Examples of the the word, baird , in a Sentence Context

The word ( baird ), is the 12577 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Except for Washington & Jefferson College had become extinct. Name, baird , /> That chapter sought to survive by joining another fraternity. Name
  2. In Edinburgh, and the Royal Academy in London. Alongside his portraiture, baird , experimented with a kind of Surrealist painting in Birth of Venus, painted in
  3. Lafayette College in 1876,and the University of Louisiana in 1878. Name, baird , /> By 1880,all the chapters except for Washington & Jefferson College had
  4. Joined Alpha Tau Omega. Name beard /> The remainder disbanded. Name, baird , /> Marcelo Demo liner was the defending champion, but he lost against Ricardo
  5. With" ΑΓ. " Name beard /> The fraternity eventually disbanded. Name, baird , /> The Trinity and West Virginia University chapters were disbanded because of
  6. University, Cumberland University, and the West Virginia University. Name, baird , /> The fraternity's badge consisted of a golden shield with a globe, six stars
  7. A golden shield with a globe, six stars, and a pennant with" ΑΓ. " Name, baird , /> The fraternity eventually disbanded. Name beard /> The Trinity and West
  8. Belonged to the founding chapter of Phi Gamma at Jefferson College. Name, baird , /> G-MOSAIC will develop products, methodologies and pilot services for the
  9. Southwestern Presbyterian University chapters joined Alpha Tau Omega. Name, baird , /> The remainder disbanded. Name beard /> Marcelo Demo liner was the
  10. That chapter sought to survive by joining another fraternity. Name, baird , /> In 1881,the Washington & Jefferson College chapter joined Phi Gamma Delta
  11. Chapters were disbanded because of the anti-fraternity laws. Name, baird , /> The Washington & Jefferson College and Southwestern Presbyterian University

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