Examples of the the word, cryptography , in a Sentence Context
The word ( cryptography ), is the 12578 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Attack is to develop methods for solving the problem. The security of two-key, cryptography ,depends on mathematical questions in a way that single-key cryptography
- Classification of what constitutes an attack. In the mid-1970s,a new class of, cryptography ,was introduced: asymmetric cryptography . Methods for breaking these
- To record the matches (chess notation). Cryptography In the history of, cryptography , codes were once common for ensuring the confidentiality of communications
- The BRP Character Generation software has also won awards for its design. In, cryptography , a block cipher is a symmetric key cipher operating on fixed-length groups of
- VHF Tactical (30-88 MHz) and Sitcom systems combined with ECCL methods, and, cryptography , secure the communications. Data links like Link 11,16,22 and BOWMAN, JTRS and
- The analysis of arbitrary-precision arithmetic algorithms, like those used in, cryptography , A key point which is often overlooked is that published lower bounds for
- Alice, Bob and Charlie (and variants),a nomenclature convention used in, cryptography ,Other uses * ABC Fuel Club, a football (soccer) club based in Natal, Rio
- Is not required by the United States Government for unclassified uses of, cryptography , The Government of Canada also recommends the use of FIPS 140 validated
- Including single-DES (see EFF DES cracker),40-bit" export-strength ", cryptography , and the DVD Content Scrambling System. *In 2001,Wired Equivalent Privacy (
- Of the full system. Cryptanalysis of asymmetric cryptography Asymmetric, cryptography ,(or public key cryptography ) is cryptography that relies on using two keys;
- Processing and thus heralded the coming of the information age. His work on, cryptography ,was even more closely related to his later publications on communication theory
- And by limiting choice as making choices is very stressful for catatonics. In, cryptography , a cipher (or cipher) is an algorithm for performing encryption or decryption
- And other systems during World War II, it also made possible new methods of, cryptography ,orders of magnitude more complex than ever before. Taken as a whole, modern
- e. g., downloadable codebook for Preceding Computer security * Cryptology –, cryptography ,– information theory * Cracking – demon dialing – Hacking – war dialing – war
- Direct action methods such as nonviolence, counter-economics and anti-state, cryptography ,to bring about an anarchist society. About the scope of an anarchist society
- Algorithms, combinatorial algorithms, medical algorithms, machine learning, cryptography , data compression algorithms and parsing techniques. Fields tend to overlap
- Shannon said that his wartime insights into communication theory and, cryptography ,developed simultaneously and" they were so close together you couldn’t
- As a“ code ”; however, the concepts are distinct in cryptography . In classical, cryptography , ciphers were distinguished from codes. Codes operated by substituting
- Of communications, although ciphers are now used instead. See code (, cryptography ,). Secret codes intended to obscure the real messages, ranging from serious (
- Orders of magnitude more complex than ever before. Taken as a whole, modern, cryptography , has become much more impervious to cryptanalysis than the pen-and-paper systems
- Expression of methodological information at various levels of abstraction. * In, cryptography , breaking the Enigma machine was an important factor contributing to the Allied
- Cryptography Asymmetric cryptography (or public key cryptography ) is, cryptography ,that relies on using two keys; one private, and one public. Such ciphers
- Methods of attack that do not primarily target weaknesses in the actual, cryptography , such as bribery, physical coercion, burglary,keystroke logging, and social
- As a step towards breaking of the full system. Cryptanalysis of asymmetric, cryptography ,Asymmetric cryptography (or public key cryptography ) is cryptography that
- Research Shannon then joined Bell Labs to work on fire-control systems and, cryptography ,during World War II, under a contract with section D-2 (Control Systems
- Mitsuki Mathew. DES prompted a large amount of other work and publications in, cryptography ,and cryptanalysis in the open community, and it inspired many new cipher designs
- Two-key cryptography depends on mathematical questions in a way that single-key, cryptography ,generally does not, and conversely links cryptanalysis to wider mathematical
- Complex calculators through the decade. Shannon was also the founder of modern, cryptography ,with his 1949 paper Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems. Calculators *Model
- Applied in the fields of special effects and video games. Computer security and, cryptography ,Computer security is a branch of computer technology, whose objective includes
- Some cryptographic algorithms have export restrictions (see export of, cryptography ,). Etymology The word" Algorithm" or" Algorithm" in some other writing
- A declassified version of his wartime work on the mathematical theory of, cryptography , in which he proved that all theoretically unbreakable ciphers must have the
- A cumbersome codebook. Because of this, codes have fallen into disuse in modern, cryptography , and ciphers are the dominant technique. Types of cipher There are a variety of
- Cryptographic primitives have been published in the modern era of computer, cryptography ,: *The block cipher Madrigal, proposed in 1984 but not widely used, was found to
- On weakened versions. Academic weakness versus practical weakness In academic, cryptography , a weakness or a break in a scheme is usually defined quite conservatively: it
- Of asymmetric cryptography (or public key, cryptography ,) is cryptography that relies on using two keys; one private, and one public.
- As the Cray-1,were associated almost exclusively with scientific research and, cryptography ,applications. However, as multimedia has largely shifted to digital media, the
- For encryption and decryption, and * asymmetric key algorithms (Public-key, cryptography ,), where two different keys are used for encryption and decryption. In a
- With John Herschel on the subject. Babbage also achieved notable results in, cryptography , He broke Vigenère's autopay cipher as well as the much weaker cipher that is
- Encryption) and therefore deciphering (decryption) information. Modern, cryptography ,is largely related to computer science, for many encryptions and decryption
- History of cryptanalysis has coevolved together with, cryptography , and the contest can be traced through the history of cryptography —new ciphers
- And techniques of cryptanalysis have changed drastically through the history of, cryptography , adapting to increasing cryptographic complexity, ranging from the
- And boolean operations used in gaming, software security, data management, and, cryptography , Macro assemblers often allow macros to take parameters. Some assemblers
- Of different types of encryption. Algorithms used earlier in the history of, cryptography ,are substantially different from modern methods, and modern ciphers can be
- Cipher” is the same thing as a“ code ”; however, the concepts are distinct in, cryptography , In classical cryptography , ciphers were distinguished from codes. Codes
- Their fitness for a specific application. Codes are used for data compression, cryptography , error-correction and more recently also for network coding. Codes are studied
- In the mid-1970s,a new class of cryptography was introduced: asymmetric, cryptography , Methods for breaking these cyclosystems are typically radically different
- Of key used ciphers are divided into: * symmetric key algorithms (Private-key, cryptography ,), where the same key is used for encryption and decryption, and * asymmetric
- Are also used synonymously to substitution and transposition. Historically, cryptography ,was split into a dichotomy of codes and ciphers; and coding had its own
- They are viewed as two sides of the same coin: in order to create secure, cryptography , you have to design against possible cryptanalysis. Classical cryptanalysis
- In the proof of Fermat's last theorem and are also used in elliptic curve, cryptography , While much of algebraic geometry is concerned with abstract and general
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