Examples of the the word, forearm , in a Sentence Context
The word ( forearm ), is the 12573 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- System. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers,elbows, knees, forearm , and feet. There are over eighty different recognized massage modalities. The
- Qualifies for a red tag. A patient with a traumatic amputation of the, forearm ,might just be tagged yellow, have the bleeding stopped, and then be sent to a
- Hand, the fingers are in this order: Anatomy The 5 digits are attached to the, forearm ,by a joint called the wrist (carpus). The thumb (connected to the trapezium
- Pili muscles. The muscles that move the finger joints are in the palm and, forearm , The long tendons that deliver motion from the forearm muscles may be observed
- Was not quite right. Carter walked out of the room and Snow put his hand and, forearm ,on his keyboard in frustration. Snow said," this sound was in the keyboard.
- Body, and tied with a band about the waist. The sleeves ended at the wrist or, forearm ,and the length generally was to the calves. Women also wore an undergarment of
- Are applied to the recipient's radial nerve against the periosteum of the, forearm ,bone. * visually similar to Tokyo, but with an inverted grip of the wrist
- Levi's concentration camp number,174517,from Auschwitz tattooed on his left, forearm , * In the Academy Award-winning 2003 film by Deny's Armand, ( The Barbarian
- Muscles control its movement. Second, wrist movements are weak when compared to, forearm ,or upper arm movements. Badminton biomechanics have not been the subject of
- Most of their feathers. In September 2007,researchers found quill knobs on the, forearm ,of a Velociraptor found in Mongolia. In popular culture Velociraptor are well
- With his right hand atop his head, and his left arm held out at his side, forearm ,parallel to the body. In 1877,the work debuted in Brussels and then was shown
- And its relationship to regression analysis. Correlation After examining, forearm ,and height measurements, Galton introduced the concept of correlation in 1888.
- Is either similar to the motion of turning a doorknob, that is, an absolute, forearm ,rotation, or similar to that of a snare drummer, where the wrist is the primary
- Shotgun barrels were made. Pump-action In pump-action shotguns, a sliding, forearm ,handle (the pump) works the action, extracting the spent shell and inserting
- World Cup. He played most of the tournament wearing a lightweight cast on his, forearm , He did score for England in the World Cup quarter-final against Argentina, but
- Struck the window-frame and Walker's only injury was bullet fragments to the, forearm , Marina testified to the Warren Commission that Oswald told her that he had
- A shoulder control similar to Tokyo, but with both hands gripping the, forearm , The knuckles (from the palm side) are applied to the recipient's radial
- Everything above the thoracic inlet. * Upper limb – includes the hand, wrist, forearm , elbow, arm,and shoulder. * Thorax – the region of the chest from the thoracic
- When he was a child. He never told me why, but he had a long knife scar on his, forearm ,", and claimed that his older brother was a police chief in Jinan. In 1995,he
- Are in the palm and forearm . The long tendons that deliver motion from the, forearm ,muscles may be observed to move under the skin at the wrist and on the back of
- Rowing action can put strain on knee joints, the spine and the tendons of the, forearm , and inflammation of these are the most common rowing injuries. If one rows
- An up bow to the left. A down bow is drawn by first using the upper arm, then the, forearm , then the wrist (turning slightly inward) to maintain a straight stroke. An
- Muscles). The fingers have two long flexors, located on the underside of the, forearm , They insert by tendons to the phalanges of the fingers. The deep flexor
- Technique sees huge variation between different groups both in the ratio of, forearm ,rotation to wrist turn and the differing views on how the hand works while
- Making grasping possible. The extensors are located on the back of the, forearm ,and are connected in a more complex way than the flexors to the dorsum of the
- With second degree burns on his legs, front torso, lips,left hand and right, forearm , Months later in Venice," according to Mary they learned the full extent of
- He was cutting in California. * In 2003,27-year-old Aron Alston amputated his, forearm ,using his pocketknife and breaking and tearing the two bones, after the arm got
- Protraction, shoulder adduction and internal rotation, elbow extension, forearm ,pronation, and wrist and finger flexion. The flexion
- And elevation, shoulder abduction and external rotation, elbow flexion, forearm ,supination, and wrist and finger flexion. The
- The arm to the bow happens through the pronation (inward rotation) of the, forearm , which pushes the index finger and to a lesser degree the middle finger onto
- The elbow down, it offers less opening for the body to be attacked while the, forearm ,and punch intercept space towards the head and upper body. * Strength and
- Impaired, ankle-foot orthosis, biological realistic leg prosthesis and, forearm ,prosthesis. Besides the research, humanoid robots are being developed to
- Extensors are to straighten out the digits. The thumb has two extensors in the, forearm ,; the tendons of these form the anatomical snuff box. Also, the index finger and
- The knuckles of a closed fist (including hitting with the elbow, shoulder or, forearm , as well as with open gloves, the wrist, the inside, back or side of the hand)
- Is strictly speaking a category error: the wrist is a joint, not a muscle; the, forearm ,muscles control its movement. Second, wrist movements are weak when compared to
- Expressive. It is not created by an upper arm motion; rather, it is more of, forearm ,motion. The fixed point of contact of the fingertip on the string absorbs this
- As well as from the intact wrist bones, that a nail had been driven into the, forearm ,at that position. However, much of Haas' findings have been challenged. The
- Of a red seal, sitting up on its hind flippers" grinning impudently," on his, forearm , Though no other visual details are given, a comment made by Lieutenant Colonel
- Boxer delivers a sharp, lateral,open-handed blow to the opponent's wrist or, forearm , redirecting the punch. *The Cover-Up - Covering up is the last opportunity to
- Such as the Badminton England Technique DVD reflect these ideas by emphasizing, forearm ,rotation rather than wrist movements. Distinctive characteristics of the
- Grade 1 (mild edema): Lymphedema involves the distal parts such as a, forearm ,and hand or a lower leg and foot. The difference in circumference is less than
- Descended from Sanskrit. Characteristics *A cobra uncoils from his lower right, forearm , and the crescent moon and a skull are on his crest. He dances within an arch
- That the nails were inserted just above the wrist, between the two bones of the, forearm ,(the radius and the ulna). An experiment that was the subject of a
- Also identified a scratch on the inner surface of the right radius bone of the, forearm , close to the wrist. He deduced from the form of the scratch, as well as from
- Inward) to maintain a straight stroke. An up bow is drawn by moving first the, forearm , then the upper arm, then the wrist (pushing slightly upward). The bow is
- That is, raising the elbow forward and effectively shielding the head with the, forearm , flexed biceps and shoulder. More advanced Muay Thai blocks are usually in the
- A small tattoo dating the year and a small cross. This is usually done on the, forearm , Catholic Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina used tattooing, especially of
- In Star Trek: First Contact the Borg Queen grafted artificial skin to his, forearm , Data was then able to feel pain when a Borg drone slashed at his arm, and
- At the edge of the shield, and was supported by a leather fastening (for the, forearm ,) at the center. This allowed the Hop lite soldier more mobility with the shield
- Extensors. They are called extrinsic because the muscle belly is located on the, forearm , The intrinsic muscle groups are the their and hypothenar muscles (their
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