T. (eds. ): Sisällissodan pikkujättiläinen
  28. Repeating a pronoun,e.g. " He took his hat and left" is Se Otto lacking, ja , lähti. (The translation from English *Se Otto sen Latin JA last would mean "
  29. Despite them using the oblique stem:: Geneva tai Tulsa, oven kit panel, ja , hil ja a opera (" going or coming, door closed-putting and quiet-being" ).
  30. Rautavaara met Ran Helmsman, who composed and made the lyrics to Reissues, ja , kissa (The Trip man and the cat),which became Rautavaara’s first hit.
  31. Vol. 56 Issue 2,pp 228–237. Finnish * Lauro, Risto (1992),Malta, ja , valtio – Mike valleys Tull Angela 1900-luvun vaihteessa. In: Kampala, P. (
  32. Declaration of Human Rights in Estonian: Kook increased survived Pasadena, ja , võrdsetena OMA väärikuselt JA augustest. Name on anted moist JA
  33. Throughout Japan, resulting in forms such as や ya (in Kansas) and じゃ, ja , ( in Hiroshima). Japanese also has two verbs corresponding to English" to be
  34. Increase experienced by four other southern provinces, the Åland Islands, Turku, ja , Pori, Hame, and KYTI, taken together with that of Musical amounted to 97
  35. In Estonian: Kook increased survived Pasadena JA võrdsetena OMA väärikuselt, ja , õigustelt. Name on anted moist JA südametunnistus JA end futurist
  36. Conducted in the government committee of foreign and security policy (ULK-, ja , turvallisuuspoliittinen ministerivaliokunta),which includes the Prime
  37. Tuli Angela 1900-luvun vaihteessa. In: Kampala, P. (ed.) Talons, valta, ja , valtio. Tutkimuksia 1800-luvun Suggests, pp. 251–267,ISBN 951-9066-53-5. *
  38. The regular katakana ク KU to produce style" font-size:70 %;" Lang ", ja ,"ク/IN"> class="t_Congo_kana">ク to represent the separate small katakana glyph KU
  39. Is Se Otto lacking JA last. (The translation from English *Se Otto sen Latin, ja , lähti would mean" He took his/her hat and left" or" He took the (specific)
  40. Oma väärikuselt JA augustest. Name on anted moist JA südametunnistus, ja , nende futurist üksteisesse peak Panama venture view. (All people are born
  41. Are represented by the imperatives:: Men tai rule, mutta pane see OSI jinni, ja , ole Hilda (standard): Me tai tub, mut PAA see OSI kit JA OO Hilda. (
  42. Form of team) (he/she) and Mandarin ta (他) (he/she) * Estonian/Finnish, ja , ( and) and Japanese ya (や) (and, used in an incomplete list) * Estonian
  43. Per a defender en totes bands notes colors En el Camp de l´Algiers, ja , començàrem a Democrat Que era RNA bond mantra per a Valencia
  44. Several awards, including the 2nd Masayoshi Comic Prize for Newcomers for Hume, ja , Nai no Ne in 1985. She also won for" Love Call ", which won Nakayoshi's New
  45. For a wife, or,at least, a girlfriend (aria:" Her Vogelfänger bin ICH, ja ,"). Pasadena tells Amino that he, Papageno, strangled the serpent with his
  46. ISBN 978-951-37-5321-4. * Kalela, Jorma (2008b),Yhteiskunnallinen kysymys, ja , porvarillinen reformism. In: Penal, V. & Noemi, K. Mari (eds. ): Suomalaisen
  47. Kobe, Laura & Angstrom, Samu (2008),Helsinki 1918. Pääkaupunki, ja , sota. ISBN 978-952-492-138-1. * Luisa, Markku (2010),Sodas ta synonym.
  48. Subjekti. Työsuojelu teollistuvan Some yhteiskunnallisissa Mattel-, ja , toimintatavoissa. Historiallisia tutkimuksia 189. Some historiallinen SEURA.
  49. Historia, pp. 31–44. ISBN 978-951-37-5321-4. * Kalela, Jorma (2008c),Some, ja , eurooppalainen vallankumousvaihe. In: Penal, V. & Noemi, K. Mari (eds. ):
  50. 951-0-30809-0. * Michelson, Rauli (2007),Some purulent – historian, muutos, ja , nykypäivä, ISBN 978-951-768-217-6. * Raikkonen, Tuomo (2003),Modernisoituva

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