Examples of the the word, congenital , in a Sentence Context
The word ( congenital ), is the 12569 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The overtly supernatural, instead often relying on unique genetic traits and, congenital ,conditions. Exceptions, however,are found in the following: The Taking, which
- If she is well grown. Disease Calves suffer from few, congenital ,abnormalities but the Aka bane virus is widely distributed in temperate to
- That many are legally blind, though few of them actually cannot see. Leber's, congenital ,amaurosis can cause total blindness or severe sight loss from birth or early
- Her siblings died of a kidney disorder, Peter and Nan, and a third, Terry,of, congenital ,heart disease. In 1952,the Hall family moved to what is now Tanzania in East
- Vitamin E supplements have been found in some studies to increase mortality, congenital ,heart defects in offspring and an increased risk of stroke (see the
- Apparent over time, such as epilepsy. Congenital heart disease The incidence of, congenital ,heart disease in children with Down syndrome is up to 50 %. An atrioventricular
- Doctor of Philosophy degree for his dissertation entitled" The etiology of, congenital ,intestinal amnesia ". Barnard described the two years he spent in the US as "
- Childhood blindness can be caused by conditions related to pregnancy, such as, congenital ,rubella syndrome and retinopathy of prematurity. Abnormalities and injuries Eye
- New cases occur annually in endemic countries, and 14,400 infants are born with, congenital ,Changes disease annually. About 20,000 deaths are attributed to it each year.
- Sound breed. OCD, hip and elbow dysplasia have remained almost unknown, as were, congenital ,eye and heart diseases before the 1970s. However, in some countries modern
- Individuals as a preventative surgery for such problems. A special case is the, congenital ,amputation, a congenital disorder, where fetal limbs have been cut off by
- The one responsible for the sustenance of the species. #Said completion isn't, congenital , but left to the man. This implies, that as he completes the form of his body
- This may be an evolutionary explanation for the surprisingly high frequency of, congenital ,red–green color blindness. Background The average human retina contains two
- Autoantibody tier against human calreticulin is found in infants with complete, congenital ,heart block of both the Egg and IGM classes. Role in cancer Calreticulin (CRT
- Inhibitors taken during the first trimester have been reported to cause major, congenital ,malformations, stillbirths,and neonatal deaths. Commonly reported fetal
- To cones and therefore color blindness) Inherited color blindness can be, congenital ,(from birth),or it can commence in childhood or adulthood. Depending on the
- During the first months of life) is recommended to ensure that infants with, congenital ,hypothyroidism remain within the high end of normal range, or thyroid.
- Teratogenic pathogen which causes abortions, stillbirths,premature births and, congenital ,abnormalities, but occurs only during some years. Uses of calves Calf meat for
- Syndromal autism is associated with severe or profound mental retardation or a, congenital ,syndrome with physical symptoms, such as tuberous sclerosis. Although
- Of the heart (echocardiogram) should be done immediately in order to identify, congenital ,heart disease (this should be carried out by someone with experience in
- Parts of the colon are not present. This results in severe constipation. Other, congenital ,anomalies occurring more frequently in DS include duodenal amnesia, annular
- Such as color agnosia and cerebral achromatopsia, it typically refers to, congenital ,color vision disorders (i.e. more frequently rod monochrome and less
- Used to model blood clotting, blood vessel development, heart failure, and, congenital , heart disease. In programs of research into acute inflammation, a major
- Ears, which may include degrees of hearing loss, full deafness, malformed ears, congenital ,eye defects, reduced or absent eyes, partial or full blindness, or varying
- Observed in women living in homes sprayed with DDT. * A Japanese study of, congenital ,hypothyroidism concluded that in uteri DDT exposure may affect thyroid hormone
- Of developmental biology can foster greater progress in the treatment of, congenital ,disorders and diseases,e.g. studying human sex determination can lead to
- The particular manifestations of the condition. For instance, individuals with, congenital ,heart disease may need to undergo major corrective surgery soon after birth.
- Began number, used in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics *Bladder dystrophy,a, congenital ,urological condition *Base excess, a blood chemistry measure in human
- A displacement or apposition of an organ or other body part. Most ectopies are, congenital , but some may happen later in life. Ectopic may also refer to: Medicine
- Common causes include hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, CNS infections, trauma, congenital , CNS abnormalities, and metabolic disorders. * During late infancy and early
- Activity as seen in adrenal cancer or hyperplasia, including certain forms of, congenital ,adrenal hyperplasia. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome tend to have elevated
- Or AVM is an abnormal connection between veins and arteries, usually, congenital , This pathology is widely known because of its occurrence in the central
- A head trauma or surgical procedures. Brain abscess is usually associated with, congenital ,heart disease in young children. It may occur at any age but is most frequent
- g. Studying human sex determination can lead to treatment for disorders such as, congenital ,adrenal hyperplasia. Developmental model organisms Often used model organisms
- Are more commonly found in DS. Evaluation of the red reflex can help identify, congenital ,cataracts. Movement of the eyes should be observed to identify strabismus.
- Persist today. Priority patients UK NHS priority patients include patients with, congenital ,abnormalities (such as cleft palates and hypotonia),patients who have
- And mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (, congenital ,hypothyroidism) usually due to maternal hypothyroidism. Etymology and use of
- 18. Symptoms include motor retardation, developmental disability and numerous, congenital ,anomalies causing serious health problems. Ninety percent die in infancy;
- 20th century saw the discovery of the relationships of sporadic cretinism with, congenital ,hypothyroidism, and of endemic cretinism with hypothyroidism due to iodine
- Caffeine consumption during pregnancy does not appear to increase the risk of, congenital ,malformations, miscarriage or growth retardation even when consumed in moderate
- That they were considered incapable of sinning Sporadic cretinism due to, congenital ,hypothyroidism Congenital hypothyroidism can be endemic, genetic,or sporadic.
- Of the middle ear result in lesions in the middle and posterior cranial fossa;, congenital ,heart disease with right-to-left shunts often result in abscesses in the
- About his life and accomplishments. * Jorge Luis Borges, who suffered from a, congenital ,condition that caused him to become blind by middle age, discussed his
- The terminal stage of tuberculosis of the spine (a contemporary euphemism for, congenital ,syphilis),and that he has always been secretly in love with her. Nora tries
- Lived in Venezuela before settling in Pennsylvania in 1971. Raymond says his, congenital ,cerebral palsy motivated him to chase a future in computing; He is currently
- Conditions. Similar concerns have been raised when a prenatal diagnosis of a, congenital ,disorder leads to abortion (see also preimplantation genetic diagnosis).
- As acquired or inherited. *Inherited: There are three types of inherited or, congenital ,color vision deficiencies: monochrome, dichromacy, and anomalous trichromacy.
- Published a series of articles in medical journals describing similar cases of, congenital ,word blindness. In his 1917 book Congenital Word Blindness, Hinshelwood
- Is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated, congenital ,deficiency of thyroid hormones ( congenital hypothyroidism) usually due to
- Surgery for such problems. A special case is the congenital amputation,a, congenital ,disorder, where fetal limbs have been cut off by constrictive bands. In some
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