Examples of the the word, washer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( washer ), is the 12564 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Is also used as a solvent, and as an antifreeze in pipelines and windshield, washer ,fluid. In some wastewater treatment plants, a small amount of methanol is added
- Hand, are best used with centrifugal pumps, waterladder pumps and chain and, washer ,pumps, where the torque needed by the pump for starting is less than that
- Rooms of apartment houses. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, US domestic, washer ,production had to be suspended for the duration of World War II. However, many
- In 1767. In 1782 Henry Singer was issued a British patent for a rotating drum, washer , and in the 1790s Edward Bentham sold numerous" patent washing mills" in
- First drawing in The New Yorker ran on February 6,1932 (a sketch of a window, washer ,), and his cartoons ran regularly in the magazine from 1938,when he drew the
- Market share Top-loading The top-loading design or vertical-axis clothes, washer , most popular in Australia, New Zealand, Canada,the United States and Latin
- Exchange manifolds operating off the engine's heat, and a windshield, washer ,system that eschewed the complexity and cost of an additional electric pump and
- Addams began as a cartoonist in the New Yorker with a sketch of a window, washer ,that ran on February 6,1932. In 1946,Addams met science-fiction writer Ray
- Plum and then a black-colored polymer. The AK-74 gas tube has a spring, washer ,attached to its rear end designed to retain the gas tube more securely. The
- Made by the use of a multi-layer braze. The external seal is usually a crush, washer , but some manufacturers use the cheaper method of a taper interface and simple
- Woodworking machinery shops, rolling,flour, knitting,planing, and saw mills;, washer , nut, and bolt works; and furniture, shoe,couch, nail,fly net, bamboo novelty
- River or purchased at the Cafeteria. At the Cafeteria, laundry services (, washer ,and dryer) and showers are available for purchase. The community has a store
- Detergents based on sodium hydroxide are some of the most aggressive parts, washer ,cleaning chemicals. The sodium hydroxide based detergent include surfactants
- Day town celebration featuring a carnival, bar-b-q cook-off, horse shoe and, washer ,tournament, quilt show, poker run, and street dancing. Western Days is held
- Tuyère adapter having: i. Bustle pipe connection. ii. There clamp iii. Clamp, washer ,iv. Clamp stud c/w and fastening hardware v. Gasket vi. Normandy There Silencer
- And pulled off the market. In 2003,Maytag introduced their top-loading Neptune, washer , Instead of an agitator, the machine had two wash plates, perpendicular to each
- Of blood fell into the water, but she vanished. This blood was swallowed by a, washer ,woman, who gave birth to Chen Jingle or Lady Lineup; the hair was turned into
- Is" wash" but probably refers to the idea of a river goddess being" the, washer ," or" strongly flowing one ". Bute's derivation is also uncertain. Bot is the
- To crack a nut. Wallace's official job varies; in A Close Shave he is a window, washer , In The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Wallace runs a humane pest extermination
- Would be gone, and she would make herself useful as a cook, nurse and clothes, washer , for which Bogart praised her,“ I don’t know what we’d have done without her.
- The .44 Magnum with the addition of a gas check, which is a thin zinc or copper, washer ,or cup that is crimped over a tiny heel on the base of appropriate cast bullets
- Use of sodium hydroxide is in the production of parts washer detergents. Parts, washer ,detergents based on sodium hydroxide are some of the most aggressive parts
- Works to counteract any imbalances. What is now referred to as an automatic, washer ,was at one time referred to as a washer /extractor, which combines the features
- In Eastern Europe. A washing machine (laundry machine, clothes washer , or, washer , ) is a machine designed to wash laundry, such as clothing, towels and sheets.
- Washers. The 88 still relied on vacuum-operated windshield wipers without a, washer ,feature. 1959 Oldsmobile were offered with" Antonio Eye" ( a
- Hard work even with manufactured aids like washboards and soap to help. Clothes, washer ,technology developed as a way to reduce the drudgery of this scrubbing and
- Late-model Frigidaire dish washer s shoot a jet of water from the top of the, washer ,down into the upper wash arm, again allowing full use of the bottom rack (but
- Foretell the slaying of Cormac Condolences, as well as taking the form of a ", washer ,at the ford"—a woman washing Cormac's chariot and harness in a ford in what
- System). Manual washer s require an operator to push the rack into the, washer , close the doors, start the cycle, and then open the doors to pull out the
- Previous models, air pressure from the spare tire pressurized the windshield, washer ,canister, in lieu of an electric pump. 1972 Super Beetles had an 11 % larger
- A bad reputation due to frequent breakdowns and destruction of laundry and the, washer ,was recalled with a class-action lawsuit and pulled off the market. In 2003
- Spark plugs seal to the cylinder head with a single-use hollow or folded metal, washer ,which is crushed slightly between the flat surface of the head and that of the
- Alva J. Fisher has been incorrectly credited with the invention of the electric, washer , The US patent office shows at least one patent issued before Mr. Fisher's US
- For commercial and institutional laundries proceeded faster than domestic, washer ,design for several decades, especially in the UK. In the US there was more
- Richest people in Eastern Europe. A washing machine (laundry machine, clothes, washer , or washer ) is a machine designed to wash laundry, such as clothing, towels
- Luggage compartment) which was accordingly overinflated to accommodate the, washer ,function. While the overall appearance of the Beetle changed little over its
- Oven cleaners. A common use of sodium hydroxide is in the production of parts, washer ,detergents. Parts washer detergents based on sodium hydroxide are some of the
- The System 2000 washing machine, which is the only top loading, horizontal-axis, washer , to be manufactured in the United States. The hexagonal tub spins like a front
- And other build-ups on the dishes. This also saves energy and can allow the, washer ,to be hooked directly to the hot water supply for the house. In the US
- Based detergent include surfactants, rust inhibitors and defoamers. A parts, washer ,heat water and the detergent in a closed cabinet and then sprays the heated
- Sanitize with an additive solution that is left on the dishes as they leave the, washer ,to dry. Additional soap is periodically added to the main wash water tank, from
- For fuzzy logic. Mile, from West Germany, was the top of the line front load, washer , and was introduced in Kananaskis, Alberta by Glenn Sister starting a
- Peg ", liță < Lite" braid ", ștanță < Stance" punch ", șaibă < Scheme ", washer ,", ștangă < Stage" crossbar ", et al. * Romany, the Romanian Roma have
- Front-loading washer s, clothing should not be packed tightly into a top-loading, washer , Although wet cloth usually fits into a smaller space than dry cloth, a dense
- Course of which he walks to a petrol station to buy 12 bottles of windshield, washer ,fluid for no apparent reason, spends time driving repeatedly around a ring road
- Stopcock. JPG|A straight bore plastic stopcock sans female joint. Note its, washer ,and not system for attaching to its female joint. Image: T bore stopcock.
- Would tumble the load within it, mimicking the action of a front-loading, washer ,in a vertical axis design. In the early first decade of the 21st century, the
- Plug, just above the threads. Some spark plugs have a tapered seat that uses no, washer , The torque for installing these plugs is supposed to be lower than a
- Hand-operated, but were eventually included as a powered attachment above the, washer ,tub. The wringer would be swung over the wash tub so that extracted wash water
- Replaced with a thicker rimmed 3 spoke steering wheel with no airbag, heated, washer , jets were replaced with non-heated, vanity covers in the engine bay were
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