Examples of the the word, patented , in a Sentence Context

The word ( patented ), is the 12561 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Center epimerizes; the S pier is called neoamygdalin. Laetrile, which was, patented ,in the United States, is a semisynthetic molecule sharing part of the
  2. From Britain (Britain would issue patents only for discoveries not previously, patented ,elsewhere). Meanwhile, Elisha Gray was also experimenting with acoustic
  3. Biopiracy by patenting life and exploiting organisms for profit Farmers using, patented ,seed are restricted from saving seed for subsequent plantings, which forces
  4. All based on or direct copies of the original CQR (Secure),a 1933 design, patented ,in the UK (US patent in 1934) by mathematician Geoffrey Ingram Taylor.
  5. And later the Internet (web cartoons). * Rotoscoping is a technique, patented ,by Max Fleischer in 1917,where animators trace live-action movement, frame by
  6. Heart surgery, performed by Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, and the air conditioner, patented ,by Frederick McKinley Jones. More current contributors include Otis Bodkin
  7. Scent. In perfumery, scents referred to as“ amber” are often created and, patented ,to emulate the opulent golden warmth of the fossil. The modern name for amber
  8. 300,000 cwt of brass per year. In 1723 Bristol brass maker Nehemiah Champion, patented ,the use of granulated copper, produced by pouring molten metal into cold water.
  9. Ship propeller used by the Confederate navy. By 1913 over 1,000 inventions were, patented ,by black Americans. Among the most notable inventors were Jan Atelier, who
  10. Name. History Ballot code Ballot invented his original code during 1870 and, patented ,it during 1874. It was a 5-bit code, with equal on and off intervals, which
  11. Reported using this new technique. In 1738 Nehemiah's son William Champion, patented ,a technique for the first industrial scale distillation of metallic zinc known
  12. Time he developed the instrument for which he is now best known, the saxophone, patented ,in 1846. The saxophone was invented for use in both orchestras and concert
  13. That would selectively target these systems. The first such compound to be, patented ,was cimetidine in 1971,while the first released clinically was ind alpine.
  14. 1844–1929),German engineer, inventor,and entrepreneur who built the first, patented ,automobile in 1885 *Maria Benz (1906–1946),the birth name of Busch Eduard
  15. Stove, bifocal glasses and the flexible urinary catheter. Franklin never, patented ,his inventions; in his autobiography he wrote," ... as we enjoy great
  16. Speed up recovery times and prevent infections. A study found that the, patented ,method called Circulatory Boot got significant results in prevention of
  17. Of americium isotopes 241Am and 242Am,their production and compounds were, patented ,listing only Seaborg as the inventor. The initial americium samples weighed a
  18. Animation producer was John Randolph Bray, who,along with animator Earl Hurd, patented ,the CEL animation process which dominated the animation industry for the rest
  19. Contaminated food. Starlink corn controversy Starlink is a variety of BT corn, patented ,by Events Crop Sciences (a subdivision of Events, acquired by Bayer AG in
  20. Re-discovered by Buck minster Fuller (who called it the octet truss and, patented ,it in the 1940s). http://tabletoptelephone.com/~hopspage/Fuller. HTML
  21. To the Native village and regional corporations * The surface rights to the, patented ,land were granted to the village corporations and the subsurface right to the
  22. 942,699: Method of making insoluble products of phenol and formaldehyde, patented ,on December 7,1909. His method of producing a hard, compact,insoluble and
  23. The English introduced fish glue. As the modern world evolved, several other, patented ,materials, such as bones, starch,fish skins and isinglass, and casein, were
  24. Accordion are more common. These names are a reference to the type of accordion, patented ,by Cyril Damian, which concerned" automatically coupled chords on the bass
  25. Frames but still planked in wood. In 1855 ferro-cement boat construction was, patented ,by the French. They called it Ferment. This is a system by which a steel or
  26. Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan of Bell Laboratories. In 1970,A. Michael Poll, patented ,a tactile, force-feedback system, coupled with interactive stereoscopic
  27. Ireland. *1888 – The first successful adding machine in the United States is, patented ,by William Seward Burroughs. *1911 – The Mona Lisa is stolen by a Louvre
  28. 1980s In 1980,the TDA and CDMA digital cellular telephone technology was, patented , In 1982,Fractional quantum Hall effect was discovered by Horst Stormed and
  29. Potter was also a canny businesswoman. As early as 1903 she made and, patented ,a Peter Rabbit doll. It was followed by other“ spin-off” merchandise over the
  30. To build the first mass-produced automobile, the Oldsmobile Curved Dash. Olds, patented ,the assembly line concept, which he put to work in his Olds Motor Vehicle
  31. Actual date and location is disputed). *1904 – The automobile tire chain is, patented , *1914 – World War I: Japan declares war on Germany and bombs Qingdao, China. *
  32. The nitrogen in the air was developed by Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch in 1909 and, patented ,in 1910. It was first used on an industrial scale by the Germans during World
  33. To note that, supposedly unbeknownst to Carmaker, William Emmett had, patented ,a 7-string closed back banjo in 1869,and was already marketing it as a "
  34. And maintain. An early type of cooler, using ice for a further effect, was, patented , by John Corrie of Apalachicola, Florida in 1842. He used the device to cool the
  35. 1990s and was first demonstrated in 1995. In 1991,the 56K modem technology was, patented ,by Yuri Dağdeviren and his team. In 1994,the quantum cascade laser was
  36. Used free reeds driven by a bellows. An instrument called accordion was first, patented ,in 1829 by Cyril Damian, of Armenian descent, in Vienna Demian's instrument
  37. Important invention was an improvement of the bass clarinet design which he, patented ,at the age of twenty-four. In 1841,Sax relocated permanently to Paris and
  38. To supply the keels of larger wooden boats, and the Bessemer process (, patented ,in 1855) cheapened the cost of steel, steel ships and boats began to be more
  39. Father retired in 1892 that the brothers began to create moving pictures. They, patented ,a number of significant processes leading up to their film camera - most
  40. Multiplexing (AFDM),a key technology in wireless services, was developed and, patented ,by R. W. Chang. In 1968,Molecular beam epitaxy was developed by J. R. Arthur
  41. By a steam engine. In the United States the first water caterpillar was, patented ,in 1839 by William Leavenworth of New York. Buoyancy A floating boat displaces
  42. Of their seeds, they have the power to dictate terms and conditions of their, patented ,product. Currently, ten seed companies control over two-thirds of the global
  43. The film through the camera and projector. The cinematographer itself was, patented ,on 13 February 1895 and the first footage ever to be recorded using it was
  44. Earth) it became safer and more convenient to handle, and this mixture he, patented ,in 1867 as 'dynamite '. Nobel demonstrated his explosive for the first time
  45. Brief. They turned their attentions to color photography and in 1903 they, patented ,a color photography process, the " Autochrome Lumiere ", launched on the
  46. Years and had developed an overhead cam 4-cylinder engines, using Renwick's, patented ,combustion chamber design, and had tested it in an Enfield Allay chassis. It
  47. Took out a ballpoint patent in 1910,and yet another ballpoint pen device was, patented ,by Van Bechtel Ginsburg in 1916. In these inventions, the ink was placed in a
  48. The state would receive compensation but not land. * Surface rights to were, patented ,to the Native village and regional corporations * The surface rights to the
  49. In 1926,Einstein and his former student Leo Szilard co-invented (and in 1930, patented , ) the Einstein refrigerator. This absorption refrigerator was then
  50. Then dynamite. 'Gelignite ', or blasting gelatin, as it was named, was, patented , in 1876; and was followed by a host of similar combinations, modified by the

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