Examples of the the word, bum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bum ), is the 12568 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A new star in the firmament, and one of the first magnitude. The episode of the, bum ,in the bathtub, the character (and the name) of Sir Julian Free, the
  2. Lister, played by Craig Charles, is a genial Liverpudlian and self-described, bum , He was the lowest-ranking crew member on the ship before the accident and has
  3. D see this prodigious output of Ben's, and they'd think,'Oh, hell,I'm a, bum , ' I think it must have been devastating. Ben did it to MacArthur, who died in
  4. And co-worker *Michael McKean as Woody,Valerie's pool boy, an aging surf, bum ,*Charles Rocket as Dr. Ted Gallagher,Valerie's philandering fiancé, a medical
  5. Just looked like actors in make-up, Walter Matthew really looks like a skid row, bum , " Matthew was a respected stage actor for years in such fare as Will Success
  6. Sometime for three-foot stool mistake me; Then slip I from her, bum , down topples she, And 'tailor' cries, and falls into a cough;
  7. Never works if it can be avoided; he simply travels. Lower than either is the, bum , who neither works nor travels, save when impelled to motion by the police. The
  8. Usage of the terms increased during the Great Depression. Like" hobo" and ", bum ," the word" tramp" is considered vulgar in American English usage, having
  9. Had class. I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody instead of a, bum , which is what I am. " – #3 * AFI's 100 Years ... 100 Movies (10th
  10. Jump-starting his motion picture career. During this time he evolved from ski, bum , to ski instructor, to ski filmmaker. Miller has since traveled and filmed all
  11. Two. In abandoned cars. There was no place I could turn. I was shamed. I was a, bum , ” Burke was taken into the Germantown home of the driver, Lathella Thompson, a
  12. 781,1334). *Salamis: Another name to conjure with, Demos acquired a sore, bum ,there while rowing in the Battle of Salamis (which means he must be very old)
  13. Emerges, startlingly transformed into the pale nerd and intellectual, bum ,that he had once feared to become. Rejoicing in the prospect of talking their
  14. 3: Run Homo, run Homo, run,run, run The Nazis won’t let you take it up the, bum ,Continued: We all know why they did this, Because they had their own problems.
  15. Of a bad plastic surgery The operation has been described as a" botched, bum ,job" and Guzmán is quoted as saying she had the buttocks injections to make
  16. Is Maude's father by his late wife. He refers to The Dude dismissively as" a, bum ," and a" deadbeat. " Although he characterizes himself as highly successful
  17. Campaign, aimed at preventing suicide among LGBT youth, Ellis tweeted" Not to, bum ,everyone out, but can we get a reality check here? It gets worse. " In his
  18. I wonder who that bum is. ' And then I saw it was me. Now look at me. I'm a, bum , Look at me! Look at you. You're a bum . Look at you. And look at us. Look at
  19. To ward off the schoolteacher, she rips his shirt then bitterly calls him a, bum , Mrs. Owens and Alan show up and think Hal has caused a messy scandal, made all
  20. They said the story was about Aaron's boyfriend not having a job and being a, bum , just so they can get a free trip to New York. " Afterwards, Lake told them
  21. Saskatchewan; probably originally a Cree loanword). Older Canadians may see ", bum ," as more polite than" butt ", which before the 1980s was often considered
  22. Cities of Hanoi and Haiphong. In his memoirs, Wilson writes of“ selling LBJ a, bum ,steer” a reference to Johnson’s Texas origins, which conjured up images of
  23. Customised jeans, which Botham Carter describes as" a kind of scrapbook on the, bum ,". Botham Carter joined the cast of partner Tim Burton's 2010 film, Alice in
  24. Buffett then moved to Key West and began establishing the easy-going beach, bum ,persona for which he is known. Following this move, Buffett combined country
  25. Homeless within it, becoming their champion. In particular, he befriends an old, bum ,named Cogliostro (Cog),a homeless old man who knows more about Spawn than
  26. Belts, jewellery made from hemp and other natural/found objects, and sometimes, bum ,flaps. Patches, even band patches, are often of a political nature. Clothing
  27. I saw myself, my reflection in the window, and I thought,'I wonder who that, bum ,is. ' And then I saw it was me. Now look at me. I'm a bum . Look at me! Look at
  28. A long-sleeved waistcoat in similar style with no frock coat, known as a ", bum ,freezer" because it is cut off at the waist. He also replaces the black stuff
  29. Same black frock coat and waistcoat worn when appearing in Court (never the ", bum ,freezer ", however ) but add lace at the wrists and also a lace stock at the
  30. Face is injured during his time with Houdini prompting him to turn to a loyal, bum ,named Bobby to sow the wound up with a shoelace rather than have Spawn waste
  31. To play a different type of observer (" Looking up and down from breast to, bum ,"). As with Been Ballad the al bum got limited promotion; a few televisions
  32. The most prevalent character clown in the American circus is the hobo, tramp or, bum ,clown. There are subtle differences in the American character clown types. The
  33. Term for an eraser (as it is in the United Kingdom and Ireland). The word, bum ,can refer either to the buttocks (as in Britain or the U. S.),or
  34. A boy band, taking one of its members down to the ground and putting 'his, bum ,on the man's lips. ' The costume can be seen later in the" Without Me" music
  35. And the driver stuck his head out and yelled,'Inch got eyes in that head, ya, bum , '" * William Styron prefaced his 1951 novel Lie Down In Darkness with the
  36. The eighth round, and had said regarding his opponent," how do you train for a, bum , ", paying no attention to his opponent's won-loss record. The fight was held
  37. Homosexuals such as batty boy (alongside" batty man "; from" bottom" ) or ", bum ,boy ", age is not essential, but the connotation of immaturity can strengthen
  38. I saw it was me. Now look at me. I'm a bum . Look at me! Look at you. You're a, bum , Look at you. And look at us. Look at us. C'mon, look at us! See? A couple of
  39. Fights at the time) against him would mean he" ... wasn't just another, bum ,from the neighborhood ". On New Year's Day, the climactic boxing match begins.
  40. Mason. Plot The film begins with Gavin R. Johnson (Steve Martin),a homeless, bum , directly addressing the camera and telling his story. He is the adopted white
  41. Bend which occurs at 3:47 to 3:48,during the solo, is in fact a mistake or ", bum ,note ". " Metal Militia" " Metal Militia" is the tenth and final track on the
  42. The man, who cannot fulfill the responsibilities he has assumed. ... Billy is a, bum , but Carousel recognizes the decency of his motives and admires his
  43. Novak, who helps him flee to Luna with a bonsai maple and a would-be murdering, bum ,(" Bill" ). After escaping to the moon, Gwen obsesses over the now ancient
  44. Work with his little brother even though he considers Trinity to be a shiftless, bum ,without ambition. However, Trinity has fallen in love with two Mormon sisters
  45. Fellow intern at the Indianapolis Star, and a winter bussing tables as a ski, bum ,in Idaho. Following a trip to the then-Soviet Union, China,and Europe, he
  46. To send his portrait to a" Hall of Fame" for batting champions. " I was too, bum ,last year," he wrote. " I was a joke in that Boston-Pittsburgh Series. What
  47. Sara telling him to stay away and eventually Jim reaches the alleys and meets a, bum ,that leads Jim to Spawn's old throne after Jim said Wanda sent him. After
  48. Moral turpitude and disease ". Has described homosexuals as" AIDS Monkeys ",", bum ,bandits" and" faggots ", saying the idea of homosexuality was a" sickening
  49. With my pony. I learned a lot about the show business from him. He could do a, bum ,act with a rope that an ordinary man couldn't get away with, and make the
  50. Word for vulva in BRE but means buttocks in AME—the AME phrase fanny pack is, bum ,bag in BRE. In AME the word fag (short for faggot) is a highly offensive term

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