Examples of the the word, abbey , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abbey ), is the 8995 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Before the great Clinic reform, the system was firmly established. Even the, abbey ,of St Denis was held in commend am by Hugh Capet. The example of the kings was
  2. And abbot. " Benedictine abbots and abbesses have full jurisdiction of their, abbey ,and thus absolute authority over the monks or nuns who are resident. This
  3. Little. After Louis died in 840,his empire was divided and Ansgar lost the, abbey ,of Turnout, which had been given as an endowment for his work. Then in 845 the
  4. Westminster Abbey is another example of a great Benedictine, abbey , identical in its general arrangements, so far as they can be traced, with
  5. Abbeys had been established of this order alone. The buildings of a Benedictine, abbey ,were uniformly arranged after one plan, modified where necessary (as at Durham
  6. The largest after the cathedral at Tour). Also built at that time was an, abbey ,of canons regular, now mostly ruined. For most of Bodmin's history, the tin
  7. The Rule of St. Benedict into England, but there is no evidence that the, abbey ,followed the Benedictine Rule at the time of its foundation. In a letter
  8. Of tables. It was adorned with the portraits of the chief benefactors of the, abbey , and with Scriptural subjects. The end wall displayed the Last Judgment. We are
  9. S Abbey, This foundation has often been claimed as the first Benedictine, abbey ,outside Italy, and that by founding it Augustine introduced the Rule of St.
  10. Into the Cistercian order. Three years later, he was sent to found a new, abbey ,at an isolated clearing in a glen known as the Val d'Absinthe, about 15 km
  11. And emperor of Constantinople, the duke of Burgundy, and six lords, visited the, abbey , the whole party, with their attendants, were lodged within the monastery
  12. In networks known as" congregations. " Some monastic families recognize one, abbey ,as the mother house of the entire order. * The abbot of Sent'Anselmo di Aventine
  13. Without disarranging the monks,400 in number. Nearly the whole of the, abbey ,buildings, including the magnificent church, were swept away at the close of
  14. Superiors according to canon law. They receive the vows of the nuns of the, abbey ,and have full authority in its administration. As they do not receive Holy
  15. Abbates millets) for centuries, together with certain rights over the, abbey ,lands or revenues. The abuse was not confined to the West. John, patriarch of
  16. No abbots, only priors). A monastery must have been granted the status of an, abbey ,by the Pope, and such monasteries are normally raised to this level after
  17. Houses in Aleppo and Kingdom of Jerusalem where" The Premonstrntensian, abbey ,of Saint Samuel was a daughter house of Promote itself. Its abbot had the
  18. Ex officio a member of the consistory of the kingdom. The governing body of the, abbey ,consists of the abbot, prior and the" convent" of Stiftsherren (canons). In
  19. Of Clung, N. W. of Macon, near which, about AD 909,a reformed Benedictine, abbey ,was founded by William, duke of Aquitaine and count of Aubergine, under Bern
  20. Spectroscopic methods or by using rapid test PAH indicator strips. Tables An, abbey ,(from Latin Albania, derived from Latin language Albania, from Latin Abbas
  21. Church according to the norms of the Code of Canon Law 1983 a Benedictine, abbey ,is a" Religious Institute ", and its professed members are therefore members
  22. Of his kingdom. In 822, he was one of a number of missionaries sent to found the, abbey ,of Convey (New Corrie) in Westphalia, and there became a teacher and preacher
  23. Site south of today’s city center and were probably first subject to Erlangen, abbey , later to the House of Hohenstaufen, and at last to the House of Göttingen.
  24. In the Roman Catholic Church, abbots continue to be elected by the monks of an, abbey ,to lead them as their religious superior in those orders and monasteries that
  25. In all its rigor. Returning to Moles me, he left the government of the new, abbey ,to Saint Alberio, who died in the year 1109. In 1113,Saint Stephen Harding had
  26. The consort of the Beast of the Apocalypse whose number is 666. The name of the, abbey ,was borrowed from Rabelais's satire Gargantua, where the" Abbey of Theme "
  27. When reading Shumway's magical diary (everybody had to keep one while at the, abbey ,for reasons explained in Fiber E) appalled him. Subway was banished from the
  28. S body and those of his wife and children. Soon after the dissolution of the, abbey ,in 1539,during the reign of Henry VIII, the church was demolished, leaving the
  29. Again destroyed by the Normans in 845 and 864. It is annexed to a Benedictine, abbey ,founded in the 7th century, and was built in the late 11th-early 12th centuries
  30. Educational works Bede wrote some works designed to help teach grammar in the, abbey ,school. One of these was his De ARTE metric, a discussion of the composition
  31. Precedence or authority among abbots. In some cases, this is the result of an, abbey ,being considered the" mother" of several" daughter" abbey s founded
  32. Cross. An investigation found a number of painted crosses on the walls of the, abbey ,with the letters now found on St Benedict medals, but their meaning had been
  33. Word Alford is a page from a 1527 account book from the former Cistercian, abbey ,St. Urban near Pfeiffer mentioning the payment of two Batten for an itinerant
  34. Humanism during the Carolingian age. Alcuin trained the numerous monks of the, abbey ,in piety, and it was in the midst of these pursuits that he died. Alcuin is the
  35. Expelled Crowley from the country at the end of April 1923. After the, abbey ,: 1923–1947 In February 1924,Crowley visited Gurdjieff's Institute for the
  36. The order, each individual community (which may be a monastery, a priory or, abbey ,) maintains its own autonomy, while the organization as a whole exists to
  37. Form of Abbas, abbot ) is the female superior, or mother superior, of an, abbey ,of nuns. In the Catholic Church (both the Latin Rite and Eastern Catholic)
  38. Carolingian Renaissance figure and legacy Literary influence Alcuin made the, abbey ,school into a model of excellence and many students flocked to it. He had many
  39. Of Chateaux,Bernard's older brother, became the cellar of Cite aux. The, abbey ,became too small for its members, and it was necessary to send out bands to
  40. Term can also refer to an establishment which has long ceased to function as an, abbey , in some cases for centuries (for example, see Westminster Abbey below).
  41. The Crowley's arrived in Cefalù on 1 April 1920. During their stay at the, abbey ,Hiring was known as Sorer Astral,Crowley's Scarlet Woman, the name Crowley
  42. Orders, which are not sacraments, that these ministries have replaced). The, abbey ,is a species of" exempt religious" in that it is, for the most part
  43. For reasons explained in Fiber E) appalled him. Subway was banished from the, abbey ,and the Beast lamented the death of his children. However, Shumway was soon
  44. Forth in such quick succession by the first Cistercian houses, the renowned, abbey ,of Chateaux (de Clara Value),AD 1116. The rigid self-abnegation, which was
  45. Sainte-Croix (Church of the Holy Cross). It lies on the site of a 7th century, abbey ,destroyed by the Saracens. Rebuilt under the Carolingian's, it was again
  46. Leaving the abbey of Livestock, he continued to hold two properties from the, abbey ,until his death. No contemporary documents relating to Ealdred's time as abbot
  47. Beast lamented the death of his children. However, Shumway was soon back in the, abbey ,again to take care of her offspring. Mussolini's Fascist government expelled
  48. Of St Andrews as well as being pope, which left the day-to-day running of the, abbey ,to Augustine, the prior. Arrival and first efforts Augustine was accompanied by
  49. On November 2 was first established by St. Oil of Clung (d. 1048) at his, abbey ,of Clung in 998. From Clung the custom spread to the other houses of the
  50. On the Michaelsberg (" Mount St. Michael" ), near Bamberg, a Benedictine, abbey ,for the training of the clergy. The emperor and his wife Cunigunde gave large

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