Examples of the the word, harmonization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harmonization ), is the 12574 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Many other fields of study. As a program, scholasticism began as an attempt at, harmonization ,on the part of medieval Christians thinkers: to harmonize the various
  2. Give effect to important judicial pronouncements, a need for simplification and, harmonization ,of trademark management systems was felt. The new Trade Marks Act,1999,which
  3. ONE contains a 2,992 numbering reference system which tracks the textual, harmonization ,process to the extant works for analysis and citation. Marcion's Gospel of
  4. To speak out in favor of harmonizing BC's sales taxes. In addition, sales tax, harmonization ,has been hailed by the C. D. Howe Institute, a neoconservative think tank, as
  5. Operations 2010' reform agenda. This included an increase in personnel,the, harmonization ,of the conditions of service of field and headquarters staff, the development
  6. Standards in the legislation of CIS countries; 2. Promotion of measures for, harmonization ,of law with the goal of developing a single legal space for Europe and CIS
  7. V is the common standard for 50 Hz systems. Standardization Following voltage, harmonization , electricity supplies within the European Union are now nominally 230 V ± 6 %
  8. Of strophic form many times in conjunction with Twelve bar blues. Theories of, harmonization ,Four-part writing Four-part chorale writing is used to teach and analyze the
  9. New regulation and process of legislative reforms aims to enrich the, harmonization ,and stability of the mining sector in mineral-rich countries. The new
  10. Whereas religion is based on tradition and the two are thus" incapable of, harmonization ,". He said that" none that go unto her may return" - in fact, he thanked God
  11. Factors influencing the growth of international trade and property law, harmonization ,and the corresponding reduction in national economic self-sufficiency. Gain
  12. Function of incoming notes, and instantaneously performs an orchestrated, harmonization ,of the melody. The software was originally designed for performance by Mustache
  13. System. However, this approach has been only somewhat more effective than the, harmonization ,approach: while states are not as concerned about having foreign traditions of
  14. Entered the text, either by accident (duplication or omission) or intention (, harmonization ,or censorship),as scribes or supervisors transmitted the original author's
  15. Was writing a decade or more after his death, by which point significant, harmonization ,between different traditions within Early Christianity had occurred.
  16. Melodic analysis and harmonic accompaniment. Based on a novel scheme of, harmonization ,devised by Mustache, the software analyzes the tonal melodic function of
  17. Dorian excluded). With either modal or non-modal writing, however,the, harmonization ,of a pentatonic melody does not necessarily have to be derived from only the
  18. By kings and prophets, but some textual scholars look elsewhere seeking a, harmonization ,of the issues. In the Book of Chronicles, Samuel is described as a Levite
  19. It is likely that Justin was quoting this harmonized text from a catechism. The, harmonization ,of Matthew and Luke is evident in the following quotations of Mt 7:22-23 and OK
  20. Text. Very few fragments of harmonies have survived. The Diatessaron was such a, harmonization , compiled by Titian around 175. It was popular for at least two centuries in
  21. Who saw them as threatening the reliability of Scripture. Various attempts at, harmonization ,have been suggested, such as that of Augustine that Judas hanged himself in the
  22. Of Macedonia builds internal legal mechanisms, instruments and capacities for, harmonization ,with the EU Acquit in this area and for making active contribution to the
  23. Changes since Revision C have been in timing and details intended to improve, harmonization ,with the CCITT standard V.24,but equipment built to the current standard will
  24. Religious awakening and theological position papers designed to facilitate a, harmonization ,of the opposing views. How widely these documents circulated is not known (and
  25. While expanding their international cooperation as resources allow. Although, harmonization ,with EU law and standards will require great efforts, already underway, the EU
  26. Call center used by British Police forces * European civil code, a proposed, harmonization ,of private law across the European Union Medicine * Excitation-contraction
  27. The notion of sustainability with the" co-evolution" Forward,1994 and, harmonization ,of cultural and biological evolution. Possible mechanisms Living systems are
  28. Transcription" of about 60,by one count),but not all, and discussions of, harmonization ,of systems of transcription that led to, among other things, adoption of the
  29. Relationships between the member states and providing for some degree of, harmonization ,between their national legislative and judicial functions, for example, the
  30. Context European polyphony rose out of climatic organum, the earliest, harmonization ,of the chant. Twelfth century composers, such as Lenin and Protein developed
  31. Music is monodic, that is to say, composed of a single melodic line with no, harmonization , The tunes and scales recall the folk songs of the British Isles, but since the
  32. Kabbalah The most important theological, as opposed to practical, motive for, harmonization ,was the Kabbalist teachings of Isaac Luria and Hakim Vital. Luria himself
  33. Equations. In 1857,Cayley introduced the matrix notation which allows for a, harmonization ,and simplification of linear maps. Around the same time, Grassmann studied the
  34. Competitiveness, through open markets, in addition to the rationalization and, harmonization ,of the legal environment * The convergence of macroeconomic policies and
  35. Raps,Watkins's low-voiced lead vocals, and Thomas's powerful vocals and, harmonization , The musical formula was augmented by the girls' brightly-colored videos and
  36. The results ended up making British Columbia the first province to overturn the, harmonization ,of provincial and federal taxes. Chile There have been four plebiscites and one
  37. And counterpoint, where he gives preference to the contrapuntal approach to, harmonization ,over the newer ideas of Rameau's theory of harmony and root progressions.
  38. Years later, one-third of the tax proceeds originated from that sector. The, harmonization ,of the tax system across Europe could, however,seriously undermine the
  39. Being the remit of national courts. There is a trend towards global, harmonization ,of patent laws, with the World Trade Organization (WTO) being particularly
  40. Situated. Thus, their tax status is not perfect as there is still no adequate, harmonization ,at European level. Winding-up, liquidation,insolvency and
  41. Standardization (CENTER) adopted the IEC-recommended binary prefixes via the, harmonization ,document HD 60027-2:2003-03. The European Union (EU) has required the use of
  42. And market access issues negatively affect the industry including the lack of, harmonization ,in standards around the world, e. g., air worthiness and environmental
  43. Impulse, said Rank in Art and Artist," originate solely in the constructive, harmonization ,of this fundamental dualism of all life" ( 1932/1989,p. xxii). On a
  44. Traditions of corporate governance imposed on their companies, which the, harmonization ,approach could well entail; they also wish to ensure that the EU-wide system
  45. Of life. The historic Christian literal interpretation of creation requires the, harmonization ,of the two creation stories, Genesis 1:1-2:3 and Genesis 2:4-25,for there to
  46. Organizations work to promote international co-operation on standardization (, harmonization ,), including publishing various EMC standards. Where possible, a standard
  47. Important to Ireland include the Common Agricultural Policy, corporation tax, harmonization ,and the EU Constitution. The Irish electorate declined to ratify the Treaty of
  48. And then market it EU-wide with no need for further tests. Total technical, harmonization ,already has been achieved in three vehicle categories (passenger cars
  49. From the opportunities offered by the internal market, worldwide technical, harmonization ,in the context of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE)
  50. And CIS countries in the area of commercial and corporate law; 3. Making the, harmonization ,of judicial practice of CIS countries compatible with Rule of Law principles

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