Examples of the the word, acreage , in a Sentence Context
The word ( acreage ), is the 12566 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The rolled pit run that has violated the sacred ground would be dug up ad the, acreage ,regressed. That would put paid to, not only the loss of six acres, but future
- S exports in 2008. This increase has occurred despite a 15 percent decline in, acreage ,devoted to farming during the period, and water supply suffering from chronic
- Have been removed from the draft bill. The draft bill privatizes significant, acreage ,of National Forest Land by conveying it into the exclusive ownership of
- Of the Mar Vista Inn, a retirement home, died two weeks ago, but " bought ", acreage ,in the Valley only one week ago. Growers have been forced off their acreage by
- By wheat, peanuts,and corn, which combined approximately equal the county's, acreage ,in cotton. Major employers include Cooper Lighting, Georgia Southwestern State
- Such crop is Starlink. Another is cotton, which accounts for 63 % of US cotton, acreage , Some believe that similar or better pest-resistance traits can be acquired
- A new bird sanctuary, ( Congress has authorized purchase of the Illinois, acreage ,) *and covering I-70 and creating a new western entrance through an expanded
- Were closed 30 June 2004,but were re-established 1 January 2008. The following, acreage ,figures in the table include fresh water and uninhabited mountain areas.
- Interrupted the progress of Oregon's growing economy. However, the inundated, acreage ,was even smaller than in 1964—only about. In October, however,a new wall was
- Not located within James City County, in the earliest periods, CW acquired vast, acreage ,in the entire area, notably to the north and east of the Historic District.
- Production was usually about 57,000–59,000 tons annually in the 1980s,the, acreage ,harvested declined from 157,000 hectares (388,000 acres) in the early 1980s
- Roscoe Blvd) in 1869 to grow grain and run sheep. Van Nuys split this huge, acreage ,with his senior partner, Isaac Lanker shim, getting the east area (present-day
- Always that of land ownership. By 1930 Armenians owned 40 % of the raisin, acreage ,in Fresno County. They were pioneers in the melon and fig production as well.
- And established and required full-cost rates for land receiving water above the, acreage ,limit. Background John Wesley Powell, often considered the father of
- Instrumental in Jacob Brown's Purchase of one of the last remaining pieces of, acreage ,along the Nolichucky River in Tennessee when he hosted a negotiation with the
- A land grant for property known today as" Pleasant Gardens" including, acreage ,originally located from Swan's Pond (Catawba County) up the Catawba River
- Texas and New Mexico. The tremendous water use of big cities and vast irrigated, acreage ,along the river has taken a heavy toll on the river's flow; less than a fifth
- To eliminate surplus production. It accomplished this by offering landowners, acreage ,reduction contracts, by which they agreed not to grow cotton on a portion of
- Since the 1960s. The next most important cereals after these two, in terms of, acreage ,devoted to their production are rye and oats. In addition to such legumes as
- In undulating country. This advantage has resulted in increased irrigated, acreage ,and water use in some areas. The system is in use, for example, in parts of the
- Since the new 1995 forestry law went into effect has seriously reduced forest, acreage ,and wildlife habitat. The lands along the coast support all varieties of
- Eton National Park oversees the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway, acreage ,and the associated scenic highway south of Yellowstone National Park. The park
- In the nation. Agriculture and mining Texas has the most farms and the highest, acreage ,in the United States. Texas leads the nation in livestock production. According
- Has its own parish council, has a population of 5,093 and the parish has an, acreage ,of as of 1961. Cheddar Gorge is the largest gorge in the United Kingdom and
- Charles Goodnight and John George Aware, which reached into six counties, held, acreage , in Hall County. Minnie Lou Bradley, matriarch of the Bradley 3 Ranch in nearby
- To Chicago and formed the Magnolia Land Company. As he began to sell off, acreage , he realized the need for a better way for the people to come to Foley. Foley
- Then in any county (or borough) outside of Alaska. National Forests and their, acreage ,within the county are: Nez Perce National Forest 2,224,091; Clearwater National
- Alaska owns; its entitlement under the Alaska Statehood Act. A portion of that, acreage ,is occasionally ceded to organized boroughs, under the statutory provisions
- Herbicide-tolerant crops are used by farmers worldwide. Today,92 % of soybean, acreage ,in the US is planted with genetically modified herbicide-tolerant plants. With
- Make Turner one of the largest individual landowners in North America (by, acreage ,). Turner sponsors the Public forum debate of the National Forensic League. On
- And a mask but also ensure that there is nobody at 500 m around ". GM cotton, acreage ,in India continues to grow at a rapid rate, increasing from 50,000 hectares in
- Acreage in the Valley only one week ago. Growers have been forced off their, acreage ,by drought conditions and harassment by the water department, Gittes explains
- Risks of crop rotation include less overall profitability due to decreased, acreage ,of the most valuable crop. Greater investment and lower relative efficiency in
- The largest by area of the counties not divided into two or three parts. (Its, acreage ,was until 1974 1,658,288: only exceeded by the West Riding of Yorkshire. ) The
- Of rice are exported. Citrus, dates,and grapes are the main fruits by, acreage , Agricultural output in tons in 1999 included corn,9,350,000; wheat,6,347,000
- Angelo in 1907,which benefited Tennyson, Bronte,and Fort Claiborne. Cotton, acreage ,peaked in 1910,but plunged sharply during the 1920s,because of a boll weevil
- The University of Alaska, as a land grant university, also owns substantial, acreage ,which it manages independently. Another are owned by 12 regional, and scores of
- Monument in 1943. In 1950 the monument was abolished and most of the monument, acreage ,was added to Grand Teton National Park. Grand Teton National Park is named for
- For a homesteader using 19th-century animal-powered tilling and harvesting. The, acreage ,limits were reasonable when the act was written. According to Hugh Noble, much
- Eliminated the residency requirement provisions of reclamation law, raised the, acreage ,limitation on lands irrigated with water supplied by the Bureau of Reclamation
- Charles Goodnight and John George Aware, which reached into six counties, held, acreage , in Randall County. Geography According to the U. S. Census Bureau, the county
- Been estimated at anywhere from one third to as high as one half of cultivated, acreage , The Mansion House Committee in Dublin, to which hundreds of letters were
- Economy. The expansion of tillage led to an inevitable expansion of the potato, acreage ,and an expansion of peasant farmers. By 1841,there were over half a million
- Agriculture: Agriculture was a minor sector, but collectivized farms of large, acreage ,and relatively efficient mode of production enabled the country to be
- 1950s,U. S. production of the crop has been largely centered in Texas, with, acreage , fluctuating between 10,000 to 20,000 acres (40 to 80 km2) in recent years.
- Landowner in the world, with Rupert's Land having 15 % of North American, acreage , From its long time headquarters at York Factory on Hudson Bay, the company
- Lead to the use of monocultures, when one cultivar is planted on a large, acreage , Because of the low biodiversity, nutrient use is uniform and pests tend to
- Where did 33 acres go? The disappearance has to do with the conveyance of the, acreage ,of Maria Magdalena de Beltgens. Maria Magdalena de Beltgens had been granted a
- Climbed to, or almost 15 % of all BT corn grown, suggesting in some areas ample, acreage ,does not exist to support pests without resistance to mate with any resistant
- Oregon may lead the world in volume of fruit produced, Serbia has tremendous, acreage , The soft fruit is popular for use in desserts, jams,seedless jellies and
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