Examples of the the word, shaped , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shaped ), is the 12571 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shape sometimes depends on m_\ell also. The single s-orbitals (\ell 0) are, shaped ,like spheres. For n 1 the sphere is" solid" ( it is most dense at the center
  2. Two layers of mats, one of rush, the other of a water plant with long sword, shaped ,leaves (iris pseudocodes, whose English names include" water-flag" ); and
  3. Sometimes called rotary wings. A wing is a flat, horizontal surface, usually, shaped , in cross-section as an airfoil. To fly, air must flow over the wing and
  4. Anthropology in the USSR, and later the Soviet Bloc countries, were highly, shaped ,by the requirement to conform to Marxist theories of social evolution.
  5. Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron. ” Under the influence of the priesthood which, shaped ,the destinies of the nation under Persian rule, a different ideal of the priest
  6. Fall of the Achaemenid dynasty. During Seleucid rule, defiant Jewish propaganda, shaped ,Aramaic Daniel. These stories probably existed as oral traditions at their
  7. A very normal life if kept indoors. Ears are pointed and large, eyes are almond, shaped ,and the head is massive with a two plane profile. Another characteristic is the
  8. Features such as large eyes, big hair and elongated limbs ... and dramatically, shaped ,speech bubbles, speed lines and onomatopoeic, exclamatory typography. " The
  9. The French company Begin introduced a series of" Asterix" potato chips, shaped ,in the forms of Roman shields, gourds,wild boar, and bones. * In the UK in
  10. Lighthouse was being constructed. It was equipped with a 1.5 ton example. It is, shaped ,like an inverted mushroom, the head becoming buried in the silt. A
  11. Instead like an anthropologist in asking why people believed it and how it, shaped ,relations between king and commoner. The book was highly influential in
  12. To oval shape, and may be highly arched or very flattened. It is generally ear, shaped , presenting two to three whorls. The last whorl (known as the body whorl) is.
  13. Large public squares, and entirely surrounded by parkland. Early Adelaide was, shaped ,by religious freedom and a commitment to political progressivism and civil
  14. Of a community determined to build a university. The University has been, shaped ,by their spirit of hard work and dedication to the principles that everyone
  15. Rhombopteryx" ( Greek for" The monster (or wonder) of Less with the diamond, shaped ,fin" ) for the apocryphal Loch Ness Monster. Shortly afterwards, several
  16. Almond blossoms, were on one branch, with a knob and a flower; and three cups, shaped ,like almond blossoms, were on the other ... on the candlestick itself were four
  17. On some occasions it might not reset but instead drag. Bruce/ Claw This claw, shaped ,anchor was designed by Peter Bruce from the Isle of Man in the 1970s. Bruce
  18. Parabolic (short feathers in a smooth parabolic curve) or shield (generally, shaped ,like half of a narrow shield) cut and is often attached at an angle, known as
  19. Without damaging the crown, so he could not melt it down into a regularly, shaped ,body in order to calculate its density. While taking a bath, he noticed that
  20. These authors sought to understand the way that individual personalities were, shaped ,by the wider cultural and social forces in which they grew up. Though such
  21. The geography and social structure of this region overwhelmed and, shaped ,the king's policies set in Paris. The Annals historians did not try to
  22. In Amsterdam School is that they are highly decorated and ornate, with oddly, shaped ,windows and doors. The old city center is the focal point of all the
  23. Balloon can glide directionally when rising or falling; but a spherically, shaped ,balloon does not have such directional control. Kites are aircraft that are
  24. Period which becomes the" point of divergence" in an alternate history, shaped ,by the player's actions. Popular examples in Sid Meier's Civilization IV
  25. Audio commentaries, and some interactive elements. The museum building is, shaped ,like a longbow similar to those used at the battle by archers under King Henry.
  26. Labor theory of value influenced the thinking of Thomas Jefferson, who in turn, shaped ,the way many nineteenth-century American homesteaders understood ownership of
  27. Is the opposite of a flying wing. In this configuration the aircraft body is, shaped ,to produce lift. If there are any wings, they are too small to provide
  28. Famous futurologist. ” People’s Daily classes him among the 50 foreigners that, shaped ,modern China. Selected awards He is the recipient of several prestigious prizes
  29. Supplied a model for the menorah which stood in the Holy Temple," Three cups, shaped ,like almond blossoms, were on one branch, with a knob and a flower; and three
  30. That sit atop the kidneys; in humans, the right supra renal gland is triangular, shaped , while the left supra renal gland is semilunar shaped . They are chiefly
  31. Composition. The composition is often abstract, but sometimes the writing is, shaped ,into an actual form such as that of an animal. One of the current masters of
  32. Created from sand, clay,and water, with some fibrous or organic material, shaped ,using frames and dried in the sun. The best-preserved examples of the stone and
  33. Not only harder composites, but also reactive armor designed to defeat, shaped ,charges. As a result of this, the main battle tank (MBT) conceived in the
  34. Abbotsford stands at the top and south-east side of a terraced slope, which was, shaped ,from the natural gravel escarpment that rises to a height of 12 meters above
  35. Project. The grille for the right-hand manual is usually larger and is often, shaped ,for decorative purposes. The right-hand manual is normally used for playing the
  36. Ira Heli-ski — Atari's chief Industrial Designer. The ST was basically wedged, shaped , featuring bold angular lines and a series of grilles cut into the rear for
  37. 1,1) rotating inversion line of NH3. The cores are not generally spherically, shaped , with aspect ratios ranging from 1.1 to 4.4. It is also found that cores with
  38. Gland is triangular shaped , while the left supra renal gland is semilunar, shaped , They are chiefly responsible for releasing hormones in response to stress
  39. And metaphysics. Aristotle's views on the physical sciences profoundly, shaped ,medieval scholarship, and their influence extended well into the Renaissance
  40. They rejected events as less important than the mental framework that, shaped ,decisions. Branded was editor of Annals from 1956 to 1968,followed by the
  41. Its physical properties, including the degree of transparency and color, or, shaped , under similar conditions out of one nugget, previously cut to the required size
  42. Blossoms, were on the other ... on the candlestick itself were four cups, shaped ,like almond blossoms, with its knobs and flowers" ( Exodus 25:33–34; 37:19–20
  43. Under them to generate lift and drag. Pythons are balloon-kite hybrids that are, shaped ,and tethered to obtain kiting deflections, and can be lighter-than-air
  44. Farm manager combined with socialist," single-tax," and Slavic communal ideas, shaped ,his world view. He proposed a form of agrarian socialism with large state farms
  45. Essentially the same pattern as an admiralty anchor, albeit with small diamond, shaped ,flukes or palms. The novelty of the design lay in the means by which it could
  46. War in the white South crystallized in the myth of the" Lost Cause ", which, shaped , regional identity and race relations for generations.
  47. Disease. The question of how Warhol's sexuality influenced his work and, shaped ,his relationship to the art world is a major subject of scholarship on the
  48. Flanking the entrance, though very original and remarkable with fantastically, shaped ,roofs with unusual pinnacles, fit in well with the use of the park as pleasure
  49. Heat to make objects such as tools, weapons,and nails. In many cultures it was, shaped ,by cold hammering into knives and arrowheads. They were often used as anvils.
  50. Eggs and flour, making them chewier than simply using water. Thick, spaghetti, shaped , noodles are pan fried with vegetables and meat. Sometimes this dish is referred

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