Examples of the the word, urinary , in a Sentence Context
The word ( urinary ), is the 12558 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Side effects include increased heart rate, drowsiness,dry mouth, constipation, urinary , retention,blurred vision, dizziness,confusion, and sexual dysfunction.
- Benefit of cranberry juice consumption against bacterial infections in the, urinary ,system. Laboratory research shows that a possible effect may occur from a
- Can" leak" into surrounding tissues, causing pain, inflammation,and, urinary ,symptoms. Oral medications like pentosan polysulfate and medications that are
- Nephrotic syndromes, renal cysts, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, urinary ,tract infection, nephrolithiasis,and urinary tract obstruction. Various
- Excretes urine into a ureter, itself a paired structure that empties into the, urinary ,bladder. Renal physiology is the study of kidney function, while nephrology is
- Informed consent, and health risks, which include epidermis cysts, recurrent, urinary , and vaginal infections, chronic pain, and obstetrical complications. Since 1979
- Increase in renal clearance when urine pH is increased from 5 to 8. The use of, urinary ,alkalinization exploits this particular aspect of salicylate elimination.
- Tract effects A study in Bristol reported in the British Medical Journal linked, urinary ,tract disease with ketamine use. Symptoms reported by users included an
- Pathways become saturated, because it is extremely sensitive to changes in, urinary ,pH. There is a 10- to 20-fold increase in renal clearance when urine pH is
- Malignant Otis external, respiratory tract infections, cellulitis, urinary , tract infections, prostatitis,anthrax, chancroid, among others. *Urinary tract
- In the community. CTX-M-15-positive E. coli are a cause of community-acquired, urinary ,infections in the UK, and tend to be resistant to all oral LATAM antibiotics
- Was taken to Dr. Ephraim McDowell of Danville, Kentucky,who operated to remove, urinary ,stones. Polk was awake during the operation with nothing but brandy available
- Including vertebrates and some invertebrates. They are essential in the, urinary ,system and also serve homeostatic functions such as the regulation of
- Data in studies on bacterial gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, urinary ,tract infection and post-surgical infections. Innate Microorganisms or toxins
- With the metal harmonica),Franklin stove, bifocal glasses and the flexible, urinary ,catheter. Franklin never patented his inventions; in his autobiography he wrote
- As a natural filter of the blood, and remove wastes which are diverted to the, urinary ,bladder. In producing urine, the kidneys excrete wastes such as urea and
- During the development of an embryo, at the time of development of the, urinary ,and reproductive organs, the previously undifferentiated genital tubercle
- Not consumed caffeine over the previous days, they produce a stimulation in, urinary ,output. Because of this diuretic effect, some authorities have recommended that
- That functions as a protective barrier to the bladder wall. A study evaluated, urinary ,GP 51 levels in patients with and without interstitial cystitis and found that
- UTI),excessive consumption of coffee or sodas, traumatic injury, etc.), urinary , chemicals can" leak" into surrounding tissues, causing pain, inflammation
- Acute Otis media, streptococcal pharyngitis, pneumonia,skin infections, urinary ,tract infections, salmonella,Lyme disease, and chlamydia infections. It is
- Safe or effective alternatives are available. Indications include: *Complicated, urinary ,tract infections and pyelonephritis due to Escherichia coli Ciprofloxacin is
- Pain associated with the bladder, pain associated with urination (dysuria), urinary , frequency (as often as every 10 minutes),urgency, and/or pressure in the
- That cranberry proanthocyanidins are the main responsible for its efficacy in, urinary ,tract infections. Their mechanism of action is related to inhibition of
- Of urea or ammonia via the ureters into the intestine. Birds do not have a, urinary ,bladder or external urethral opening and (with exception to the Ostrich) uric
- Have laboratory evidence for anti-clotting properties and may prevent recurring, urinary ,tract infections in women. Raw cranberries and cranberry juice are abundant
- Fever, painful urination or the urge to urinate more frequently than usual (, urinary ,urgency). Men In men, chlamydia shows symptoms of infectious urethritis (
- As he continued to work despite dying from a painful stone blockage of his, urinary ,tract lasting a fortnight, according to his successor Hipparchus and reported
- Over prescribing and bacterial resistance Ciprofloxacin is commonly used for, urinary ,tract and intestinal infections (traveler's diarrhea) and was once
- As such the pediatric use of ciprofloxacin is restricted to proven complicated, urinary ,tract infections and pyelonephritis due to E. coli and inhalation anthrax.
- Bleeding complication can be fatal. Other immediate complications include acute, urinary ,retention, urinary infection, wound infection, septicemia,tetanus, and in case
- Pneumoniae, Legionella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa),primarily, urinary ,problems (Escherichia coli, Proteus Mirabilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Serratia
- To" IC/BPS" ) is a chronic, oftentimes severely debilitating disease of the, urinary ,bladder. Of unknown cause, it is characterized by: pain associated with the
- Which exert their influence principally through the respiratory system and the, urinary ,system in order to control the acid-base balance and respiration. An arterial
- Crew was in good condition except for Raise, who was suffering from a serious, urinary ,tract infection because of insufficient water intake. To avoid altering the
- Nosos, disease ) made from diseased or pathological products such as fecal, urinary , and respiratory discharges, blood,and tissue. And sunlight. Today there are
- Such as fatigue, PMS,sexual dysfunction, asthma,psoriasis, digestive and, urinary ,problems, multiple sclerosis, and muscle pain, could be caused by subclinical
- The integrity of the bladder wall. In 2009,Japanese researchers identified a, urinary ,marker called phenylacetylglutamine that could be used for early diagnosis.
- However, there is preliminary evidence for possible effects against, urinary ,tract infections in women. It is thought that cranberry proanthocyanidins are
- In increased permeability of the underlying submucosal tissues. GP 51 is a, urinary ,glycoprotein that functions as a protective barrier to the bladder wall. A
- Lining. When the surface glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer is damaged (via a, urinary ,tract infection (UTI),excessive consumption of coffee or sodas, traumatic
- Related to amoxicillin, another type of penicillin, and both are used to treat, urinary ,tract infections, otitis media, Haemophilus influenza, salmonellosis and
- And tracheae from human stem cells towards this end. Several artificial, urinary ,bladders actually have been grown in laboratories and transplanted successfully
- Can be fatal. Other immediate complications include acute urinary retention, urinary ,infection, wound infection, septicemia,tetanus, and in case of unsterile and
- Describes an inflammatory condition of the bladder producing the same lower, urinary ,tract symptoms as a bladder stone referenced in archival material, Philadelphia
- Using a tube he named Lightsaber (light-guiding instrument) to examine the, urinary ,tract, the rectum, and the pharynx. This is the earliest description of
- S legendary mustache ". A gene of the bacterium Proteus Mirabilis that causes, urinary ,tract infections was in 1995 named ZAPA by three biologists from Maryland. In
- Exceptions. Ciprofloxacin is being licensed for the treatment of complicated, urinary ,tract infections and pyelonephritis due to Escherichia coli, and inhalation
- Long-term consumption of cranberry juice has not been proven to reduce, urinary ,tract infections in whole populations. However, there is preliminary evidence
- 6–17 days out of a full 37-day cycle, and females will advertise fertility with, urinary ,scent marks and increased vocalization. The young are born blind, gaining sight
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