Examples of the the word, labs , in a Sentence Context

The word ( labs ), is the 8994 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Westinghouse at Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company's Pittsburgh, labs , Westinghouse listened to his ideas for polyphase systems which would allow
  2. Conspiracies in the PC game Deus Ex. During JC Denton's escape from Versa life, labs ,in Hong Kong, he recovers a virus engineered with the molecular structure in
  3. As biology and chemistry, who study and research the nervous system. Working in, labs ,in universities, hospitals,and private companies, these neuroscientists
  4. Many parts of the world. An illegal trade developed at that time between heroin, labs ,in China (mostly in Shanghai and Tianjin) and other nations. The weakness of
  5. And increase student retention figures. FIRE provides advising, computer, labs , free walk-in tutoring, workshops,and classes for students. In 2003,U. S.
  6. Used as a catalyst. This method is commonly employed in undergraduate teaching, labs ,.:; Reaction Mechanism: Formulations containing high concentrations of aspirin
  7. Theorems such as Ohm's law,Kirchhoff's laws, etc. Historically, electronics, labs , have consisted of electronics devices and equipment located in a physical space
  8. History The increasing demand and use of computers in universities and research, labs ,in the late 1960s generated the need to provide high-speed interconnections
  9. Numerous research laboratories in the natural and biomedical sciences. These, labs ,accommodate post-docs, PhD students from the PUNY Graduate School, and
  10. Universities and many private universities in the United States, no classes, labs ,or other courses are taught by graduate students. Grinnell's open curriculum
  11. By B. E. Meyerson, F. A. Match and G. P. Nae hr (ASHA,2008). The CDC, labs ,figure prominently in the books" The Demon in the Freezer" and" The Hot Zone
  12. Are primarily used by the library, with multiple group meeting rooms, computer, labs , and a full service restaurant named George's located on the third floor. The
  13. Systems and for education. Their usage in offices of the state companies, R&D, labs , and in the Yugoslav army was also reported. IRIS 8 had looks of early IBM PCs –
  14. When it fractured, caused substantial physical damage to computers in the, labs ,below the supply. The cracks started at injection molding defects in the joint
  15. Of Chagas-positive blood products in the United States, as reported by, labs ,using the screening test approved by the FDA in 2007. Management There are two
  16. Scientific and business software, which were used in real-life offices and, labs , to fun games for children. The Electronica MK-52 calculator (using the
  17. Electrical and electronics experts from industry, government,academia, test, labs , and others with an interest in the subject. The IEC was instrumental in
  18. Market (in revenue and units shipped). It is used in government research, labs ,and universities. Before 1990,CPU design was often done for this market, but
  19. Inclusions. Laboratories tend to apply these criteria differently. Some gem, labs ,considers the mere presence of oil or polymers to constitute enhancement. Others
  20. In a quantum optical sense) can be done today in undergraduate-level, labs , When a single photon is sent through an interferometer, it passes through both
  21. With a face, arms,and legs, named " Wally the Wart. " Most of the computer, labs ,and many classrooms are located in the basements (called the Libra Complex)
  22. Designed to kill the beetle through infection by beetles released from the, labs , In June 2010,during a controlled release of infected adult beetles and in a
  23. Whether cloning had actually occurred and unpublished experiments by other, labs ,were not able to reproduce the reported results. * produced the world's first
  24. The possibility of sharing computer access began to move from research, labs ,to commercial use. Newer computer systems supported time-sharing, a system
  25. To form the backbone of most undergraduate analytical chemistry educational, labs , Qualitative analysis A qualitative analysis determines the presence or absence
  26. DPNSS was possibly a backroom development by a couple of guys at BT's research, labs ,whose efforts accidentally found a market and official support. BT and some of
  27. Client, such as Outlook. Instead, a link must open a browser window. A Gmail, labs ,feature allows playback of YouTube videos linked in emails. Flash Video
  28. Realisation of the meter is usually delineated (not defined) today in, labs ,as wavelengths of helium-neon laser light in a vacuum. Timeline of definition *
  29. Schools had a few of these Black Apple or Black" Darth Vader" Apples in their, labs , ITT created an Apple II Plus-compatible for the European market called the ITT
  30. And no less than four separate small projects ran in parallel at various, labs ,around the US. Eventually these were gathered into the DEC PRISM project, which
  31. And universities. Very little of DARPA’s research is performed at government, labs , * Teams and networks: At its very best, DARPA creates and sustains great teams
  32. He used an early desktop publishing program, called Interleaf; when visiting, labs ,outside Sun, he used plain old ed. Although vi was almost ubiquitous, he could
  33. Mainly since it is easy to buy logic gates in bulk and because many electronics, labs ,stock only NAND and NOR gates. Data storage Logic gates can also be used to
  34. High fidelity, long playing, and even stereophonic recordings were made by the, labs ,of the Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted by Leopold Minkowski. In 1933,stereo
  35. Buy, though standard version is what the universities and colleges installed in, labs , Alternatives MATLAB has a number of competitors. Commercial competitors
  36. The 1950s,and the first synthetic insulin was produced simultaneously in the, labs ,of Panagiotis Katsoyannis at the University of Pittsburgh and Helmut Hahn at
  37. Against incorporating the corded keyset. In the early 1980s,Philips Research, labs ,at Red hill, Surrey did a brief study into small, cheap keyboards for entering
  38. Editor, Supervising Sound Editor, the Facilities Companies (such as film, labs , CGI studios and Negative Cutters) and the Production Accountant. Although
  39. A lot of skilled kibitzers and co-developers. Bell Labs, the MIT AI and LCS, labs , UC Berkeley: these became the home of innovations that are legendary and still
  40. Advantage of the weakness of the postwar Italian government and set up heroin, labs ,in Sicily. The Mafia took advantage of Sicily's location along the historic
  41. Entrusts the students to 24-hour per day access to all buildings, including, labs , and permits take-home exams, specified either as open-book or closed-book, or
  42. Center (RIC) on CSU's Judson M. Harper Research Complex. The RIC rents wet, labs ,and office space for biotech start-ups while providing a slew of useful
  43. Prototype digital videotape recorders (VTR) in their research and development, labs , Bosch's machine used a modified 1" Type B transport, and recorded an early
  44. Cinematic performances with live audience interaction were confined to research, labs ,equipped with powerful computers. Machining can be less expensive than other
  45. Aging, the Health Professions Library and several research centers and computer, labs , Additionally, one of these is the site of the Hunter dormitory, which is home
  46. From military spending. Other federal installations include the technology, labs ,of Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandra National Laboratories. Economic
  47. Pre-flashing, and after shooting, color grading (both by exposure at the, labs ,and also digitally). Cinematographers also work closely with set designers and
  48. Panisperna boys" ( after the name of the road in which the Institute had its, labs ,). The group went on with its now famous experiments, but in 1933 Rosette left
  49. For example, diamonds,ruby, sapphires and emeralds have been manufactured in, labs ,to possess identical chemical and physical characteristics to the naturally
  50. These later machines were delivered between 1953 and 1957,one of them to Shell, labs ,in Amsterdam. In October 1947,the directors of J. Lyons & Company, a British

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